纺织学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (03): 108-113.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20170501007

• 染整与化学品 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2017-05-04 修回日期:2017-07-14 出版日期:2018-03-15 发布日期:2018-03-09

Preparation of stab-resistant mechanism of coated stab-resistant fabric

  • Received:2017-05-04 Revised:2017-07-14 Online:2018-03-15 Published:2018-03-09


为减轻防刺服质量,提高防刺服的柔软性与灵活性,使用硬质粒子涂层的方式制作防刺织物。选用碳化硅(SiC)硬质粒子制备SiC 悬浮液。当SiC 悬浮液中粉末粒子、水、乙二醇的质量比为(1.5 ~ 2.5): 1: 1时,SiC 粒子分散最稳定,悬浮液的2 h 相对沉降高度达0.96。在稳定悬浮液中加入黏合剂,在超高分子量聚乙烯平纹织物上涂层,对制备得到的涂层织物进行准静态刺割实验。探讨涂层液配比、基布密度、织物涂层数对织物防刺性能的影响。结果发现,涂层织物防刺性能随分散液与黏合剂质量比的增大而逐渐降低,确定了基布最佳经纬密度均为100 根/(10 cm),涂层层数为3。分析了涂层对织物柔软性的影响,并结合织物表面形态、刺口形貌和刺破力学曲线发现,涂层织物刺破强力比原样织物大,并且有一定缓冲效应,起到更好的防刺作用。

关键词: 防刺织物, 碳化硅硬质粒子, 涂层, 准静态刺割


In order to reduce the weight of stab-resistant fabrics and improve its softness and flexibility, the hard particle coating was used to prepare the stab-resistant fabrics. SiC suspensions were prepared by using SiC hard particles. It is found SiC suspension is the most stable when the weight ratio of SiC powder particles, water and ethylene glycol is (1.5~2.5):1:1, and its relative sedimentation height of 2 h suspension reaches 0.93. The SiC suspensions were used to coat the ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) plain cloth. Quasi-static stabbing experiments were carried out on the coated fabrics. The influence of coating liquid ratio, original fabric density and the number of coating layers on fabric stab-resistance were carried out. It is found that the stab-resistance of the coated fabric decreased gradually with the increase of the mass ratio of the dispersing to the binder. The optimal weft and warp densities of the base cloth are both 100/(10 cm), and the coating number is 3. The influence of coating on fabric softness was anslyzed. At the same time, according to the fabric surface morphology, puncture appearance and puncture mechanical curve, it is found that the puncture strength of the coated fabric is higher than that of the original fabric, and it had a buffer effect, resulting in better stab-resistant property.

Key words: stab-resistant fabric, SiC hard particle, quasi-atatic stabbing

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