纺织学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (01): 100-104.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20160401305

• 染整与化学品 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2016-04-06 修回日期:2016-08-10 出版日期:2017-01-15 发布日期:2017-01-16

Adsorption of tea polyphenols on cotton fabric and its antibacterial and deodorant properties

  • Received:2016-04-06 Revised:2016-08-10 Online:2017-01-15 Published:2017-01-16


为开发植物多酚保健功能纺织品,通过单因素分析法,探讨pH值、温度、处理时间对茶多酚在棉织物上吸尽率的影响;对棉织物进行阳离子改性,分析改性剂浓度、碱剂用量、改性温度和改性时间对吸尽率的影响;测试茶多酚整理后棉织物的抗菌消臭性能。结果表明:茶多酚对棉织物的浸渍优化工艺为茶多酚6%(o. w.f),温度40℃,时间60min,浴比1:30,应用此工艺,茶多酚对棉织物的吸尽率为14.6%;棉织物的阳离子改性优化工艺为:改性剂质量浓度25 g/L,碱剂质量浓度6 g/L,温度70°C,时间90 min,浴比1:30,茶多酚应用此改性工艺处理的棉织物的吸尽率为48.8%。经阳离子改性和茶多酚二步法处理后,棉织物的抑菌率(金黄色葡萄球菌)和消(氨)臭率分别为92.2% 和90%,再经铜后媒处理,棉织物的抑菌率(金黄色葡萄球菌)和消(氨)臭率分别达100% 和99.9%。

关键词: 茶多酚, 棉织物, 阳离子改性, 抗菌, 消臭


In order to develop the plant polyphenol gralth functional textiles, the influences of pH value, temperature, treatment time on adsorption amount of tea polyphenols on cotton fabric were discussed by the single factor analysis method. The cotton fabrics were cationised. The influences of modifier and alkaline agent dosage, modification temperature and time on adsorption amount of tea polyphenols on cotton fabric were analyzed. Antibacterial and deodorant performances of the cotton fabrics treated by tea polyphenols were tested. The results showed that adsorption rate of tea polyphenols on cotton fabric was 14.6% when the cotton fabric was impregnated in 6% (o. w. f) tea polyphenols solution at 40℃ for 60min with bath ratio 1:30. Cationic modification process of cotton fabric were as follows: modified agent concentration 25g/L, alkali concentration 6g/L, temperature 70℃, time 90min and bath ratio 1:30. The adsorption rate of tea polyphenols on the modified cotton fabric was 48.8%. The results of deodorizing and antibacterial tests indicate that the modified cotton fabric treated by tea polyphenols has 92.2% antibacterial activity agaist staphylococcus aureus and 90% deodorizing activity on ammonia. The modified cotton fabric treated with tea polyphenols followed by copper sulphate has 100% antibacterial activity on staphylococcus aureus and 99.9% deodorizing activity agaist ammonia.

Key words: tea polyphenols, cotton fabric, cationic modification, antibacterial, dedodorizing

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