纺织学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (01): 80-87.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20180907508

• 染整与化学品 • 上一篇    下一篇


王小艳1, 杜金梅1, 彭铃淇1, 荆丽丽2, 许长海1()   

  1. 1.生态纺织教育部重点实验室(江南大学), 江苏 无锡 214122
    2.蓬莱嘉信染料化工股份有限公司, 山东 蓬莱 265600
  • 收稿日期:2018-09-28 修回日期:2019-10-21 出版日期:2020-01-15 发布日期:2020-01-14
  • 通讯作者: 许长海
  • 作者简介:王小艳(1994—),女,硕士生。主要研究方向为生态染整技术。
  • 基金资助:

Alkali reduction and one-bath-one-step process for dyeing polyester knitted fabric

WANG Xiaoyan1, DU Jinmei1, PENG Lingqi1, JING Lili2, XU Changhai1()   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles (Jiangnan University), Ministry of Education, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
    2. Penglai Jiaxin Dye Chemical Co., Ltd., Penglai, Shandong 265600, China
  • Received:2018-09-28 Revised:2019-10-21 Online:2020-01-15 Published:2020-01-14
  • Contact: XU Changhai


为解决常规涤纶织物染整加工需要碱减量、染色、还原清洗、水洗分步分浴进行所带来的耗时耗能等问题,使用耐碱分散染料,采用“碱减量和染色一浴一步法”工艺对涤纶针织物进行染整加工。分别探讨一浴一步法工艺中烧碱质量浓度、温度、时间对涤纶针织物性能的影响,得到最优工艺:处理温度为130 ℃,保温时间为50 min,烧碱质量浓度为10 g/L。结果表明:使用相同的染料、助剂及烧碱量对涤纶针织物处理,采用一浴一步法工艺得到织物的染色深度值比常规工艺处理得到的织物大,增深10%左右,若要达到相同的颜色,一浴一步法工艺可有效节省染料的用量;采用一浴一步法得到的染色涤纶针织物能达到免还原清洗的效果,染色产品色光稳定,色牢度优异。

关键词: 涤纶针织物, 耐碱分散染料, 涤纶染色, 碱减量, 一浴一步法, 染色性能


Polyester knitted fabrics are conventionally dyed with a process consisting alkali reduction, high temperature and high pressure exhaust dyeing, reduction cleaning, and washing. These steps are taking place individually, consuming more time and energy. To solve this problem in this research, polyester knitted fabrics were dyed with alkali-resistant disperse dyes under an alkali condition called one-bath-one-step exhaust dyeing and alkali reduction process. Influences of the dosage of sodium hydroxide, process temperature and duration on the properties of polyester fabrics using the one-bath-one-step process were investigated. An optimized process was obtained as follows: sodium hydroxide 10 g/L, temperature of 130 ℃ and duration of 50 min. It was found that compared with the ones obtained by conventional dyeing process, polyester fabrics treated with the one-bath-one-step process exhibited dyeing depth values 10% higher than the conventional dyeing process. This means that in order to achieve the same color, the use of one-bath-one-step process could save effectively the dosage of dyes. The dyed polyester fabrics treated with the one-bath-one-step process were stable in color and demonstrated excellent colorfastness.

Key words: polyester knitted fabric, alkali-resistance disperse dye, dyeing of polyester, alkali reduction, one-bath-one-step process, dyeing behavior


  • TS192.5









工艺 减量率/%
0.0 一浴一步法 0.00 0.00 0.00
常规工艺 0.00 0.00 0.00
2.5 一浴一步法 3.91 4.13 3.80
常规工艺 4.00 3.94 3.78
5.0 一浴一步法 8.10 8.56 8.93
常规工艺 7.90 8.00 8.50
7.5 一浴一步法 14.42 14.61 14.92
常规工艺 14.20 14.50 14.85
10.0 一浴一步法 20.36 20.10 20.23
常规工艺 20.18 20.20 20.00









温度/℃ 减量率/%
100 1.00 1.00 1.00
110 2.00 2.50 2.50
120 4.50 4.00 4.50
130 19.50 20.00 19.50





染料 减量率/% K/S值 增深
不加碱 烧碱10 g/L 不加碱 烧碱10 g/L 不加碱 烧碱10 g/L
分散大红HA-G 0.00 21.43 20.60 23.41 13.59 0.018 0.006
分散黄棕H-2R 0.00 20.96 12.08 13.43 11.15 0.015 0.009
分散蓝HA-RL 0.00 20.32 25.14 27.41 9.42 0.018 0.010
三原色的拼色 0.00 21.06 29.36 32.46 10.55 0.016 0.008



染料 耐水洗色牢度 耐摩擦色牢度
沾色 褪色 干摩擦 湿摩擦
醋酯 沾色 褪色 沾色 褪色
分散大红HA-G 5 5 4~5 4 5 4~5 5 4~5 5 4~5 5
分散黄棕H-2R 5 5 5 4~5 5 4~5 5 5 5 4~5 5
分散蓝HA-RL 4~5 5 5 4 5 4~5 5 4~5 5 4~5 4~5
三原色的拼色 4~5 5 4~5 4 5 4~5 4~5 5 5 4~5 5



染料 耐酸汗渍色牢度 耐碱汗渍色牢度
沾色 褪色 沾色 褪色
醋酯 醋酯
分散大红HA-G 5 4~5 5 4~5 4~5 4~5 4~5 5 4~5 5 5 4~5 4~5 4~5
分散黄棕H-2R 5 5 5 4~5 5 4~5 5 5 5 5 4~5 5 4~5 5
分散蓝HA-RL 5 5 5 4~5 4~5 4~5 5 5 4~5 5 5 4~5 5 4~5
三原色的拼色 5 4~5 5 5 4~5 5 4~5 5 4~5 5 5 4~5 5 4~5



染料 耐水渍色牢度 耐唾液色牢度
沾色 褪色 沾色 褪色
醋酯 醋酯
分散大红HA-G 5 4~5 5 4~5 4~5 4~5 4~5 5 4~5 5 5 4~5 4~5 4~5
分散黄棕H-2R 5 4~5 5 4~5 4~5 5 5 5 4~5 5 5 4~5 5 4~5
分散蓝HA-RL 4~5 5 5 5 5 4~5 5 4~5 5 5 4~5 5 5 5
三原色的拼色 5 4~5 5 4~5 4~5 5 5 5 4~5 5 5 4~5 5 4~5
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