纺织学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (06): 175-182.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20170803008

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  • 收稿日期:2017-08-18 修回日期:2017-12-25 出版日期:2018-06-15 发布日期:2018-06-15

Progress in overall wearability evaluation of disposable diapers

  • Received:2017-08-18 Revised:2017-12-25 Online:2018-06-15 Published:2018-06-15


为给纸尿裤安全舒适性能提升和产品优化设计提供基础数据和科学参考,以纸尿裤的功能需求和技术现状为基础,综述了纸尿裤服用性能的测评方法、测评内容,并阐述了性能测评的研究展望。此外,鉴于纸尿裤水分管理能力、接触舒适性、热湿舒适性和适体舒适性间的交互关系,提出测评时各性能的地位和优先次序。未来纸尿裤服用性能的测评可聚焦在纸尿裤多层结构间热湿传递机制的探讨、专业实验平台和测量仪器的搭建、纸尿裤舒适性评价体系的构建 3 个方面。纸尿裤服用性能的测评需注重各方面的平衡,水分管理能力是前提和首要模块,接触舒适性和热湿舒适性是主体部分,适体舒适性是不可忽视的潜在影响因素。

关键词: 纸尿裤, 服用性能, 舒适性, 水分管理能力, 评估


The overall wearability evaluation of disposable diapers provides a theoretical basis for the development of evaluation system and product optimization. Therefore, progress in overall wearability evaluation of dusposable diapers was reviewed and future research field was prospected in this paper according to diapers functional requirements and technical status. In view of the interactive relationship among diapers moisture management capability, contact comfort, heat and moisture comfort and fit comfort, the performance evaluation priorities was put forward. The future study in disposable diapers wearabklity evaluation may focus on the beat and moisture transfer mechanism between its multilayer constructions, the professional experimental platform and measuring instruments, and the comfort evaluation system of disposable diapers. The balance of four performances is very important in disposable diapers' overall wearability evaluation, in which the moisture management capability is the premise and the primary modules,contact and thermal comfort are the principal part, and fit comfort is a potential factor that can not be neglected. 

Key words: disposable diapers, wearability, comfort, moisture management capability, evaluation

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