纺织学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (12): 130-136.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20200302607

• 服装工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


李雪1, 黄斌2, 沈雷1()   

  1. 1.江南大学 设计学院, 江苏 无锡 214122
    2.江苏雅鹿品牌运营股份有限公司, 江苏 苏州 215412
  • 收稿日期:2020-03-11 修回日期:2020-08-31 出版日期:2020-12-15 发布日期:2020-12-23
  • 通讯作者: 沈雷
  • 作者简介:李雪(1996—),女,硕士生。主要研究方向为服装设计与品牌。
  • 基金资助:

WeChat marketing strategy of clothing brands

LI Xue1, HUANG Bin2, SHEN Lei1()   

  1. 1. School of Design, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
    2. Jiangsu YALU Brand Operation Co., Ltd., Suzhou, Jiangsu 215412, China
  • Received:2020-03-11 Revised:2020-08-31 Online:2020-12-15 Published:2020-12-23
  • Contact: SHEN Lei


针对特殊时期线下销售渠道关闭导致服装品牌销售受阻的问题,采用理论研究、案例分析、归纳概括的方法,对服装品牌的微信社群、分销、直播、展示4种营销策略的营销形式、品牌案例、实战策略进行深入的剖析与探讨。最后通过分析调研案例,提炼出4种策略在品牌宣传、产品展示、成本支出、客户拓展、增强黏性、个性服务 6个层面具体的实践方式,再根据不同的实践方式逐一分析其应用时的实际情况,归纳出4种策略在6个层面的作用效果与方法差异。研究得出,线下渠道受阻时服装品牌可参照微信营销布局体系,服装企业应根据自身资源与营销目标结合布局体系制定执行计划,以达到最佳的营销效果。

关键词: 微信营销, 服装品牌, 社群, 分销, 直播, 营销策略


Closure of offline sales channels during special periods hinders the sales of clothing brands. Adopting the methods of theoretical modeling, case analysis and conclusion, a deep analyses and discussion on four marketing strategies including WeChat community, distribution, live broadcast and display under the circumstance were introduced when the offline channels for clothing brands were blocked. By comparing the characteristics and advantages of different strategies, the specific practical methods of the four strategies were summarized into six aspects, i.e., brand promotion, product display, cost expenditure, customer development, stickiness enhancement and personalized service. The actual situations of their applications were analyzed one by one according to the different practice methods, and the effect of the four strategies in the six aspects were summarized. It is concluded that the WeChat marketing layout system can be referred for marketing clothing brands when the normal outlet channels are blocked. It is advised that garment enterprises should formulate implementation plans according to their own resources and marketing objectives combined with the layout system to achieve the best marketing effect.

Key words: WeChat marketing, clothing brand, community, distribution, live broadcast, marketing strategy


  • TS941



城市 门店 2月销售目标
1 郑州 上街区亚星广场步行街店 180.40
2 南阳 卧龙区新华城市广场店 179.73
3 商丘 梁园区中环广场店 172.76
4 郑州 荥阳豪布斯卡店 143.65
5 商丘 夏邑宏佰百货店 124.58
6 周口 扶沟县凤凰台东街店 109.01











营销层面 社群营销 分销系统 直播营销 展示营销
品牌宣传 群消息 个人朋友圈 直播解说 公众号、朋友圈广告
产品展示 图文 图文 多维动态展示解说 推送、图文、视频
成本支出 人员薪酬 系统开发,佣金支出 直播场景、主播薪酬 平台推广、视觉设计
客户拓展 到店进群、客户自发传播 个体发展个体 平台广告
增强黏性 群互动 直播互动 形象吸引
个性服务 群内服务 分销个体服务 直播即问即答服务





营销策略 营销方法 营销特点
社群营销 精准营销 沟通便捷,增加黏性
分销系统 社交营销 快速裂变,不易管理
直播营销 互动营销 立体展示,较高转化
展示营销 普遍营销 形象宣传,成本较低



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