纺织学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (01): 46-52.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20200501708

• 纺织工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


邵景峰1,2(), 李宁1, 蔡再生2   

  1. 1.西安工程大学 管理学院, 陕西 西安 710048
    2.东华大学化学化工与生物工程学院, 上海 201620
  • 收稿日期:2020-05-07 修回日期:2020-09-21 出版日期:2021-01-15 发布日期:2021-01-21
  • 作者简介:邵景峰(1980—),男,教授,博士。研究方向为智能信息处理。E-mail: shaojingfeng1980@aliyun.com
  • 基金资助:

Parameters optimization on polyester drawn textured yarn based on fuzzy multi-criteria

SHAO Jingfeng1,2(), LI Ning1, CAI Zaisheng2   

  1. 1. School of Management, Xi'an Polytechnic University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710048, China
    2. College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2020-05-07 Revised:2020-09-21 Online:2021-01-15 Published:2021-01-21


为解决涤纶低弹丝生产工艺参数间存在强耦合的问题,首先分析了涤纶低弹丝生产过程中的碳排放信息,对工艺参数之间的强耦合关系进行解析,设计了基于信噪比的工艺参数关系正交试验方案。然后在数据预处理的基础上,构建基于模糊多准则的工艺参数优化方法,并对工艺参数组合权重、利益比率进行试验验证。结果表明:当工艺参数优化组合为:油轮转速0.7 r/min,加工速度600 m/min,牵伸比1.55,油尺高度180 mm,第一热箱温度195 ℃,第二热箱温度150 ℃时,涤纶低弹丝的平均断裂强度提高15.84%,平均断裂伸长率提高4.04%,碳排放量降低4.58%,说明基于模糊多准则的工艺参数优化方法有利于解决工艺参数强耦合的问题。

关键词: 参数优化, 涤纶低弹丝, 模糊多准则, 碳排放量, 信噪比


The research reported in this paper aims to solve the problem of strong coupling among parameters in production of polyester drawn textured yarns.In parallel to the analysis of carbon emission in the production process of polyester drawn textured yarns, the strong coupling relationship among the process parameters was analyzed, leading to the selection of orthogonal test scheme based on the signal-to-noise ratio principle. On the basis of data preprocessing, the optimization method of process parameters based on fuzzy multi-criteria was constructed, and the combination weight and benefit ratio of process parameters were determined. The experimental results show that when the speed of oil tanker is 0.7 r/min, the processing speed is 600 m/min, the draft ratio is 1.55, the oil dipstick height is 180 mm, the temperature of the first hot box is 195 ℃and the temperature of the second hot box is 150 ℃,the average breaking strength of polyester drawn textured yarn is increased by 15.84%, the average elongation at break is increased by 4.04%, and the carbon emission is reduced by 4.58%, which fully show that the process parameter optimization method based on fuzzy multi-criteria workson the problem of strong coupling of process parameters.

Key words: parameter optimization, polyester drawn textured yarn, fuzzy multi-criteria, carbon emission, signaltonoise ratio


  • TQ340.69





T1/℃ T2/℃ DTY
1.50 200 175 145 87.8 3.72 22.0 2.8
1.50 215 185 150 88.4 3.75 21.8 3.2
1.55 220 195 165 88.8 3.62 22.0 2.7
1.60 220 195 165 87.8 3.70 20.7 3.0
1.55 180 195 155 86.9 3.72 23.0 3.1
1.55 240 205 160 86.2 3.71 19.7 3.2
1.65 240 215 165 86.9 3.75 22.4 2.6
1.50 190 195 155 87.1 3.68 20.5 3.5
1.50 200 185 150 87.7 3.69 22.0 3.0
1.55 220 195 155 90.3 3.73 23.2 2.9



含油率/% 线密度/dtex 断裂强度/(cN·dtex-1)
2.2 87 3.72
6.5 90 3.68



线密度 油轮转速/(r·min-1) DTY含油率/%
83 dtex(72 f) 0.5 1.9
83 dtex(36 f) 0.6 2.2
111 dtex(36 f) 0.7 2.0
150 dtex(36 f) 0.8 2.9



水平 Vo/
R Ho/mm T1/℃ T2/℃
1 0.4 500 1.50 180 175 145
2 0.5 550 1.55 200 185 150
3 0.6 600 1.60 220 195 155
4 0.7 650 1.65 240 205 160
5 0.8 700 1.70 260 215 165



Ce Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5
1 -45.61 10.94 28.39 17.02 10.28 38.15
2 -45.68 10.85 28.33 17.48 10.03 38.18
3 -45.75 10.68 28.00 17.62 9.72 38.18
4 -45.82 10.32 27.36 16.92 9.82 38.12
5 -45.89 9.86 27.08 16.72 9.87 38.10
6 -45.82 10.63 28.22 18.93 9.14 38.30
7 -45.89 11.38 28.88 17.60 7.67 38.21
8 -45.71 11.07 27.16 15.39 11.85 38.02
9 -45.78 10.42 26.59 16.64 10.73 38.16
10 -45.86 10.39 27.85 19.12 9.72 38.32



序号 Ce Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5
1 -0.201 136 0.202 888 0.205 114 0.193 077 0.205 474 0.199 757
2 -0.200 817 0.201 262 0.204 691 0.198 250 0.200 390 0.199 927
3 -0.200 506 0.198 017 0.202 306 0.199 900 0.194 237 0.199 932
4 -0.200 202 0.191 276 0.197 680 0.191 901 0.196 339 0.199 637
5 -0.199 898 0.182 906 0.195 611 0.189 691 0.197 177 0.199 502
6 -0.200 220 0.197 059 0.203 908 0.214 667 0.182 724 0.200 534
7 -0.199 908 0.211 088 0.208 668 0.199 626 0.153 273 0.200 060
8 -0.200 699 0.205 326 0.196 221 0.174 520 0.236 877 0.199 112
9 -0.200 396 0.193 158 0.192 108 0.188 717 0.214 356 0.199 809
10 -0.199 522 0.201 156 0.192 255 0.180 354 0.211 746 0.199 277



DTY指标 Ce Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5
组合权重 0.148 873 0.164 383 0.140 798 0.130 941 0.282 876 0.132 130



试验序号 Si Wi Qi
1 0.502 541 0.148 873 0.380 203
2 0.484 318 0.125 979 0.287 203
3 0.517 337 0.144 272 0.386 116
4 0.608 795 0.137 162 0.486 681
5 0.665 814 0.164 383 0.644 377
6 0.446 360 0.183 227 0.408 422
7 0.474 648 0.282 876 0.745 196
8 0.520 743 0.132 130 0.354 215
9 0.594 027 0.140 798 0.477 908
10 0.426 197 0.143 956 0.263 687



因素 工艺参数水平
1 2 3 4 5 极差
V0 0.436 916 0.449 886 0.344 919 0.256 996 0.295 671 0.192 890
V1 0.332 804 0.378 599 0.302 849 0.436 516 0.333 619 0.133 668
R 0.308 505 0.285 003 0.377 018 0.388 915 0.424 946 0.139 943
H0 0.304 402 0.337 402 0.448 869 0.376 356 0.317 359 0.144 467
T1 0.365 217 0.319 292 0.277 598 0.291 302 0.530 978 0.253 380
T2 0.416 746 0.314 377 0.327 254 0.341 064 0.384 946 0.102 369





类别 Vo /
R H0/
优化前 0.4 700 1.70 220 205 160
优化后 0.7 600 1.55 180 195 150



类别 断裂强度/
优化前 3.24 25.46 7.39 3.28 80.90
优化后 3.75 26.49 8.54 3.01 81.90
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