纺织学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (01): 153-160.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210904808

• 染整与化学品 • 上一篇    下一篇


韩之欣1,2, 吴伟1,2, 王健3, 徐红1,2,4, 毛志平1,2,4,5()   

  1. 1.东华大学 生态纺织教育部重点实验室, 上海 201620
    2.东华大学 化学化工与生物工程学院, 上海 201620
    3.青岛即发集团股份有限公司, 山东 青岛 266000
    4.东华大学 纺织科技创新中心, 上海 201620
    5.东华大学 国家染整工程技术研究中心, 上海 201620
  • 收稿日期:2021-09-13 修回日期:2021-10-13 出版日期:2022-01-15 发布日期:2022-01-28
  • 通讯作者: 毛志平
  • 作者简介:韩之欣(1997—),女,硕士生。主要研究方向为超临界二氧化碳流体染色理论。
  • 基金资助:

Study on solubility of disperse dyes in supercritical carbon dioxide fluid

HAN Zhixin1,2, WU Wei1,2, WANG Jian3, XU Hong1,2,4, MAO Zhiping1,2,4,5()   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
    2. College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
    3. Qingdao Jifa Group Co., Ltd., Qingdao, Shandong 266000, China
    4. Innovation Center for Textile Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
    5. National Engineering Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2021-09-13 Revised:2021-10-13 Published:2022-01-15 Online:2022-01-28
  • Contact: MAO Zhiping



关键词: 分散染料, 超临界二氧化碳流体染色, 状态方程, 溶解性, 分子动力学模拟


To better screen disperse dyes suitable for supercritical carbon dioxide (ScCO2) fluid dyeing, a prediction method for assessing disperse dye solubility in supercritical CO2 fluid was established based on the use of state equation method, the group contribution method and computational chemistry method, achieving different conditions and different dye structures of disperse dye solubility in supercritical CO2 fluid. The results show that different working conditions affect the solubility of Disperse Blue 79 dyes, and lower temperature and higher pressure are more favorable to the dissolution process. From the perspective of molecular structure, the solubility of anthraquinone disperse dyes in supercritical CO2 fluid is lower than that of azo dyes because the anthraquinone dyes have better molecular flatness and are conducive to π-π stacking. The solubility of disperse dyes can be effectively improved by decreasing the interaction between molecules within dyes or increasing the interaction between dyes and ScCO2 fluid. It was concluded that introducing alkyl groups or groups containing C=O into the molecular structure of dye can improve the solubility of dye in ScCO2 fluid.

Key words: disperse dye, supercritical carbon dioxide fluid staining, equation of state, solubility, molecular dynamics simulation


  • O647.9



363.15 K 373.15 K 383.15 K 393.15 K 403.15 K
1 332.44 1.073 57 1 052.2 0.721 7 417.2 6.544 6×10-16 2.690 3×10-15 1.019 4×10-14 3.583 1×10-14 1.175 2×10-13



温度/K 压力/MPa 溶解度/(mol·mol-1)
模拟计算值 文献报道值
363.15 16 1.63×10-7 1.34×10-7
20 1.08×10-6 7.88×10-7
24 2.33×10-6 3.72×10-6
28 2.38×10-5
373.15 16 1.73×10-7
20 1.17×10-6
24 1.51×10-6
28 6.69×10-6
383.15 16 1.74×10-7
20 2.44×10-7
24 3.95×10-6
28 3.09×10-6
393.15 16 1.39×10-7 1.47×10-7
20 5.66×10-7 6.51×10-7
24 3.47×10-6 2.98×10-6
28 5.08×10-6
403.15 16 1.50×10-7
20 1.35×10-6
24 1.02×10-6
28 1.08×10-5



溶剂化自由能 升华自由能 溶解自由能
363.15 16 -61.753 9 63.846 8 2.092 926
20 -66.605 3 -2.758 48
24 -67.710 3 -3.863 54
28 -73.340 3 -9.489 33
373.15 16 -59.171 2 61.222 27 2.051 067
20 -64.290 5 -3.068 23
24 -63.955 6 -2.733 36
28 -67.229 0 -6.010 88
383.15 16 -56.488 1 58.618 67 2.130 599
20 -56.781 1 1.833 403
24 -64.579 3 -5.960 65
28 -62.515 7 -3.897 03
393.15 16 -53.114 3 56.040 18 2.925 91
20 -56.931 8 -0.891 59
24 -61.816 7 -5.780 66
28 -61.833 4 -5.793 22
403.15 16 -50.757 6 53.482 63 2.724 99
20 -57.342 0 -3.859 36
24 -55.487 7 -2.005 02
28 -62.109 7 -8.627 04



