纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (05): 193-201.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230102201

• 机械与设备 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨金鹏, 景军锋(), 李吉国, 王渊博   

  1. 西安工程大学 电子信息学院, 陕西 西安 710048
  • 收稿日期:2023-01-11 修回日期:2023-09-03 出版日期:2024-05-15 发布日期:2024-05-31
  • 通讯作者: 景军锋(1978—),男,教授,博士。主要研究方向为机器视觉与图像处理。E-mail:413066458@qq.com。
  • 作者简介:杨金鹏(2000—),男,硕士生。主要研究方向为工业图像异常检测。
  • 基金资助:

Design of defect detection system for glass fiber plied yarn based on machine vision

YANG Jinpeng, JING Junfeng(), LI Jiguo, WANG Yuanbo   

  1. School of Electronics and Information, Xi'an Polytechnic University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710048, China
  • Received:2023-01-11 Revised:2023-09-03 Published:2024-05-15 Online:2024-05-31


为解决玻璃纤维合股纱制造过程中人工检测效率低和漏检率高的问题,提出一种基于机器视觉的合股纱缺陷检测方法。本文方法结合了传统算法和深度学习算法,使用传统算法对图像进行阈值分割、开运算和轮廓提取来进行预处理,然后通过计算轮廓的矩形度和高度是否在正常范围内,对图像做初步判断;采用YOLOv5深度学习算法,并使用TensorRT框架优化加速,对图像进行二次判断和缺陷定位。以合股纱缺陷检测方法为核心设计了合股纱缺陷检测系统,以Jetson Nano B01作为硬件平台,使用工业相机实时采集合股纱图像,并用继电器控制络纱机和报警灯电路的通断;软件部分包含参数设置和日志查看功能,便于在实际生产过程中调整图像清晰度以及管理检测日志。实验结果表明,本文系统的检测准确率为99.07%,相机采集和检测处理的速度满足实时检测的需求,能够有效地提高检测效率,实现合股纱缺陷的自动化检测。

关键词: 机器视觉, 玻璃纤维合股纱, 合股纱缺陷检测系统, 图像处理技术, 自动化检测


Objective It is important that tension abnormalities and yarn hairiness can be detected accurately and efficiently during the production of glass fiber plied yarns as a type of raw material for electronic fabric production. Manual inspection has disadvantages such as low efficiency, high leakage rate and long lag time. Therefore, a machine vision-based method for detecting defects in plied yarns is proposed to meet the need for accurate detection of defects in real time during plied yarn production.

Method The conventional algorithm pre-processes the image with threshold segmentation, open operation and contour extraction, and makes a preliminary judgement on the image by calculating whether the limits and heights of the contours are within the normal range, while the deep learning algorithm uses YOLOv5 and is optimized and accelerated using the TensorRT framework to make a secondary judgement on the image and locate defects. The proposed system used a Jetson Nano B01 as the hardware platform, an industrial camera to capture images of the plied yarn in real time, and a relay to control the winder and alarm light circuit.

Results In this research, the image size of the training data set was 1 280 pixel×288 pixel, and the types of defects were divided into two categories, namely uneven tension and hairiness, according to the actual requirements. The proportion of samples used in the training set, validation set and test set were 70%, 15% and 15%, respectively. The training was conducted using YOLOv5 weights, with a batch size of 32 samples, where the image size was adjusted to 640 pixel×640 pixel, and the number of processes set to 2, for a total of 300 iterations. Training and testing were conducted on a deep learning server with a primary configuration of an Intel Core(TM) i9-10900X CPU 3.70 GHz, a 24 GB GPU GeForce RTX 3090 graphics card, and 128 GB of running memory. The test results showed that pre-processing using the conventional algorithm had the advantage of higher speed and low loss, detecting much faster than using the deep learning network alone, significantly reducing the amount of network computation and increasing the detection efficiency of the system. The use of deep learning algorithms for secondary determination had the advantage of high accuracy and defect localization, effectively avoiding false detection caused by using traditional algorithms alone and improving detection accuracy and production efficiency. In the production of plied yarns, considering the extremely high production speed and the need for product quality, the accuracy of detection, the miss detection rate and the detection processing time were used as indicators, and plied yarn samples that were normal and free of defects as well as those containing tension irregularities and hairiness were selected for testing. The experimental results showed that the system achieved 99.07% detection accuracy and 1.4% leakage rate. The camera acquisition yarn processed one frame at an average of 0.007 s, the algorithm detection yarn processed one frame at an average of 0.005 6 s and the subsequent processing yarn processed one frame at an average of 0.004 9 s. The camera acquisition and detection processing speed was above 112 frames per second, which meets the actual production inspection needs and effectively improves the inspection efficiency and facilitates the automatic detection of plied yarn defects.

Conclusion The system is based on the Jetson Nano B01 as the hardware processing platform, and uses a combination of conventional algorithms and deep learning algorithms for detection. The system takes the advantages of fast processing speed of conventional algorithms for image pre-processing and preliminary judgement, and using the advantages of high accuracy of deep learning algorithms for secondary judgement when the conventional algorithms think there is a defect. It overcomes the shortcomings of the conventional algorithm's poor defect location ability and the deep learning algorithm's slow detection speed, while ensuring detection speed and accuracy. The Tkinter human-machine interface and the logging module provide the necessary functions for industrial sites. The system meets the need for real-time defect detection during the production of plied yarns, improving production efficiency and product quality.

Key words: machine vision, glass fiber plied yarn, yarn defect detection system, development board, automated detection


  • TP391.4











参数名称 参数含义 允许范围
曝光时间/μs 快门打开到关闭的时间间隔 9~9 999 640
相机增益/dB 模拟信号的放大倍数 0~16.3
相机帧率/(帧·s-1) 单位时间内采集的图片数量 0.1~300.5
图像宽度/像素 采集图像的宽度 32~1 280
图像高度/像素 采集图像的高度 32~1 024
相机心跳/ms 监测相机是否连接的时间间隔 500~600 000





参数名称 参数值
训练权重 YOLOv5s
批样本大小/个 32
图片尺寸 640×640
进程数/个 2
训练轮数 300













纱线种类 错分数量/个 正确数量/个 总数/个 准确率/% 缺陷纱线
采集帧率/(帧·s-1) 检测帧率/(帧·s-1) 处理帧率/(帧·s-1)
正常合股纱 0 500 500 99.07 1.4 142 178 204
张力不均 8 492 500
毛羽 6 494 500
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