纺织学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (08): 158-165.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20200307308

• 专栏:医用防护纺织品 • 上一篇    下一篇


周惠林1,2, 杨卫民1, 李好义1()   

  1. 1.北京化工大学 机电工程学院, 北京 100029
    2.北京服装学院 时尚传播学院, 北京 100029
  • 收稿日期:2020-03-27 修回日期:2020-06-01 出版日期:2020-08-15 发布日期:2020-08-21
  • 通讯作者: 李好义
  • 作者简介:周惠林(1972—),男,博士生。主要研究方向为功能纳米材料。
  • 基金资助:

Research progress of filtering material for medical mask

ZHOU Huilin1,2, YANG Weimin1, LI Haoyi1()   

  1. 1. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China
    2. School of Fashion Communication, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing 100029, China
  • Received:2020-03-27 Revised:2020-06-01 Online:2020-08-15 Published:2020-08-21
  • Contact: LI Haoyi



关键词: 医用口罩, 非织造布, 熔喷非织造布, 过滤材料, 纳米材料


Medical mask filtering materials have problems including high respiratory resistance, short effective time of electrostatic adsorption caused by easy loss of charge in the filtering materials, and the disposable use of the filtering materials. This paper reviewed and summarized the research progress of the medical mask filtering materials. According to the history of mask development, the evolution of the meltblown superfine fiber nonwovens, nanofiber membranes, multifunctional composite nanofiltration materials and their preparation technology were analyzed. From the perspective of patent application, new materials and new technologies, the development trend of filtering materials for medical masks was discussed. It is believed that the nanoscale filtering materials, the filtration with multi-layer functional materials and safe reuse of filtering materials represent the future research and development directions for medical mask materials.

Key words: medical mask, nonwoven, meltblown nonwoven, filtering material, nano-material


  • TS176





测试标准 分类 测试流量 过滤效果
中国 YY/T 0969—2013《一次性医用口罩》 一次性医用
流量为28.3 L/min BFE≥95%
YY/T 0469—2011《医用外科口罩》 医用外科
流量为30 L/min,呼吸阻力为
8 L/min,面积为5.06 cm2
阻力要求≤49 mm H2O
GB 19083—2010《医用防护口罩技术要求》 流量为85 L/min,吸气阻力≤343.2 Pa 1级≥95%,2级≥99%,3级≥99.97%
将2 mL合成血液以10.7 kPa(80 mmHg)压力喷向口罩,口罩内侧不应出现渗透
美国 ASTM F 2100—2019《医用口罩用材料性能规格》 L级 BFE≥95%,压差<4.0 mm H2O,血透为80 mm Hg
M级 BFE≥98%,压差<5.0 mm H2O,PFE≥98%,血透为120 mm Hg
H级 BFE≥98%,压差<5.0 mm H2O,PFE≥98%,血透为160 mm Hg
欧盟 BS EN 14683—2019《医用口罩要求和试验方法》 TYPEⅠ BFE≥95%,压差<40 Pa,只给病人及易过敏的人群
TYPEⅡ BFE≥98%,压差<40 Pa
TYPEⅡR BFE≥98%,压差<60 Pa,血透为120 mm Hg;BFE流量为28.3 L/min;压差流量为
8 L/min,面积为4.9 cm2
AS 4381:2015《用于卫生保健的一次性口罩》 Level 1 BFE≥95%, PFE 无规定,合成血液穿透阻力为80 mm Hg
Level 2 BFE≥98%, PFE 无规定,合成血液穿透阻力为120 mm Hg
Level 3 BFE≥98%, PFE无规定,合成血液穿透阻力为160 mm Hg











序号 专利公开号 核心层组材料
1 CN106723514A 内装有静电网、驻极体纤维网、活性炭吸附层、吸附棉层
2 CN206482061U PP非织造布层、纳米二氧化钛涂层网、纳米银涂层网、石墨烯泡沫层和植物纤维非织造布
3 CN206586430U 纤维贴面层、海藻纤维过滤层、纳米银抗菌层、氧化石墨烯过滤层、熔喷非织造布层
4 CN206482060U 纤维面层、熔喷非织造布层、石墨烯与壳聚糖混合层和纤维面层
5 CN207202125U 防静电层、纳米活性碳纤维滤片层、纳米活性碳纤维滤片依托层和抗菌聚酯纤维抗菌层
6 CN206699465U 含碳纤维多孔膜负载二氧化钛微/纳米纤维微孔膜
7 CN206996064U 含纳米纤维素和纳米银颗粒的纳米纤维滤膜
8 CN107048538A 纳米银抗菌纤维膜、活性碳纳米纤维膜和中药抗菌纤维膜构成的滤片
9 CN106690577A 抗静电层、氧化石墨烯/二氧化硅/聚合物复合纳米层、负离子非织造布层、抗菌抑菌层
10 CN107467748A 含纳米银离子的纺织纤维层、负离子层、竹碳纤维纺织物层





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