纺织学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (04): 26-32.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20190404307

• 纤维材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


王邓峰, 王宗乾(), 范祥雨, 宋波, 李禹   

  1. 安徽工程大学 纺织服装学院, 安徽 芜湖 241000
  • 收稿日期:2019-04-15 修回日期:2020-01-13 出版日期:2020-04-15 发布日期:2020-04-27
  • 通讯作者: 王宗乾
  • 作者简介:王邓峰(1994—),男,硕士生。主要研究方向为天然吸附材料的开发与应用。
  • 基金资助:

Study on oil absorbency of nature hollow metaplexis japonica seed hair fibers

WANG Dengfeng, WANG Zongqian(), FAN Xiangyu, SONG Bo, LI Yu   

  1. School of Textile and Garment, Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu, Anhui 241000, China
  • Received:2019-04-15 Revised:2020-01-13 Online:2020-04-15 Published:2020-04-27
  • Contact: WANG Zongqian


为探究萝藦种毛纤维在吸油领域的应用潜力,实现纤维的高值化利用,采用光学接触角测量仪测量了水及不同油剂在萝藦种毛纤维表面的静态接触角;利用纤维成像系统对比观察了吸油前后及重复吸油后纤维的形貌变化;同时分析了其对不同油剂的静态吸油、保油及重复吸油性能,并以该纤维为过滤层初步分析其对油水混合物的分离性能。结果表明:萝藦种毛纤维具有优异亲油疏水性,与纯水的静态接触角为151.12°;因纤维间隙及中空结构的吸油储油作用,其对植物油、机油和柴油具有较高的饱和吸油倍率,分别为81.52、77.62和57.22 g/g;经 12 h 重力沥干,保油率仍可达到79.1%、75.4%和72.0%;经8次循环使用后,纤维的吸油倍率分别下降了23.4%、22.2%和20.7%;经4次过滤后,纤维对植物油的分离效率达98.0%,可初步实现油水分离。

关键词: 萝藦种毛纤维, 吸油性能, 油水分离, 中空结构, 异形纤维


This research was carried out with the purpose of exploring the application of the metaplexis japonica seed hair fibers (Mj-fibers) in oil absorption and to realize high-value utilization of the fibers. Static contact angles of different liquids on the surface of fibers were measured by a contact angle-measuring instrument. The morphological characteristics of the fibers before and after oil absorption and the morphological changes after repeated oil absorption were observed and compared using the fiber imaging system. Static oil absorbency, oil retention performance and reusability of Mj-fibers to different oil agents were analyzed, and the fibers was involved as the filter layer making use of its separation function for oil/water mixture. The results show that Mj-fibers possess excellent lipophilic and hydrophobic properties, and the static contact angle of pure water on the surface of the fiber is measured to be 151.12°. Due to the oil absorption and oil storage between the fibers and in the hollowness of the fibres, the saturated oil absorption ratios for absorbing vegetable oil, lubricant oil and diesel are found to be 81.52, 77.62 and 57.22 g/g, respectively. The oil retention rates with these types of oil still reach 79.1%, 75.4% and 72.0% after 12 h gravity leaching. After 8 cycles, the oil absorption rate for these three types of oil demonstrated decrease by 23.4%, 22.2% and 20.7% respectively. In addition, After 4 times of filtration, the separation efficiency of the Mj-fibers for vegetable oil reaches 98.0%, ensuring initial oil/water separation.

Key words: metaplexis japonica seed hair fiber, oil absorption, oil/water separation, hollow structure, profiled fiber


  • TS102.2



植物油 0.92 62.81 33.48×10-3
机油 0.84 31.36 31.22×10-3
柴油 0.83 6.50 27.76×10-3



















油水分离循环次数 油相分离效率/%
1 85.2
2 93.0
3 97.8
4 98.0
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