纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (09): 183-193.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230802901

• 服装工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


李欣华1,2(), 李佳坤1, 郑芳英3, 张洁4   

  1. 1.浙江理工大学 服装学院, 浙江 杭州 311222
    2.丝绸文化传承与产品设计数字化技术文化和旅游部重点实验室, 浙江 杭州 311222
    3.浙江理工大学 数学系, 浙江 杭州 310018
    4.中联品检(上海)技术服务有限公司, 上海 201616
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-14 修回日期:2024-06-17 出版日期:2024-09-15 发布日期:2024-09-15
  • 作者简介:李欣华(1975—),女,副教授,博士。研究方向为服饰文化与创新研究、服饰文化传播。E-mail: xinhuali@zstu.edu.cn

Research on newtype shared wardrobe virtual construction and practice

LI Xinhua1,2(), LI Jiakun1, ZHENG Fangying3, ZHANG Jie4   

  1. 1. College of Fashion Design & Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 311222, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Silk Culturle Heritage and Products Design, Digital Technology, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 311222, China
    3. Department of Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
    4. United Inspection Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201616, China
  • Received:2023-08-14 Revised:2024-06-17 Published:2024-09-15 Online:2024-09-15



关键词: 可循环理念, 协作消费, 共享衣橱, 共享经济, 区块链技术


Objective Clothing waste is a severe problem in textile industry. Terminal incineration disposal not only brings a huge waste of resources, but also cruel threat to the environment. Sharing economy and circularity concept of the textile industry provide the necessary conditions for cooperative consumption, which can integrate and reallocate the existing resources in the market. Renting and sharing are the cores of collaborative consumption. However, the conventional form of renting has many obstacles in the global shared wardrobe market, which results in most consumers do not know enough about this consumption mode and have little trust in sharing platform, its commercial value is not be proven. Therefore, fundamentally change about concept of consumption is of great significance for enhancing consumer trust, realizing the green consumption, and promoting the progress of the circularity system of the textile industry.

Method By literature reviewing, it was found that the generally' key factors that restrict the development of shared wardrobe and collaborative consumption mainly are consumer's cognitive limitations, attitude variances, personality traits, and values. Positively, circularity concept, new digital technologies, and collaborative consumption can provide a beneficial economic environment, retail model, and spatial consumption for the newtype shared wardrobe's establishment in the future. From the perspective of quality and trust guarantee system, Blockchain technology, with its distinct functions of decentralization, immutable information, independence, and anonymity can supervise clothing quality and build up consumer's trust system. From the perspective of marketing strategy, Curetail (Curated + Retail ) can integrate Exhibition-style rental system and experiential consumption together and thus bring consumer into a circularity world and enlighten them to take part in the newtype shared wardrobe consumption. Moreover, new digital technology, such as VR, AR, metaverse, can make the virtual space construction and operation of newtype wardrobe be realized.

Result Based on the knowledge of literature theory and technical support for the establishment of newtype shared wardrobe in the future, the research virtually constructed and operated the newtype shared wardrobe, and made profit estimation respectively of commercial lease, consumer and society. The result is newtype shared wardrobe can enhance people’s cognition of green consumption, thereby contributing to reduce clothing waste and lead to an effective utilization of circularity system of textile industry.

Conclusion The market and management of China's shared wardrobe is still in a primary stage. Though the related department has not yet issued a relatively complete and final standard system for the circular using of waste clothes, it gives related enterprises and technical practitioners a great potential chance and autonomy to carry on the research. This research applies the new concept and technologies for constructing newtype shared wardrobe and offers pathways and methods for its practice in the textile industry's circular practices in the future. The core content includes the application of blockchain technology within circular systems and the virtual construction of consumer spaces. The research also estimates the social benefits arising from its virtual operation. Hopefully, the finding serves as an initial outcome for the futural establishment and practice of newtype shared wardrobe. The research also reveals that not all garments are suitable for the shared wardrobe circular system, only meeting the circular number for bring profit can enter the circular system. Therefore, the core basis of its operation, namely the value evaluation of clothes before entering the recycling and the establishment of inspection standards at various stages, will be the crucial content for further in-depth research.

Key words: circularity concept, collaborative consumption, shared wardrobe, sharing economy, blockchain techniques


  • TS941









服装所处循环阶段 区块链核心技术 表示符号 功能
GB/T 38923—2020
记账节点(分布式记账) N 增强系统安全性、数据可靠性
时间戳 T 剔除无质检标、特殊号型等不符合循环标准的产品
智能合约 S 计算机编程语言计算进入共享衣橱系统服装的新旧程度,
P 与智能合约共同保证数据库不被篡改,建立节点互信,
GB/T 38923—2020
记账节点(分布式记账) N 增强系统安全性、数据可靠性
时间戳 T 监测工序的先后顺序,防止步骤错乱或遗漏,
智能合约 S 保证合作消杀工厂资质的透明性和公开性
UTXO模型 U 自动建立清洗、消毒工序数据库,与智能合约共同发挥作用,
租赁商店 记账节点(分布式记账) N 增强系统安全性、数据可靠性
时间戳 T 确保消费数据的公开性和透明性,有助于交易清算
智能合约 S 确保参与租赁行为的消费者信息数据可追踪,
UTXO模型 U 记录服装重新进入循环系统的更新数据,循环数据库形成闭环


X-SPACE 新型共享衣橱“展览式租赁”虚拟空间建构"







循环次数 质量要求 分级指标
1 X n 1 经洗净、消毒、干爽、无污渍、无损伤、无毛球、无明显褪色、配饰齐全 一级
( n 1 + 1 ) X n 2 经洗净、消毒,污渍、损伤较少 二级
( n 2 + 1 ) X n 3 尚具有使用价值(不影响正常穿着使用)的服装 三级
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