纺织学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (11): 63-67.

• 纺织工程 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2014-09-09 修回日期:2014-12-08 出版日期:2015-11-15 发布日期:2015-11-10

Mechanical properties of natural bamboo fiber/ polyurethane composites

  • Received:2014-09-09 Revised:2014-12-08 Online:2015-11-15 Published:2015-11-10




Natural bamboo fiber/polyurethane composite materials can be widely used in building, aviation and so on for it’s unique performance. In order to better application natural bamboo fiber/polyurethane composite material, this paper regarded the natural bamboo fiber as reinforcing material, and polyurethane used as basic materials , natural bamboo fiber/polyurethane composite were made, and the performances of the tensile strength and elongation, bursting strength were tested and analyzed for the natural bamboo fiber/polyurethane composite material with different NaoH treatment concentration and different natural bamboo fiber content. The results show that with the increase NaoH concentration, the tensile strength and bursting strength of composite material is first increased and then decreased, while the breaking elongation will increase gradually. With the increase fiber content, the tensile strength and bursting strength of composite material is first increased and then decreased , while the breaking elongation will reduces along with the increase fiber content.


  • TB332
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