纺织学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (11): 48-54.

• 纺织工程 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2015-11-03 修回日期:2016-07-22 出版日期:2016-11-15 发布日期:2016-11-23

Warp knit fabric defect detection method based on optimal Gabor filters

  • Received:2015-11-03 Revised:2016-07-22 Online:2016-11-15 Published:2016-11-23


针对经编织物疵点自动检测问题,提出了一种新的基于最优 Gabor 滤波器的经编织物疵点检测方法。具体可分为 两个阶段:学习阶段和检测阶段。在学习阶段,对于无疵点的经编织物图像构造可调制的二维 Gabor 滤波器,采用量子行为 粒子群优化(QPSO)算法对 Gabor 滤波器的参数进行优化,得到与无疵点的织物图像纹理特征最匹配的 Gabor 滤波器参数。 在检测阶段,由学习阶段得到的最佳参数构造 Gabor 滤波器,用该滤波器对待检测织物图像进行卷积处理,然后再对得到的 卷积图像进行二值化处理,最终识别出待检测织物是否有疵点存在。结果表明, 该方法的检测率可以达到 96.67%,具有很好的稳定性和鲁棒性, 适合应用于工业生产。

关键词: 经编织物疵点检测, 最优Gabor 滤波器, 量子行为粒子群优化算法, 图像分割


Focusingonautomaticimageinspectionofwarpknitfabricdefectsintextileindustry,anewmethodforwarpknitfabric defect detection based on an optimal Gabor filter is presented. The proposed method consists of two process: the training and the inspection process. In the training process, the parameters of the 2D-Gabor filter can be tuned by the quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (QPSO) algorithm to match with the texture features of a defect-free template acquired in prior. In the inspection process, each sample fabric image under inspection is convoluted with the selected optimized Gabor filter. Then a simple thresholding scheme is applied to generate a binary segmented result. Experimental results show that the detection rate of the proposed method can reach 96.67%. It has good performance of stability and robustness, suitable for industrial production.

Key words: warp knit fabric defect detection, optimal Gabor filter, quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization algorithm, image segmentation

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