纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (10): 31-38.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230701201

• 纤维材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘文龙1, 李好义1, 何东洋1, 李长金2, 张杨1, 马秀清1(), 李满意3, 杨卫民1   

  1. 1.北京化工大学, 北京 100029
    2.中国石油化工股份有限公司北京化工研究院, 北京 100013
    3.山东康乃尔材料科技有限公司, 山东 滨州 256600
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-06 修回日期:2024-01-11 出版日期:2024-10-15 发布日期:2024-10-22
  • 通讯作者: 马秀清(1966—),女,教授,博士。研究方向为高分子材料改性原理及其设备。E-mail:maxq@mail.buct.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:刘文龙(2000—),男,硕士生。主要研究方向为微纳米纤维先进制备及应用。
  • 基金资助:

Melt-blown process of low-density polyethylene and its nonwovens properties

LIU Wenlong1, LI Haoyi1, HE Dongyang1, LI Changjin2, ZHANG Yang1, MA Xiuqing1(), LI Manyi3, YANG Weimin1   

  1. 1. Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China
    2. Sinopec Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry, Beijing 100013, China
    3. Shandong Cornell Materials Technology Co., Ltd., Binzhou, Shandong 256600, China
  • Received:2023-07-06 Revised:2024-01-11 Published:2024-10-15 Online:2024-10-22


为探究高效制备工艺,获得综合性能优良的超细聚乙烯非织造材料,以低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)为原料,制备了低密度聚乙烯熔喷非织造布。研究了热风温度、热风流量、模头温度、接收距离和熔体流量等熔喷工艺参数对LDPE纤维平均直径的影响规律,并进一步考察了熔喷非织造布的过滤性能和力学性能。结果表明:提高热风温度、热风流量和模头温度等均有助于降低纤维的平均直径,所制备纤维最小平均直径可达5.3 μm,熔喷非织造布的最大拉伸强力为6.12 N,抗拉强度为2.16 MPa;经过热压工艺处理后,面密度为120 g/m2的LDPE非织造布在32 L/min流量下的过滤效率可达75%以上,平均过滤阻力为80 Pa。

关键词: 低密度聚乙烯, 熔喷技术, 超细纤维, 非织造布, 医用防护材料, 过滤性能


Objective Polyethylene (PE) nonwovens have excellent characteristics such as softness, corrosion resistance and hydrophobicity, and have broad application prospects in medical packaging, clothing, filtration and other fields. However, the traditional preparation process of high-performance polyethylene nonwovens is cumbersome, and the production process involves a large number of toxic solvents, and the production efficiency is low. Exploring the efficient preparation process of ultrafine polyethylene nonwovens has become an urgent research problem to be solved. Melt-blown technology is a common and efficient preparation method for microfiber, and the preparation of polyethylene microfiber by melt-blown method is rarely reported.

Method The preparation of low-density polyethylene(LDPE) melt-blown nonwovens was achieved by using a self-assembled melt-blown testing machine. The effects of different processes on the diameter of LDPE fibers were studied by controlling a single variable and adjusting the melt-blown process parameters in the experiment, including hot air temperature, hot air flow, mold temperature, melt flow and receiving distance. In addition, the filtration efficiency and tensile properties of LDPE melt-blown nonwovens were also studied.

Results The effects of melt-blown process parameters on the diameter of LDPE fibers were studied, including different hot air temperature, hot air flow rate, die temperature, receiving distance and melt flow rate. The results showed that increasing the hot air temperature, hot air flow rate and die temperature would reduce the average diameter of the fiber, and the average diameter of the fiber would increase after increasing the receiving distanc and melt flow rate. The minimum average diameter of the prepared fibers reached 5.3 μm, offering reference value for further preparation of polyethylene microfibers. The filtration performance of LDPE melt-blown nonwovens with different areal densities was explored, and the effect of areal density on LDPE filtration efficiency and filtration resistance was established, with the increase of areal density, the filtration efficiency and filtration resistance of melt-blown nonwovens showed a gradual upward trend. The filtration resistance was increased from 5.1 Pa to 20.9 Pa, and the filtration efficiency increased from 52.89% to 59.32%. After hot pressing treatment, the filtration efficiency of the 120 g/m2 nonwoven fabric reached more than 75% at a flow rate of 32 L/min, and the average filtration resistance is 80 Pa. The mechanical properties of LDPE melt-blown nonwovens with areal densities of 25 g/m2, 50 g/m2 and 120 g/m2 were investigated. The nonwovens with higher areal density were found to withstand greater tensile strength, and when the areal density is 25 g/m2, the LDPE melt-blown nonwovens demonstrated the highest elongation at break, up to 75%. When the areal density was 120 g/m2, the maximum pulling force and tensile strength of melt-blown nonwovens were the highest, reaching 6.12 N and 2.16 MPa, respectively.

Conclusion The melt-blown process can realize the efficient preparation of LDPE nonwovens, and the average diameter of the fiber decreases with the increase in hot air temperature, hot air flow rate and die temperature, and increases with the increase of receiving distance and melt flow, and the filtration efficiency, filtration resistance and tensile strength of melt-blown membrane increase with the increase of surface density of nonwoven. Process parameters would affect the microstructure and pore morphology of the fiber membrane, resulting in changes in mechanical properties and filtration properties. Furthermore, the microstructure of the melt-blown nonwoven can be changed by post-treatment processes such as hot pressing, and products with better performance can be obtained. So as to enhance the market potential and application value of polyethylene melt-blown nonwovens in the field of medical protection.

Key words: low-density polyethylene, melt-blown technology, microfiber, nonwoven, medical protective material, filtering performance


  • TS174.8



















非织造布样品 最大拉伸
25 g/m2 PP 2.89 3.63 61
25 g/m2LDPE 1.20 1.35 75
50 g/m2LDPE 2.43 1.80 73
120 g/m2LDPE 6.12 2.16 39
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