纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (05): 209-217.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230505401

• 机械与设备 • 上一篇    下一篇


马梓鸿, 陈慧敏, 丁孟孟, 岳晓丽()   

  1. 东华大学 机械工程学院, 上海 201620
  • 收稿日期:2023-05-19 修回日期:2024-02-05 出版日期:2024-05-15 发布日期:2024-05-31
  • 通讯作者: 岳晓丽(1968—),女,教授,博士。研究方向为新型纺织机械与光机电一体化技术。E-mail: xlyue@dhu.edu.cn。
  • 作者简介:马梓鸿(1998—),男,硕士生。主要研究方向为协作机器人及其应用。
  • 基金资助:

Model and system construction of non-contact fabric stack separation

MA Zihong, CHEN Huimin, DING Mengmeng, YUE Xiaoli()   

  1. College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2023-05-19 Revised:2024-02-05 Published:2024-05-15 Online:2024-05-31



关键词: 服装生产, 面料堆垛, 非接触式吸附技术, 吸附力, 堆垛分层


Objective In the process of garment production, fabrics need to go through the processes of cutting, sewing, and ironing, and the garment production heavily relies on the manual transfer of fabric cuts, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Due to the lightweight, softness, permeability and other characteristics of the fabrics, the automatic fabric stack separation becomes a recognized technical problem, which restricts the automatic transformation and upgrading of the material flow link in the garment production line.

Method Aimed at fabric stack separation, the permeability, drape deformation, and electrostatic properties of the fabrics in the stack were characterized using theories of porous media, elastic thin plate bending deformation, and Coulomb's law. Subsequently, a mathematical model for fabric stack separation was established. In ordert validate the reliability and effectiveness of this model, an experimental platform for fabric stack separation was constructed.

Results The experimental platform for fabrics stack separation was constructed by considering the Bernoulli suction cup suction force control system and the Bernoulli suction cup posture control system. This study analyzed the process of layered suction on the fabrics stack using Bernoulli suction cup and identified the main influencing factors, which include 1) atmospheric pressure loss caused by fabric permeability, 2) the change in spacing height h caused by fabric drape deformation, and 3) interlayer electrostatic forces for fabrics that are prone to static electricity, this is something that was not taken into account by the general model constructed by previous researchers. Based on these, a pressure field calculation model that is more in line with the non-contact suction of preamthable soft materials such as fabrics, as well as a suction force model were constructed. The ctrape deformation analysis models for grey fabric and denim under the non-contact suction based on the elastic thin plate theory were found to better express their respective ctrape deformation. Comparison between the measured and theoretical values of deflection suggested a 4.9% error, and the deviation between the suction theoretical model and the general model is 26.17%. The suction process parameters of Bernoulli suction cups mainly included inlet flow rate Q and spacing height h. When the spacing height h was kept constant, the suction force demonstrated an increase with the increase of inlet flow rate Q. On the other hand, when the intake flow rate Q remained constant, the suction force was increased with the increase of spacing height h. The success rate of stack separation using the suction model calculation results reach as high as 93%.

Conclusion The deviation between the suction theoretical model and the general model is 26.17%, which compensates for the deficiency of the general model's suction capacity and can provide more accurate theoretical guidance for the process parameters required for fabric stack separation. The proposed suction model can accurately predict the changes in suction force, and the calculated results of the model differ by 9.4% from the experimental results. The success rate of stack separation using the suction model calculation results can reach 93%, and the proposed suction model and system have high effectiveness and reliability.

Key words: garment prodaction, fabric stack, non-contact suction technology, suction force, fabric stack separation


  • TS103.7



















名称 组织 面密度/
(根·(10 cm)-1)
经密 纬密 经纱 纬纱
牛仔布 斜纹 420 284 146 0.33 0.42 0.7
白坯布 平纹 150 358 230 0.25 0.30 0.2



1 牛仔布 108.38 50 0.16
2 129.87 60
3 152.02 70
4 白坯布 64.09 50 0.05
5 73.21 60
6 84.93 70









白坯布 1 8.30 7.33 13.19
2 17.57 15.49 13.45
3 24.36 23.64 3.02
4 33.96 31.80 6.80
5 40.01 39.96 0.13
6 1.44 1.25 15.18
7 1.04 1.09 4.24
8 10.40 8.43 23.41
9 24.07 22.81 5.55
牛仔布 1 0.06 0.07 17.84
2 0.82 0.92 11.21
3 10.36 9.75 6.26
4 28.97 28.99 0.08
5 61.35 62.25 1.44
6 0.38 0.38 2.10
7 5.20 3.19 24.11
8 15.38 13.21 16.41
9 31.26 32.07 2.55



h/mm Q/
Fa/N 偏差/%
20 10 0.008 4 0.006 3 25.00
30 0.075 2 0.056 5 24.87
50 0.208 8 0.145 5 30.32
70 0.409 3 0.311 8 23.82
30 10 0.003 7 0.002 7 27.03
30 0.033 4 0.025 2 24.64
50 0.092 8 0.068 8 25.85
70 0.181 9 0.133 1 26.83
40 10 0.002 1 0.001 5 28.57
30 0.018 8 0.013 6 27.66
50 0.052 2 0.040 1 23.18
70 0.102 3 0.075 4 26.30



试验编号 第1层 第4层 第7层 第2、3、5、6、
1 100
2 90
3 100
4 100
5 80
6 90





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