纺织学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (11): 1-8.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20170404008

• 纤维材料 •    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2017-04-14 修回日期:2017-08-09 出版日期:2017-11-15 发布日期:2017-11-15

Light-stability and enhancement mechanism of polyphenylene sulfide fiber modified by graphene

  • Received:2017-04-14 Revised:2017-08-09 Online:2017-11-15 Published:2017-11-15


为提高聚苯硫醚纤维的光稳定性,采用熔融复合纺丝技术,制备了一系列聚苯硫醚石墨烯(PPS-G)纳米复合纤维。表征了氙灯老化处理前后纳米复合纤维的力学性能保持率和熔融行为,探索了石墨烯对纳米复合纤维紫外光稳定性的增强机制。结果表明:老化处理192 h后,随着石墨烯质量分数的提高,纳米复合纤维的力学性能保持率显著增加。当石墨烯质量分数为1.0 %时,纳米复合纤维的断裂强度和断裂伸长保持率分别为80.2 %和90.6 %,相比纯纤维分别提高了23.08 %和26.1 %;光老化对PPS-G-1.0纳米复合纤维熔点的影响明显减小,纯纤维的熔点下降幅度为7.1℃,而PPS-G-1.0 纳米复合纤维熔点仅下降3.0℃;石墨烯对聚苯硫醚纤维的光稳定性具有很好的增强效果。

关键词: 聚苯硫醚, 石墨烯, 光稳定性, 荧光猝灭, 光屏蔽, 自由基猝灭


In order to improve the light-stability of polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) fibers, PPS-graphene (PPS-G) nanocomposite fibers were prepared via pre-kneading/ melt-mixing and melt spinning to improve the photo-stability of PPS fibers. The mechanical property retention rate and the melting behavior of PPS-G fibers before and after xenon lamp aging treatment were characterized by monofilament strength tester and differential scanning calorimeter so as to further investigate the enhancement mechanism of graphene contents on light stability of PPS-G fibers. The results showed that the mechanical property retention rate of PPS-G composite fibers after 192h of aging treatment increased significantly with the increase of graphene contents. When the content of graphene was 1.0 wt%, the breaking strength and the elongation retention rate of treated PPS-G composite fibers were 80.2 % and 90.6 % respectively, which increased by 23.8 % and 26.1 % in comparison with that of neat PPS fibers. In addition, Tm of pure PPS fibers after treatment decreased by 7.1 ℃ while Tm of PPS-G-1.0 composite fibers after photo-aging decreased only by 3.0 ℃ , indicating that influences of photo-aging on melting point of PPS-G composite fibers reduced obviously. The results show graphene are adapted to speculate the light-stability enhancement mechanism of polyphenylene sulfide fiber.

Key words: polyphenylene sulfide, graphene, light-stability, fouorescence quenching, light screening, free radicals quenching

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