分散染料 临界温
偏心因子 饱和蒸
分散蓝60 1 059.5 2.368 860.5 1.701 2 3.82×10-15 253.70 -47.722 9 1.04×10-9 64.964 42 17.241 520
分散蓝134 939.9 1.914 748.6 1.257 0 2.90×10-10 264.80 -32.151 5 8.20×10-7 27.304 31 -4.847 220
分散绿6:1 1 070.1 1.682 867.1 1.369 9 1.65×10-13 323.70 -41.151 1 1.05×10-8 52.339 89 11.188 780
分散紫28 964.0 3.295 745.3 1.309 3 5.67×10-11 187.50 -34.118 9 1.66×10-7 32.775 22 -1.343 660
分散红60 985.3 3.006 768.2 1.340 5 1.49×10-11 230.40 -37.115 9 1.45×10-7 37.258 27 0.142 319
分散红165 108 7.4 1.534 884.9 1.346 8 9.54×10-14 363.10 -39.573 0 4.99×10-9 54.181 67 14.608 620
分散红302 1 003.7 2.368 812.8 1.657 3 1.61×10-13 259.60 -44.022 6 1.51×10-8 52.436 17 8.413 562
分散蓝79 1 332.4 1.074 1 052.2 0.721 7 1.18×10-13 417.20 -55.487 7 1.05×10-6 53.482 63 -2.005 020
分散蓝183 1 121.0 1.389 915.6 1.308 5 3.12×10-14 331.60 -59.305 1 4.70×10-7 57.932 19 -1.377 150
分散蓝284 1 112.2 1.450 908.3 1.344 9 2.85×1 0-14 316.30 -61.737 1 7.94×10-7 58.233 57 -3.503 560
分散橙30 1 083.8 1.288 884.5 1.227 8 5.74×10-13 325.10 -53.273 3 1.36×10-6 48.166 6 -5.106 740
分散红167 1 157.9 1.091 939.2 1.006 3 5.59×10-13 387.10 -50.849 7 1.01×10-6 48.254 5 -2.595 230
分散黄163 1 097.3 1.352 894.5 1.257 3 2.03×10-13 303.00 -48.225 2 9.14×10-8 51.649 23 3.424 027



染料种类 对自由能的贡献/(kJ·mol-1) 溶剂化自由能/
库仑 范德华
蒽醌类 B60 -11.416 2 -36.305 3 -47.721 5
P28 -7.209 4 -26.909 4 -34.117 5
G6:1 -2.228 3 -38.921 4 -41.149 7
R302 -9.434 9 -34.586 3 -44.021 2
B134 -4.025 4 -28.126 1 -32.151 5
R165 -0.840 0 -38.733 1 -39.573 0
R60 -6.511 8 -30.605 6 -37.115 9
偶氮类 B79 -10.378 5 -45.109 2 -55.487 7
O30 -15.164 7 -38.107 2 -53.273 3
Y163 -16.479 7 -31.746 9 -48.226 6
R167 -11.253 9 -39.593 8 -50.849 7
B183 -28.542 5 -30.762 6 -59.305 1
B284 -20.940 4 -40.796 7 -61.737 1
B354 -10.372 5 -38.466 6 -48.841 9




分散染料周围CO2分子的空间分布函数 注:空间分布函数等值面值:灰色0.0015,蓝色0.0020,黄色0.0025。"


分散蓝79和分散绿6:1染料晶体中2个染料分子之间相互作用的约化密度梯度 RDG等值面值:分散蓝79为0.7,分散绿6:1为0.6;a和b表示模拟的不同视角。"



染料名称 上染率/%
分散蓝60 58.8
分散蓝79 100.0
分散橙30 100.0
分散黄163 31.0
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