纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (10): 216-223.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230704101

• 机械与设备 • 上一篇    下一篇


吕汉明(), 梁金辉, 马崇启, 端木德庆   

  1. 天津工业大学 纺织科学与工程学院, 天津 300387
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-18 修回日期:2024-05-02 出版日期:2024-10-15 发布日期:2024-10-22
  • 作者简介:吕汉明(1970—),男,教授,博士。主要研究方向为数字化纺织。E-mail:lvhanming@tiangong.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Simulation analysis and structural optimization of hot-air bonding oven based on finite element method

LÜ Hanming(), LIANG Jinhui, MA Chongqi, DUANMU Deqing   

  1. School of Textile Science and Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
  • Received:2023-07-18 Revised:2024-05-02 Published:2024-10-15 Online:2024-10-22



关键词: 有限元分析, 热风黏合烘箱, 多孔介质模型, 均匀性, 内部流场, 无胶棉


Objective The production efficiency of a hot-air bonding could be low and not efficient in energy consumption because of uneven temperature and flow field inside the oven. In order to improve the performance of the oven and reduce energy consumption, this research aims to analyze the flow field and temperature field inside the hot-air bonding oven and optimize its structure to enhance the uniformity of the temperature and flow field inside the oven.

Method The internal flow field of the oven was simulated and optimized using the finite element analysis method. A three-dimensional model of the oven fluid domain was established using SolidWorks, and the boundary conditions for simulation calculation were set according to the working conditions of the oven. The flow resistance value of the fiber network was obtained through experimental measurement, and a porous medium model with the same flow resistance was set to replace the actual model of the fiber network, and the Fluent software was used to simulate and calculate the fluid domain model inside the oven. The correctness of the simulation modeling and calculation was verified through experiments.

Results The simulation results of the original oven model showed that the internal flow field had a large flow rate in ducts 1 and 3, and a small flow rate in ducts 2 and 4. There were severe vortices in ducts 1 and 3, causing irregular airflow and significant overall flow field non-uniformity. The lowest temperature on the surface of the fiber network was 130 ℃, with the overall uniformity of 86.43%, and a total standard deviation of 6.97. The data indicates that the temperature distribution on the surface of the fiber network was relatively scattered, and the temperature uniformity was poor. It was found from the optimized oven simulation results that the flow rates in each duct were basically the same. After installing a deflector in the upper duct, the deflector guided and directed the airflow, resulting in a stable airflow in the upper duct and the disappearance of vortices. This significantly improved the uniformity of the internal flow field in the oven. The lowest temperature on the surface of the fiber network was 150 ℃, The minimum temperature was increased by 20 ℃. The worst temperature uniformity at characteristic points was 90.1%, the temperature difference in different areas decreases, the overall uniformity was 93.6%, and the overall temperature standard deviation was decreased from 6.97 to 3.72, and the overall uniformity coefficient increased from 86.43% to 93.06%, indicating significant improvement in temperature field uniformity.

Conclusion After the optimization of the inlet channel structure and the upper duct, the uniformity of the flow field and flow rate inside the oven has been improved, and the generation of vortices in the upper duct has been reduced, resulting in a more uniform airflow. The standard deviation of the temperature on the fiber surface is decreased, the uniformity coefficient is increased, and the uniformity of the temperature field and flow field has been significantly improved. It is recommended to set the temperature at the oven inlet to around 165 ℃, at which the temperature on the surface of the fiber network inside the oven can meet the requirements for the temperature of the dual-component hot-melt fibers. This not only helps to improve the performance of the oven but also achieves the goal of energy saving and consumption reduction.

Key words: finite element analysis, hot air viscosity oven, porous media model, uniformity, internal flow field, non-glue cotton


  • TS173.7













特征线位置 平均值/℃ 标准差/℃ 均匀系数/%
y=0.5 m 154.32 7.27 83.67
y=1.0 m 156.28 8.72 81.94
y=1.5 m 160.16 8.37 86.13
y=2.0 m 159.61 5.67 88.66
y=2.5 m 163.10 6.06 89.79
x=0.6 m 153.28 5.19 89.60
x=1.2 m 156.44 5.26 89.03
x=1.8 m 150.89 8.88 83.07
x=2.4 m 159.91 4.85 90.58
x=3.6 m 161.02 9.45 82.06
均值 157.50 6.97 86.43

















特征线位置 平均值/℃ 标准差/℃ 均匀系数/%
y=0.5 m 167.12 2.75 93.62
y=1.0 m 164.64 2.94 94.31
y=1.5 m 174.11 2.95 93.88
y=2.0 m 169.51 2.40 95.34
y=2.5 m 172.31 2.64 94.58
x=0.6 m 169.13 4.73 91.42
x=1.2 m 169.64 5.37 90.96
x=1.8 m 169.42 4.72 91.13
x=2.4 m 168.45 4.74 92.01
x=3.6 m 165.99 3.93 93.50
均值 169.03 3.72 93.06
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