纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (10): 80-88.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230506701

• 纺织工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


李露红, 罗天, 丛洪莲()   

  1. 江南大学 针织技术教育部工程研究中心, 江苏 无锡 214122
  • 收稿日期:2023-05-26 修回日期:2024-01-16 出版日期:2024-10-15 发布日期:2024-10-22
  • 通讯作者: 丛洪莲(1976—),女,教授,博士。主要研究方向为针织生产的数字化与智能化、针织产品的创新设计与性能。E-mail:cong-wkrc@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Design and performance of integrated capacitive sensor based on knitting

LI Luhong, LUO Tian, CONG Honglian()   

  1. Engineering Research Center for Knitting Technology, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
  • Received:2023-05-26 Revised:2024-01-16 Published:2024-10-15 Online:2024-10-22


针对柔性电容传感器的电极易暴露于外界环境和穿着舒适性差等问题,提出一种表面绝缘电极与介质层一体成形的针织电容传感器设计方法。进一步对传感器的力学性能、表面绝缘性能和传感性能进行探究,揭示了织物厚度与间隔丝直径对其性能的影响。研究发现,织物厚度越大,间隔丝直径越小的传感器综合性能越好,其中厚度为8.0 mm、间隔丝直径为0.15 mm的传感器表现最佳,其灵敏度为0.033 kPa-1,并且具有较低的迟滞性和快速响应时间,对不同性质输入信号(不同压缩距离和不同压缩频率)均具有良好的分辨响应能力,且具有2 000次循环内的重复稳定性,在手部动作识别及液体称重场景展现出较好的压力传感能力。该传感器降低了生产成本,且应用过程中信号稳定,在可穿戴、医疗监测及人机交互界面展现出巨大的应用潜力。

关键词: 针织, 柔性电极, 间隔织物, 电容式传感器, 传感性能, 可穿戴柔性设备, 棉纱, 锦纶


Objective The electrode of the sensor is placed in the external environment, and the surface conductive material is prone to oxidation and spalling to a certain extent during long-term use, thus affecting the performance of the sensor. Moreover, the air permeability of the packaging material is poor, which reduces the comfort of the human body. Knitting technology can knit conductive yarn into fabric structures, playing a role in improving the comprehensive performance of the sensor. This paper proposes a knitted capacitance sensor with integrated surface insulating electrode and dielectric layer.

Method The sensor electrode was designed by double-yarn knitting technology, and cotton yarn and silver-plated yarn were selected for knitting. The cotton yarn always covered on the surface of the silver-coated yarn, so that the electrode was placed inside the sensor, avoiding direct contact with the external environment. Nylon monofilament was used to knit dielectric layer, which was combined with fabric electrode to form capacitive sensor. The spacer fabric capacitive sensor was further placed in the middle of the indenter of the Mark-10 tension/compression meter. A conductive yarn was drawn from each of the upper and lower fabric surfaces of the sensor to connect the positive and negative collets of the precision LCR digital bridge TH2830, making it a complete conductive path. During the test, the digital bridge monitors and recorded the capacitance change of the sensor in real time. By analyzing the relationship between capacitance and pressure, the influence of different spacer fabric thickness and spacer wire diameter on the sensor performance was investigated.

Results The mechanical properties, insulation properties, sensitivity, hysteresis, response time and repeatability of the sensor were studied and analyzed. With the increase of thickness, the pressure required to achieve the same strain decreases, and the fabric was more easily compressed. The surface insulation performance of the sensor was further characterized. When the electrode pen was placed in the inner layer of the spacer fabric, the digital multimeter would detect the resistance value, indicating that the surface layer was conductive and acted as the electrode layer of the sensor. However, when the electrode pen is placed on the fabric surface layer, the multimeter would not read the resistance value of the fabric surface correctly. During the whole compression process, sensitivity showed different values in different compression strain ranges. The general trend was that as the compressive stress of the fabric increased, the capacitance change rate of the sensor was positively correlated with it. As the thickness of the spacer fabric increased, the sensitivity of the sensor increased gradually. According to the hysteresis error calculation principle, the maximum hysteresis error occurred at the stress of 6.49 kPa, and the value is 2.24%. The response time curve of the sensor showed that the response time was less than 150 ms. From the the trend of capacitance change rate with time during 2 000 cycles, it can be seen that the sensor maintained stable input and output electrical characteristics during the initial compression stage. To further verify its practical application value in the real application scenario, the capacitive sensor designed was used for the monitoring and recognition of hand movements. Based on the curve peak characteristics, the sensor was able to easily distinguish fingertip press and boxing movements.

Conclusion It is found that the sensor with larger thickness and smaller diameter of spacer wire has better overall performance, in which the sensor with thickness of 8.0 mm and spacer wire diameter of 0.15 mm has the best performance with sensitivity being 0.033 kPa-1. Moreover, it has low hysteresis and fast response time, good resolution and response ability to input signals of different properties (different compression distances and different compression frequencies), and repeated stability within 2 000 cycles, showing good pressure sensing ability in hand motion recognition and liquid weighing scenarios. The sensor reduces the production cost, and the signal is stable during the application process, showing great application potential in wearable, medical monitoring and human-computer interaction interface.

Key words: knit, flexible electrode, spacer fabric, capacitive sensor, sensing performance, wearable flexible device, cotton yarn, polyamide


  • TS181.8





A1 0.15 12 12 6.7
A2 0.15 16 16 7.5
A3 0.15 20 20 8.6
B1 0.20 12 12 6.5
B2 0.20 16 16 8.0
B3 0.20 20 20 8.8

























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