纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (06): 155-164.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230705901

• 服装工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


黄智威, 石雅杰, 陆冯, 李青, 薛哲彬()   

  1. 苏州大学 纺织与服装工程学院, 江苏 苏州 215021
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-25 修回日期:2023-10-21 出版日期:2024-06-15 发布日期:2024-06-15
  • 通讯作者: 薛哲彬(1984—),女,教授,博士。主要研究方向为多模态时尚感知挖掘及应用,数字化时尚。E-mail: zhebin.xue@suda.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:黄智威(1998—),男,硕士生。主要研究方向为数字化服装设计。
  • 基金资助:

Digital restoration of women's costumes depicted in ancient painting of "A Palace Concert"

HUANG Zhiwei, SHI Yajie, LU Feng, LI Qing, XUE Zhebin()   

  1. College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215021, China
  • Received:2023-07-25 Revised:2023-10-21 Published:2024-06-15 Online:2024-06-15



关键词: 宫乐图, 仕女服饰, 数字化复原, 虚拟展示, 多层次模糊综合评价


Objective The traditional process of restoring ancient costumes relies on physical artifacts as a basis, which often leads to cumbersome and time-consuming restoration procedures due to factors such as the condition of cultural relics, restoration processes, and the experience of researchers. The restoration of ancient costumes necessitates broader exploration and the quest for a more scientific methodology to serve as guidance.

Method Taking the tea-serving maiden in the ancient painting of "A Palace Concert" as the subject, a digital approach was adopted to restore the Tang Dynasty women's costumes depicted in the painting. This approach involved painting restoration using digital techniques, inferencing costume styles, sizes and other information through the use of literature and aesthetic principles, sample production using digital pattern-making tools, and virtual costume creation and display using three-dimensional virtual-reality technology. The evaluation system was constructed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and consists of four primary criteria and eleven secondary criteria. The weights of each criterion were calculated, and the restoration results were evaluated using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.

Result A comprehensive evaluation system and criteria for the restoration of women's costumes depicted in the Painting "A Palace Concert" were constructed, including four primary criteria, which were "Overall Styling", "Costume Construction", "Fabric Selection", and "Craftsmanship", as well as eleven secondary criteria to assess the effectiveness of costume restoration. Using the expert assessment method, weights were obtained for both the primary and secondary criteria. The primary criteria assigned 0.243 3 weight to "Overall Styling", 0.378 9 to "Costume Construction", 0.162 3 to "Fabric Selection", and 0.188 0 to "Craftsmanship", among which, "Costume Construction" had the highest weight. The secondary criteria assigned "Costume Bodice" and "Costume Style" with relatively high weights, with values of 0.59 and 0.488 7, respectively. Their comprehensive weights were 0.143 5 and 0.185 2 respectively, indicating that the restoration effectiveness of the costume bodice and style silhouette, which are the main visual perception elements, significantly influence the final restoration outcome of the women's costumes. The virtual restoration results were evaluated for the secondary criteria, and the evaluation degrees of "Very Good", "Good", "Fair", "Poor", and "Very Poor" were obtained for corresponding elements. The evaluation results for the secondary criteria were then integrated and statistically analyzed. It can be observed that all secondary criteria received evaluation degrees of "Very Good" greater than 35%, and there were seven elements "Costume Silhouette", "Costume Sleeves", "Costume Collar", "Fabric Material", "Fabric Color", "Fabric Pattern" and "Piece Seaming" with evaluation degrees greater than 40%. This indicates that the restoration effectiveness for all secondary criteria was rated as "Very Good". Furthermore, the evaluation was recalculated with consideration of weights for the primary indicators and overall restoration effectiveness. All primary indicators were rated as "Very Good", with the breakdown as follows:"Overall Styling" at 40.25%, "Costume Construction" at 41.85%, "Fabric Selection" at 47.68%, and "Craftsmanship" at 42.17%. The final evaluation result for the "Overall Restoration Outcome" was categorized as "Very Good" at 41.32%. These data demonstrated that the restoration of the primary criteria and the overall effect of the Qi-chest Ruqun costume for the tea-serving maiden in the Painting of "A Palace Concert" were highly successful.

