纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (05): 43-50.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20221002501

• 纤维材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈莹(), 沈娜弟, 张露   

  1. 北京服装学院 材料设计与工程学院, 北京 100029
  • 收稿日期:2023-01-07 修回日期:2024-01-16 出版日期:2024-05-15 发布日期:2024-05-31
  • 作者简介:陈莹(1984—),女,副教授,博士。主要研究方向为功能纺织品开发。E-mail:20150009@bift.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Structure design and performance of fiber capacitive sensor

CHEN Ying(), SHEN Nadi, ZHANG Lu   

  1. School of Materials Design and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing 100029, China
  • Received:2023-01-07 Revised:2024-01-16 Published:2024-05-15 Online:2024-05-31


由于受柔性电容式传感器介电层弹性模量的限制,目前电容器的性能如灵敏度等难以达到应用要求,为提高传感器的传感性能,以聚吡咯复合蚕丝织物作为织物电极,羊毛纤维集合体作为介电层构建全纤维的电容式压力传感器,对电极的织物结构和纤维集合体高度进行优化分析;对传感器的电学及传感性能进行测试,并进行了应用探索。结果表明:面密度为69 g/m2素绉缎聚吡咯复合织物方阻最小,为42 Ω/□;纤维电容器以素绉缎聚吡咯复合织物作为电极,羊毛纤维集合体为介电层,且高度为1.4 cm时传感性能最优,在频率为10 kHz、电容最高为66 pF、压力为0~5 N范围内灵敏度最高为1.08 N-1。该电容式传感器具有良好的稳定性,有望应用于肢体运动监测与公共场合安全监测中。

关键词: 电容, 织物传感器, 聚吡咯, 纤维介电层, 织物电极


Objective Due to the limitation of the Young's modulus of the dielectric layer of the current flexible capacitive sensor, the performance of the capacitor, such as sensitivity, cannot meet the requirements, so material selection and structural design of the electrodes and dielectric layers of fabric sensor are required to improve the sensing performance. In this paper, a series of polypyrrole composited silk fabrics were used as fabric electrodes, and wool fiber aggregates were used as dielectric layers to construct an all-fiber capacitive pressure sensor.

Methods Based on the calculation formula of effective dielectric constant, the pores in the fabric electrode and the air dielectric layer have a positive impact on the sensitivity of the sensor. Therefore, the polypyrrole composite silk fabrics were used as the electrode, and fiber and air aggregates were used as dielectric layers to study the effects of different fabric structures, different types and contents of fibers in dielectric layers on the performance of capacitive sensors. Application explorations of human motion and safety detection were also done.

Results The square resistance of polypyrrole composited crepe satin fabric (69 g/m2) was the smallest, which was 42 Ω/□. This is because the density of crepe satin silk is the largest, the diameters of yarns are also larger, the warp yarn is twisted, and the weft yarn is not twisted. The sensitivities of cotton and wool fiber capacitors were better than that of acrylic fiber. Because wool fiber has better elasticity and uses less, so wool fiber is finally selected as the dielectric layer. When the height of the dielectric layer is higher, the wool content is larger, the dielectric constant is larger, and the capacitance value is larger, but when the height is too high, the air content decreases, and the deformation ability of the overall dielectric layer decreases, thereby reducing the capacitance change rate, so he height of 1.4 cm as the dielectric layer had the best performance. The fabric 5# (69 g/m2 plain crepe satin) has the highest capacitance of 66 pF when it is used as the electrode. This is probably because the porosity of the fabric 5# is the smallest, the effective area of the electrodes is the largest, and the capacitance is the highest. With the increase of applied pressure, the capacitance increases and the capacitance change rate also increases. The highest sensitivity was 1.08 N-1 at 0.098 N. In the process of applying pressure, the structure of the fabric electrode will change, which will cause the change of the effective relative area and the air content in the fabric electrode, which will also affect the dielectric constant. When the pressure is greater than 1.96 N, the capacitance changes rate of the fabric 5# is the largest, and its sensitivity is the best, so the fabric 5# is used as the capacitance sensor electrode. The capacitive sensor has good stability, and is expected to be used in limb movement monitoring and safety monitoring in public places.

Conclusion 1) The influence of fabric structure on electrical properties can be concluded as: the greater the fabric density, the denser the yarn arrangement, the more conductive paths, and the smaller the resistance; the fabric electrode not only affects the effective relative area, but also affect the dielectric constant, which in turn affects the overall capacitance. The effect pattern needs further study. 2) The optimized assembly conditions of the capacitive sensor are the wool fiber and air aggregates with a height of 1.4 cm as the dielectric layer, and the electrode is the polypyrrole composite fabric of crepe satin (69 g/m2). The existence of air in the dielectric layer has a great influence on the height of the dielectric layer and the change of the dielectric constant during the compression process; the structure of the electrode fabric will affect the dielectric constant and effective relative area during the compression process. The above factors will ultimately affect the sensitivity of the sensor. Therefore, the next step will be to further optimize the structure of the dielectric layer and fiber composition to find a quantitative relationship, thereby improving the sensitivity of the sensor. 3) Application studies have shown that the capacitive sensor has the ability to sense the bending changes of fingers and the proximity of metal objects and fingers within 10cm, which is expected to apply this multifunctional, low-cost electronic fabric sensor to artificial skin, wearable health detection and contactless detection equipment superior.

Key words: conductivity, fabric sensor, polypyrrole, fiber dielectric layer, fabric electrode


  • TS101.4



密度/(根·cm-1) 线密度/tex 织物
经密 纬密 经纱 纬纱
1# 蚕丝绉 22 50 50 6.54 6.54 平纹
2# 蚕丝绡 24 48 67 5.00 5.00 平纹
3# 电力纺 34 55 71 10.21 8.27 平纹
4# 双绉 52 50 75 20.01 6.54 平纹
5# 砂洗素绉缎 69 60 85 14.70 5.00 缎纹









介电层使用的纤维 电容/pF
腈纶短纤维 885
羊毛 52





介电层高度/cm 电容/pF
0.1 4.1
0.5 26.1
0.8 53.1
1.4 52.0
1.9 835.0





织物编号 电容/pF
1# 34
2# 54
3# 51
4# 52
5# 66











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