纺织学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (11): 89-96.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20201101409

• 染整与化学品 • 上一篇    下一篇


鲜永芳, 王红梅, 吴明华, 王莉莉()   

  1. 浙江理工大学 生态染整技术教育部工程中心, 浙江 杭州 310018
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-06 修回日期:2021-08-12 出版日期:2021-11-15 发布日期:2021-11-29
  • 通讯作者: 王莉莉
  • 作者简介:鲜永芳(1996—),女,硕士。主要研究方向为活性印花尿素替代剂开发。
  • 基金资助:

Application of low/non-ammonia additives in reactive deep printing

XIAN Yongfang, WANG Hongmei, WU Minghua, WANG Lili()   

  1. Engineering Research Center for Eco-Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles, Ministry of Education, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
  • Received:2020-11-06 Revised:2021-08-12 Published:2021-11-15 Online:2021-11-29
  • Contact: WANG Lili



关键词: 活性染料, 印花, 尿素替代剂, 印花助剂, 棉织物, 氨氮


In order to develop the low/non-ammonia additives with high color performances in reactive deep printing, this research started by comparing the hygroscopicity, ability to swell, and ability to solubilize reactive dyes of different printing additives, and the internal relationships between the structures of additives and the above properties were explored. The additives with the above-mentioned properties were compounded for reactive deep printing on cotton fabrics. The results showed that among different types of additives, glycerol demonstrated the best hygroscopicity, 1,4-butanediol showed the best swellability to cotton fiber, and the amides exhibited the best solubility to Reactive Turquoise K-GL. When the mass ratio of glycerol and 1,4-butanediol was 2∶8, the color performances of the non-ammonia nitrogen compound on the reactive turquoise deep printing of cotton fabrics were much higher than those of the commercial alternative 391-H and slightly higher than using urea as additive. Good printing performances with reactive red, orange, blue and black dyes were achieved, enabling the reduction of the ammonia-nitrogen content in the printing wastewater.

Key words: reactive dyes, printing, urea substitute, printing additive, cotton fabric, ammonia-nitrogen


  • TS194.4









助剂 相对分子质量 ˉD2/μm CV2值/% S/%
1,2-丙二醇 76.09 20.19 1.586 31.69
1,4-丁二醇 90.12 21.61 2.560 40.98
三乙二醇 150.17 19.14 1.256 24.86
丙三醇 92.09 20.03 4.402 30.65
木糖醇 152.16 20.02 3.587 30.57
尿素 60.06 20.63 3.868 34.59
乙酰胺 59.07 19.70 2.239 28.53
己内酰胺 113.16 19.90 3.398 29.78
3-氨基丙醇 75.11 20.29 1.676 32.34
PEG-200 200.00 20.94 3.328 36.59













活性染料 印花助剂 K/S 渗透率/% 色泽不匀度/%
艳红K-2BP 尿素 22.2 38.0 0.9
GB28 21.2 47.6 2.9
橙K-7R 尿素 21.8 44.8 0.6
GB28 20.3 33.6 1.6
艳蓝P-3R 尿素 11.7 45.5 3.2
GB28 9.7 56.2 2.9
黑WNN 尿素 21.6 45.1 1.1
GB28 21.7 37.0 0.7




印花织物色牢度 级"

活性染料 印花助剂 耐摩擦色牢度 耐皂洗色牢度
湿 沾色 变色
艳红K-2BP 尿素 5 5 5 5
GB28 5 5 4~5 5
橙K-7R 尿素 5 5 4~5 4~5
GB28 4~5 4~5 4 4~5
艳蓝P-3R 尿素 4~5 4~5 4~5 4~5
GB28 4~5 4~5 4~5 4~5
黑WNN 尿素 5 5 5 5
GB28 5 5 4~5 5
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