纺织学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (03): 13-17.doi: 10.13475/fzxb.20160402606

• 纤维材料 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2016-04-11 修回日期:2016-11-29 出版日期:2017-03-15 发布日期:2017-03-16

Fabrication and selective adsorption on Pt(Ⅳ)of calixarene electrospun fibers

  • Received:2016-04-11 Revised:2016-11-29 Online:2017-03-15 Published:2017-03-16


为选择性吸附贵金属离子,设计并合成5,17-二氨基-26,28-(1’,8’-二氧杂-4’,5’-二硫杂正辛烷基)-杯[4]芳烃单体,通过酰胺化法合成杯芳烃聚酰胺酸纺丝液,用静电纺丝法制备杯芳烃聚酰胺酸纤维,再对杯芳烃聚酰胺酸纤维进行热酰亚胺化,制备出杯芳烃聚酰亚胺纤维。采用红外光谱和扫描电镜对纤维进行表征,并研究了纤维对Pt(Ⅳ)、Ag (Ⅰ) 、Au (Ⅰ)的选择性吸附性能。结果表明,自制杯芳烃已成功引入到杯芳烃聚酰亚胺纤维中,纤维直径为(400 ± 40) nm,它仅对Pt(Ⅳ)有很强的选择性吸附作用,吸附行为符合Langmuir等温吸附模型,纤维对Pt(Ⅳ)饱和吸附量为3.1 mmol /g。选择性吸附的原因是Pt(Ⅳ)最外层电子排布为5d6,未占满,Pt(Ⅳ)可进入纤维中杯芳烃下缘r的1,8 -二氧杂-4,5 -二硫杂正辛烷基的空腔中,并接受O、S的电子,形成配位吸附。

关键词: 杯芳烃纤维, 选择性吸附, 铂离子, 等温吸附模型


In order to adsorb noble metals ions, calixarene-polyimide (calixarene-PI) fibers were fabricated by design and synthesis of 5,17-diamino-26,28-(1’,8’-dioxa-4’,5’-dithiaoctane)-calix[4]arene monomer, preparation of calixarene-polyamide acid (calixarene-PAA) spinning solution by amidation, fabrication of the calixarene-PAA fibers by electrospinning, and preparation of calixarene-PI fibers by thermal imidization on calixarene-PAA fibers. Calixarene-PI fibers were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectrography and scanning electronic microscopy, and their adsorption on Pt(Ⅳ), Ag (Ⅰ) and  Au (Ⅰ) was studied. FT-IR indicates calix[4]arene monomer is incorporated into calixarene-PI fibers is (400±40)nm. Calixarene-PI fibers display strong adsorption on Pt(Ⅳ)rather than Ag (Ⅰ) and Au (Ⅰ), which fit with the Langmuir isothermal adsorption model. The saturated amount of Pt(Ⅳ)adsorped by calixarene-PI fibers is 3.1 mmol/g. The electron distribution in the outermost of Pt(Ⅳ)is 5d6, which indicates the 5d electron layer of Pt(Ⅳ)is not fully occupied by electrons. Pt(Ⅳ)can accept electrons of O or S in 1,8-dioxa-4,5-dithiaoctane attached in calixarene-PI fibers. Therefore, the coordinative adsorption between Pt(Ⅳ)and calixarene-PI fibers can be formed.

Key words: calixarene fiber, selective adsorption, Pt(IV), isothermal adsorption model


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