纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (10): 16-22.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230704901

• 纤维材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


姜可欣1, 毛迎2, 潘梦瑶1, 吕汪洋1,2, 江文斌1,2()   

  1. 1.浙江理工大学 纺织科学与工程学院(国际丝绸学院), 浙江 杭州 310018
    2.纺织纤维材料与加工技术国家地方联合工程实验室, 浙江 杭州 310018
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-17 修回日期:2024-02-29 出版日期:2024-10-15 发布日期:2024-10-22
  • 通讯作者: 江文斌(1967—),男,教授级高级工程师。主要研究方向为丝纤维加工技术及设备研发。E-mail:hfjjwb@163.com
  • 作者简介:姜可欣(1999—),女,硕士生。主要研究方向为蚕丝蛋白材料研究与开发。
  • 基金资助:

Comparison of cocoon quality and raw silk performance between coccons produced from whole instar artificial diet and mulberry leave reared silkworm

JIANG Kexin1, MAO Ying2, PAN Mengyao1, LÜ Wangyang1,2, JIANG Wenbin1,2()   

  1. 1. College of Textile Science and Engineering (International Institute of Silk), Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
    2. National Engineering Laboratory for Textile Fiber Materials and Processing Technology, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
  • Received:2023-08-17 Revised:2024-02-29 Published:2024-10-15 Online:2024-10-22



关键词: 人工饲料, 工厂化养蚕, 蚕茧质量, 生丝性能


Objective In recent years, China has made substantial progress in the research and development in silkworms artificial diet and the innovation of breeding technology. Many researchers studied on using artificial diet in the young instars and applying mulberry leaves in the last larval instars, focusing on the growth and cocoon quality of silkwormsbut with little attention on the raw silk. Therefore, it is necessary to study the cocoon quality, silk quality and raw silk performance of silkworms reared with artificial diet in whole instar.

Method The study was carried out by using different origins of silkworm cocoons (silkworm cocoons reared with mulberry leaves of Chunan and Haian, non-factory silkworm cocoons reared with artificial diet in whole instar, and factory silkworm cocoons reared with artificial diet in whole instar) reared with artificial diet and mulberry leaves in whole instar. We tested cocoon width to observe the appearance and morphology. Through reeling, we calculated the number of rushing upon cocoons per myriameter, reelability percentage. Then, the degumming experiment of raw silk was carried out to calculate the gum content of raw silk as well as mechanical performance evaluation. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction were adopted to characterize the microscopic morphology of raw silk and analysis. In addition, the experimental results were compared by one-way analysis of variance.

Results In terms of appearance, the cocoons of silkworm reared with artificial diet and mulberry leaves in whole instar are oval, and the cocoons of silkworm reared with artificial diet in whole instar are smaller but more orderly. In terms of cocoon quality and silk quality, silkworm cocoons reared with artificial diet in whole instar have a slightly lower amount of total cocoon weight and cocoon shell weight, which is related to the fact that after the silkworms feed with artificial diet, their ingestion is not as good as that of mulberry leaves-breeding silkworms, but the rate of cocoon layer shows higher. In addition, whether or not the form of factory sericulture also has an impact on the cocoon and silk quality performance of silkworms reared with artificial diet in whole instar was also studied. The total cocoon weight and cocoon shell weight of silkworms reared with non-factory sericulture in whole instar are lower, and the length and the fineness of bave are not as good as those of the other three silkworm cocoons. The cocoons of silkworms reared with mulberry leaves in whole instar has less rushing upon cocoons during reeling, better reelability percentage, reelability silk length, and better reelability performance. For raw silk, the surface morphology of raw silk under different feeding methods is basically the same, raw silk gum content of silkworm reared with artificial diet in whole instar is higher, and raw silk gum content of silkworm reared with factory artificial diet of whole instar is the highest. The breaking strength and the elongation at break of raw silk is not significantly different from that of mulberry leave-reared. In addition, there is no significant difference in the secondary structure of raw silk between the whole instar artificial diet and the whole instar mulberry leaves, which all have β-sheet, random coil, α-helix and β-turn structure.

Conclusion There is no significant difference in the secondary structure and performance between the silkworm cocoons reared with artificial diet and mulberry leaves in whole instar, but there are differences in cocoon quality and silk quality, which can provide reference for the related research of artificial diet rearing silkworms. In addition, there is also a certain relationship between the quality of cocoon and silk of silkworms rearing with artificial diet in whole instar and whether it is factory sericulture. Factory sericulture can improve the production technology and growth environment, which will also have an impact on the growth and development of silkworms.

Key words: artificial diet, factory rearing of silkworm, cocoon quality, performance of raw silk


  • TS102.3





组别 平均茧幅/mm 茧幅整齐率/% 茧幅最大开差/mm
A 19.9±1.27* 71 7
B 20.4±1.70* 71 10
C 17.8±1.10 80 5
D 18.0±1.42 72 8



组别 全茧质量/g 茧层质量/g 茧层率/% 蚕蛹质量/g
A 0.763±0.02* 0.359±0.01 47.07±0.52* 0.41±0.01
B 0.793±0.02* 0.386±0.01* 48.37±0.78 0.40±0.01
C 0.509±0.00* 0.251±0.00* 49.66±0.44 0.25±0.00*
D 0.714±0.71* 0.358±0.01 50.92±0.44* 0.34±0.01*



组别 茧丝长/m 茧丝线密度/dtex 解舒率/% 解舒丝长/m 万米吊糙次数
A 1 163.9±59.31 3.033±0.30 71.76±0.24* 803.2±48.21* 3.6±0.16*
B 1 132.4±11.85 3.184±0.40 62.61±0.46* 709.0±10.90* 4.6±0.19*
C 934.3±4.55* 2.572±0.39* 42.89±0.22* 400.7±3.97* 8.6±0.21*
D 1 117.3±21.01 2.978±0.33 59.81±0.19* 668.0±13.39* 7.9±0.21*


生丝表面形貌(×1 000)"


生丝含胶率 注:“*”表示组间有显著差异性(P<0.05)。"



组别 断裂强度/(cN·dtex-1) 断裂伸长率/%
A 3.5±0.2 25.3±1.0
B 3.5±0.1 25.1±1.6
C 3.5±0.2 23.8±1.2
D 3.4±0.4 23.6±1.7







组别 β折叠 无规卷曲和α螺旋 β转角
A 40.39 37.99 21.61
B 37.20 37.02 25.78
C 36.68 38.97 24.35
D 37.56 36.85 25.58



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