Conclusion By using digital techniques for restoration and incorporating literature and other images, combined with the utilization of CLO 3D software, it is possible to achieve digital restoration of ancient women's costumes depicted in the Painting of "A Palace Concert" and provide a viable methodology for exploring the digital restoration of ancient costumes. In terms of evaluation, the "Overall Styling", "Costume Construction", "Fabric Selection", and "Craftsmanship" have varying degrees of impact on the authenticity of virtual costume restoration based on the painting. Among them, the "Costume Bodice" and "Costume Style" have a relatively higher influence, indicating that the overall visual presentation is the most critical factor influencing the effectiveness of costume digital restoration. The final restoration results received evaluations of "Very Good" and "Good," with a combined percentage of over 70%, demonstrating that digital restoration based on ancient paintings can effectively simulate and restore ancient costumes with good visual effects and feasibility.

Key words: painting of "A Palace Concert", women's costume, digital restoration, virtual display, multilevel fuzzy comprehensive evaluation


  • TS941















服饰 颜色 潘通色号
低饱和度、高明度的绿色 SM1-1191
裙、披帛 高饱和度、较高明度的红色 PANTONE 7628 C
系带 低饱和度、高明度的蓝色 COLORO 107-66-11
披帛纹饰 中饱和度、高明度的黄色 NCS S 2040-Y



身高 胸围 腰围 臀围 颈围 膝围 腕围 肩宽
160 84 66 88 34 32 16 38





服装 部位 与身高比例 尺寸/cm
衣长 1∶4 40
胸围 1∶1.7 96
袖长 1∶4 40
袖口宽 1∶8.3 20
裙长 1∶1.11 145
腰围 1∶1.23 130
下摆围 1∶0.62 260
披帛 1∶1.9 300
1∶16 10











目标层 标准层 指标层
《宫乐图》仕女数字化复原效果B 整体造型b1 服装廓形b11
服装构造b2 服装衣身b21
服装面料b3 面料材质b31
制作工艺b4 布片拼缝b41



标度 定义 内容
1 相同 两项指标重要程度相同
3 略微重要 一项指标较另一项略微重要
5 显著重要 一项指标较另一项显著重要
7 非常重要 一项指标较另一项非常重要
9 至关重要 一项指标较另一项至关重要
2、4、6、8 介于相邻标度之间
倒数 若因素i与因素j之间的重要性之比为aij,那么因素j与因素i重要性之比为aji=1/aij



一级指标 权重 二级指标 权重 综合权重
整体造型 0.243 3 服装廓形 0.41 0.099 7
服装款式 0.59 0.143 5
服装构造 0.378 9 服装衣身 0.488 7 0.185 2
服装衣袖 0.136 8 0.051 8
服装领部 0.162 9 0.061 7
服装腋下 0.075 8 0.028 7
服装下摆 0.135 7 0.051 4
服装面料 0.162 3 面料材质 0.462 3 0.075 0
面料颜色 0.202 9 0.032 9
面料图案 0.334 7 0.054 3
制作工艺 0.188 0 布片拼缝 1 0.188 0



标准层 指标层 很好 较好 一般 较差 很差
整体造型 服装廓形 0.409 6 0.313 2 0.096 3 0.096 3 0.084 3
服装款式 0.397 6 0.361 4 0.060 2 0.096 3 0.084 3
服装构造 服装衣身 0.397 6 0.349 4 0.072 3 0.048 2 0.132 5
服装衣袖 0.494 0 0.241 0 0.084 3 0.084 3 0.096 3
服装领部 0.481 9 0.228 9 0.108 4 0.096 3 0.084 3
服装腋下 0.361 4 0.409 6 0.048 2 0.108 4 0.071 4
服装下摆 0.373 5 0.385 5 0.060 2 0.060 2 0.120 5
服装面料 面料材质 0.494 0 0.277 1 0.048 2 0.108 4 0.072 3
面料颜色 0.409 6 0.349 4 0.060 2 0.144 6 0.036 1
面料图案 0.494 0 0.289 1 0.036 1 0.084 3 0.096 3
制作工艺 布片拼缝 0.421 7 0.325 3 0.072 3 0.072 3 0.108 4
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