纺织学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (06): 79-85.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210601807

• 纺织工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘雪艳1,2, 蒋高明1,2()   

  1. 1.江南大学 纺织科学与工程学院, 江苏 无锡 214122
    2.江南大学 针织技术教育部工程研究中心, 江苏 无锡 214122
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-07 修回日期:2022-01-11 出版日期:2022-06-15 发布日期:2022-07-15
  • 通讯作者: 蒋高明
  • 作者简介:刘雪艳(1996—),女,硕士生。主要研究方向为新型针织工艺。
  • 基金资助:

Size prediction of knitted sports pressure socks based on ABAQUS

LIU Xueyan1,2, JIANG Gaoming1,2()   

  1. 1. College of Textile and Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
    2. Engineering Research Center for Knitting Technology, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
  • Received:2021-06-07 Revised:2022-01-11 Published:2022-06-15 Online:2022-07-15
  • Contact: JIANG Gaoming


为更好地发挥运动压力袜的作用,实现精准施压,使用三维人体扫描仪对人体小腿形态进行扫描,截取脚踝、跟腱与小腿肌转换处、小腿周长最大处以及胫骨初隆处截面曲线;同时运用有限元软件ABAQUS分别建立此 4处截面模型,按照标准值施压,模拟穿着运动压力袜小腿截面的受压状态;分析腿部各截面压力与位移的关系;最后利用运动压力袜编织尺寸的预测模型,设计编织实验样品,进行压力测试分析。结果表明:穿着运动压力袜时,左、右小腿各截面受压状态具有较大差异,但各截面所受压力与产生的位移均呈现一次函数关系;运动压力袜编织尺寸与其压力以及人体腿部截面周长之间,符合二元一次方程关系式;实验样品的压力测试值与标准值的误差均低于5%,证明了此预测模型的有效性。

关键词: 压力测试, 三维人体扫描, 运动压力袜, 有限元模拟, 编织尺寸


In order to improve the functionality of sports pressure socks to achieve accurate pressure, a 3-D human body scanner was used to scan the shape of human legs, and the cross-section curves of the ankle, the transition between Achilles tendon and calf muscle, the maximum circumference of the leg and the tibial protuberance were measured. In parallel, finite element software ABAQUS was used to establish the four-section models respectively. According to the standard pressure value, the compression state of the leg section with sports pressure sock was simulated, and the relationship between the pressure and the displacement of each section of the leg was analyzed. Using the size prediction model of the knitted sport pressure socks, the sock test sample was designed, and the pressure test results were measured and compared with the standard pressure. The results show that when wearing sports pressure socks, the compression state of each section of the left and right leg varies greatly, and the pressure on each cross section is related to the displacement. The relationship between the size of the sport pressure socks and its pressure and the circumference of the leg section is linear. The error between the pressure test value and the standard value of the experimental sample is less than 5%, which proves the validity of the prediction model.

Key words: pressure test, 3-D human body scanning, sports pressure sock, finite element simulation, knitting size


  • TS186









试样编号 周长 试样编号 周长
L1B 195.63 R1B 198.36
L2B 198.39 R2B 199.73
L3B 193.98 R3B 194.45
L4B 207.69 R4B 207.68
L5B 209.35 R5B 211.12
L1B' 314.61 R1B' 303.89
L2B' 314.57 R2B' 312.46
L3B' 309.82 R3B' 304.13
L4B' 330.55 R4B' 328.92
L5B' 325.55 R5B' 335.29
L1C 319.87 R1C 349.73
L2C 318.61 R2C 349.71
L3C 316.65 R3C 325.78
L4C 325.86 R4C 328.03
L5C 325.78 R5C 302.30
L1D 317.03 R1D 312.53
L2D 316.00 R2D 315.85
L3D 314.15 R3D 315.66
L4D 348.34 R4D 345.61
L5D 344.62 R5D 353.07






腿部截面曲线在各载荷下的位移变化 注:l1~l5,R1~R5分别为5组测试的左、右腿化位移。"







L1B W1∶2 417 68 62
L1B' W1∶1 500 82 80
L1C S1∶1 850 104 103
L1D S1∶1 870 103 101
L2B W1∶2 408 63 61
L2B' W1∶2 496 88 85
L2C W1∶2 851 105 102
L2D S1∶1 864 100 99
L3B W2∶2 376 66 64
L3B' S1∶1 452 87 84
L3C S1∶1 806 100 97
L3D S2∶2 730 105 93
L4B W1∶2 390 62 60
L4B' W1∶2 448 88 85
L4C W1∶2 861 106 102
L4D S1∶2 885 102 101
L5B S1∶3 345 65 63
L5B' W1∶2 416 89 86
L5C S1∶1 758 97 94
L5D S1∶1 768 94 92
R1B W1∶2 436 78 64
R1B' S1∶3 521 82 80
R1C S1∶1 960 100 108
R1D S1∶1 920 99 104
R2B W1∶2 417 67 63
R2B' W1∶1 489 83 81
R2C W1∶2 860 104 103
R2D S1∶1 880 102 100
R3B W2∶2 404 69 66
R3B' W1∶3 513 90 87
R3C S1∶1 822 100 98
R3D S2∶2 830 98 95
R4B W1∶2 418 65 62
R4B' S1∶2 529 88 85
R4C W1∶2 852 105 101
R4D S1∶2 865 102 99
R5B S1∶3 387 67 66
R5B' W1∶2 476 90 89
R5C S1∶1 774 98 95
R5D S1∶1 800 97 95



试样编号 标准值/kPa 测试值/kPa 误差/%
L1B 2.00~2.66 2.74 3.05
L1B' 1.80~2.40 2.41 0.50
L1C 1.50~2.00 1.64 0.00
L1D 1.00~1.33 1.21 0.00
L2B 2.00~2.66 2.70 1.50
L2B' 1.80~2.40 2.50 4.61
L2C 1.50~2.00 2.06 3.13
L2D 1.00~1.33 1.34 0.50
L3B 2.00~2.66 2.67 0.40
L3B' 1.80~2.40 2.37 0.00
L3C 1.50~2.00 0.23 5.00
L3D 1.00~1.33 1.37 2.70
L4B 2.00~2.66 2.62 0.00
L4B' 1.80~2.40 2.32 0.00
L4C 1.50~2.00 2.01 0.67
L4D 1.00~1.33 1.25 0.00
L5B 2.00~2.66 2.54 0.00
L5B' 1.80~2.40 2.26 0.00
L5C 1.50~2.00 2.09 5.00
L5D 1.00~1.33 1.32 0.00
R1B 2.00~2.66 2.74 2.95
R1B' 1.80~2.40 2.38 0.00
R1C 1.50~2.00 1.95 0.00
R1D 1.00~1.33 1.21 0.00
R2B 2.00~2.66 2.65 0.00
R2B' 1.80~2.40 2.40 0.16
R2C 1.50~2.00 1.91 0.00
R2D 1.00~1.33 1.36 2.40
R3B 2.00~2.66 2.69 1.10
R3B' 1.80~2.40 2.49 4.06
R3C 1.50~2.00 2.08 4.33
R3D 1.00~1.33 1.15 0.00
R4B 2.00~2.66 2.70 1.55
R4B' 1.80~2.40 2.41 0.50
R4C 1.50~2.00 2.01 0.93
R4D 1.00~1.33 1.27 0.00
R5B 2.00~2.66 2.64 0.00
R5B' 1.80~2.40 2.33 0.00
R5C 1.50~2.00 1.79 0.00
R5D 1.00~1.33 1.25 0.00
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