纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (09): 175-182.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20231006901

• 服装工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


顾舒婷, 陈晨依, 许静娴()   

  1. 苏州大学 纺织与服装工程学院, 江苏 苏州 215006
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-20 修回日期:2024-05-14 出版日期:2024-09-15 发布日期:2024-09-15
  • 通讯作者: 许静娴(1992—),女,讲师,博士。主要研究方向为服装舒适性与热管理。E-mail: xujingxian1992@hotmail.com
  • 作者简介:顾舒婷(1999—),女,硕士生。主要研究方向为服装舒适性。
  • 基金资助:

Design of heated bedding for localized differential thermal needs of the elderly

GU Shuting, CHEN Chenyi, XU Jingxian()   

  1. College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215006, China
  • Received:2023-10-20 Revised:2024-05-14 Published:2024-09-15 Online:2024-09-15


为改善老年人冬季睡眠热舒适性,提高睡眠质量,基于老年人睡眠局部差异热需求研究了分区加热被褥。使用暖体假人及人工气候舱模拟老年人冬季睡眠场景,进行睡眠实验,探究老年人冬季睡眠的加热需求,并比较电加热和热水袋2种加热方式的作用机制,以此为依据提出分区加热被褥设计方案。结果表明:当被褥无加热时,老年人胸部、背部、手部和脚部皮肤温度低于热舒适温度0.5~2.6 ℃,而背部和脚部更适宜进行局部加热;热水袋加热方式因升温速率高且水温下降后给人体带来接触冷感,而电加热方式升温速率平缓且能维持皮肤温度在34.5~35 ℃的舒适范围;在背部和脚部组合电加热作用下,被下微环境整体温度得以提升,胸部和手部皮肤温度也升高至热舒适温度范围,即分区电加热方案可有效改善老年人整体及局部睡眠热舒适性。本文研究结果可为开发高性能分区加热被褥提供理论参考及数据支撑。

关键词: 老年人, 睡眠热舒适, 局部热需求, 加热被褥, 差异热需求, 被服系统


Objective Studies on winter bedding systems have been carried out to improve the thermal comfort and sleep quality of the elderly. Previous studies mainly focused on the overall thermal needs of the human body during sleep, such as temperature-control mattresses and electric blankets, while ignoring the specificity of the thermo-physiology in the elderly and the variability of localized thermal needs of the body. In order to make the temperature control more targeted, localized heating was proposed instead of whole-body heating to meet the local thermal needs of the human body, which would help save energy at the same time.

Method An artificial climate chamber, along with a lying thermal manikin, was adopted to simulate the real sleep scene of the elderly in winter. Three groups of sleeping tests were conducted. The first scenario involved no heating elements in the bedding system, and the body parts which need additional heating were figured out by comparing the measured skin temperatures with neutral skin temperatures. In the other two groups of tests, electrical heating pads and hot water bags were attached to the quilt and mattress separately to heat the body parts which need heating. By comparing the skin temperatures under the two heating methods, the design of a localized heating bedding system was proposed.

Results It was found that the skin temperature at chest, back, hands and feet were significantly (p<0.05) lower than the corresponding neutral skin temperature. This indicates that these four body parts would need additional heating to satisfy the thermal comfort needs of the elderly. After applying the electric heating pads, the skin temperature of back increased rapidly at a rate of 0.224 ℃/min. The lowest and highest comfortable skin temperature of 32.8 ℃ and 35 ℃ were reached in 10 min and 22 min, respectively. The skin temperature of the back continued rising for another 2 min before starting to decrease after turning off the heater, and after 20 min it stays within the comfortable temperature range of around 33.7 ℃ for sleeping. After applying the heating pad for 15min, the skin temperature of the foot reached the lowest comfortable temperature of 32.2 ℃, and the maximum comfortable temperature of 35.8 ℃ was reached after 43 min. The skin temperature of the feet continued rising for another 2 min before it started to decrease after turning off the heater, and after 16 min it stably stayed within the comfortable temperature range of around 35.3 ℃ for sleeping. The data suggests that electrical heating of the chest and hands improves their localized thermal comfort. However, considering the really sleep scenario, heating at chest is somewhat unsafe due to its proximity to the heart. The human hand moves a lot during sleep and is difficult to be fixed. The lowest (32.8 ℃) and highest (35 ℃) comfortable skin temperature of the feet were reached in 10 min and 22 min, respectively under the hot water bag heating. After 10 min, the temperature of the foot rose to 38.02 ℃ and then began to gradually decrease to a cooler temperature. In the heated futon design scheme, when the back and feet were heated with electric heating pads, there was no significant difference between the human local skin temperature and the comfortable skin temperature range (P>0.05).

Conclusion Local body parts of chest, back, hands and feet of the elderly need additional heating during sleep in winter. Taking both the safety and practicality into consideration, auxiliary heating system is suggested to be applied to back and feet. The heating method of hot water bag leads to a fast increase of skin temperature, while the water temperature would drop and cause cold contract feeling for the elderly. Thus, the heating method of electric heating pad, which brings a slow increase of skin temperature but can maintain the skin temperature in the comfortable rang of 34.5-35 ℃, overwhelms the heating method of hot water bag. Bedding system with localized electric heating pads are proposed and verified to effectively improve overall and local sleep thermal comfort for the elderly. These research findings can provide evidence for the design of high-performance localized heated futons to achieve thermal comfort during sleeping.

Key words: the elderly, sleep thermal comfort, local thermal need, heated bedding, differential thermal demand, bedding system


  • TS941.75









部位 平均值 标准偏差 最高温度 最低温度
头部 33.9 0.5 34.9 32.8
胸部 34.0 0.6 35.0 32.8
前臂 32.8 0.8 34.0 30.8
手部 33.4 1.0 35.5 30.7
大腿 33.6 0.7 35.5 31.7
小腿 33.5 0.6 34.3 31.6
脚部 33.8 0.8 35.8 32.2
平均皮肤温度 33.6 0.5 34.6 32.3



部位 莱文统计 自由度1 自由度2 显著性P
胸部 20.147 1 218 <0.001
背部 9.116 1 218 0.003
前臂 1.911 1 160 0.169
手部 39.154 1 192 <0.001
大腿 0.071 1 190 0.790
小腿 0.321 1 136 0.572
脚部 14.855 1 180 <0.001







部位 莱文统计 自由度1 自由度2 显著性P
胸部 103.118 1 158 <0.001
背部 26.381 1 166 <0.001
手部 57.681 1 166 <0.001
脚部 61.299 1 234 <0.001





数值类型 莱文统计 自由度1 自由度2 显著性P
基于平均数 17.982 1 142 <0.001
基于中位数 7.135 1 142 0.008
基于中位数并具有调整后自由度 7.135 1 92.559 0.009
基于剪除后平均值 15.013 1 142 <0.001





部位 莱文统计 自由度1 自由度2 显著性P
胸部 0.367 1 146 0.546
背部 1.378 1 88 0.244
手部 0.337 1 320 0.562
脚部 0.220 1 120 0.640
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