纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (07): 104-111.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20221204901

• 染整工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


王玉玺1,2, 唐春霞1,2, 张丽平1,2(), 付少海1,2   

  1. 1.江苏省纺织品数字喷墨印花工程技术研究中心, 江苏 无锡 214122
    2.生态纺织教育部重点实验室(江南大学), 江苏 无锡 214122
  • 收稿日期:2023-02-10 修回日期:2023-10-13 出版日期:2024-07-15 发布日期:2024-07-15
  • 通讯作者: 张丽平( 1985—),女,教授,博士。主要研究方向为智能变色材料与柔性可穿戴纺织品。E-mail:zhangliping0328@163.com
  • 作者简介:王玉玺(1999—),男,硕士生。主要研究方向为纳米炭黑分散体的制备与应用。
  • 基金资助:

Preparation of carbon black nanoparticles by Steglich esterification and its ethylene glycol dispersity

WANG Yuxi1,2, TANG Chunxia1,2, ZHANG Liping1,2(), FU Shaohai1,2   

  1. 1. Jiangsu Engineering Research Center for Digital Textile Inkjet Printing, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles (Jiangnan University), Ministry of Education, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
  • Received:2023-02-10 Revised:2023-10-13 Published:2024-07-15 Online:2024-07-15


为解决炭黑在乙二醇溶液中难分散的问题,确保炭黑在聚酯纤维原液着色中具有良好的分散性。先通过液相氧化法对炭黑表面进行改性,在炭黑表面引入反应性基团—羧基,并选取合适的氧化炭黑,通过Steglich酯化反应在氧化炭黑表面接枝乙二醇和不同相对分子质量的聚乙二醇。对氧化炭黑和接枝炭黑的表面结构以及在乙二醇溶液中的分散性进行测试与分析。结果表明:氧化仅发生在炭黑表面并未对炭黑造成严重破坏,随氧化时间的延长,炭黑表面羧基含量显著提高,氧化8 h后,其表面羧基含量为0.616 mmol/g;PEG600接枝的氧化炭黑其接枝率在33%以上,最小平均粒径稳定在132.1 nm左右,其能在乙二醇溶液中分散均匀,无聚集体出现,且制备的接枝炭黑具有良好的分散稳定性,其储存稳定性在93%以上,耐热稳定性在92%以上。

关键词: 纳米炭黑, 氧化, 分散性, 聚酯纤维原液着色, 酯化接枝, 聚乙二醇, Steglich酯化反应


Objective Among polyester fibers, the black polyester fibers are in great demand. The black polyester fiber produced by conventional printing and dyeing methods is found to have poor color fastness and produce a large amount of printing and dyeing wastewater, but the black polyester produced by dope dyeing can avoid these problems. However, strong mechanical aggregates are formed between the carbon black pigment particles in ethylene glycol-based color paste, and it is difficult to obtain a stable and good glycol-based carbon black pigment suspension and dispersion system. Therefore, it is necessary to modify the carbon black to solve the problem of poor dispersion during the coloring of polyester fiber stock solution.

Method Liquid phase oxidation method was adopted to oxidize carbon black with nitric acid for different time durations (2, 4, 6, 8 h), and the oxidized carbon black was then characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and other instruments to screen out suitable oxidized carbon black. In the presence of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and 4-dimethylaminopyridine, the 4 h oxidized carbon black was adopted to perform Steglich esterification reaction with ethylene glycol (EG), polyethylene glycol 200 (PEG200), polyethylene glycol 600 (PEG600) and pollyethylene glycol 800 (PEG800) in N,N-dimethylformamide to prepare grafted carbon black, which were named EG-OCB, PEG200-OCB, PEG600-OCB, PEG800-OCB, respectively. according to the graft polymers. The grafted carbon black was analyzed and tested.

Results Through nitric acid oxidation, the particle size of the original carbon black was reduced from 6 686 nm to 156.5-174.9 nm, and the particle size of the carbon black was the smallest with 4 h oxidation. Subsequently, the surface of oxidized carbon black was grafted, and the particle size was further reduced under steric hindrance effect. Compared with the original carbon black, the particle dispersion of oxidized carbon black and grafted carbon black was obvious, and no large aggregates appeared. The oxygen-containing functional groups on the surface of carbon black increased significantly after oxidation. Changing the oxidation time affected the carboxyl content on the surface of carbon black, and the carboxyl content increased with the increase of oxidation time, changing from 0.124 mmol/g to 0.616 mmol/g. It was seen that the diffraction peak of oxidized carbon black did not shift, indicating that nitric acid oxidation of carbon black only occurred on the surface of carbon black without causing serious damage to the carbon black skeleton. The mass loss of grafted carbon black mainly occurred at 40-100 ℃ and 300-450 ℃. The EG, PEG200, PEG600 and PEG800 were successfully grafted onto oxidized carbon black with a 4 h oxidation time duration, with a grafting rate exceeding 33%. The stability test results showed that the heat stability and storage stability of grafted carbon black were above 92% and 93%, respectively. It was found that the deposition of carbon black was not only correlated to the initial particle size, but also to the length of the molecular chain on the surface of carbon black.

Conclusion The average particle size of carbon black decreased significantly after oxidation, and the dispersion effect was the best with 4 h oxidation. The structure of carbon black was not destroyed after oxidation, and the carboxyl content of carbon black increased significantly, from 0.124 mmol/g to 0.537 mmol/g. The surface of oxidized carbon black was successfully grafted with ethylene glycol and polyethylene glycol with different relative molecular weights, and the grafting rate was above 33%. All of them could be stably dispersed in ethylene glycol, and the average particle size was between 132.8 nm and 148.6 nm, among which the average particle size of PEG600-OCB was the smallest. PEG800-OCB has the best storage stability, and the storage stability is above 95%. PEG200-OCB and PEG600-OCB have the best thermal stability, both of which are above 95%. It is dispersed in ethylene glycol to maintain its stability by steric hindrance.

Key words: carbon black nanoparticle, oxidization, dispersity, polyester fiber dope dyeing, esterification grafting, polyethylene glycol, Steglich esterification reaction


  • TS193





样品名称 平均粒径/nm Zeta电位/mV
CB 6 686.0 -19.8
2hOCB 167.2 -22.3
4hOCB 156.5 -30.4
6hOCB 162.1 -34.2
8hOCB 174.9 -35.9







样品名称 碳含量/% 氧含量/% 羧基含量/(mmol·g-1)
CB 96.53 3.74 0.124
2hOCB 90.74 9.26 0.201
4hOCB 90.11 9.89 0.537
6hOCB 89.60 10.40 0.557
8hOCB 89.34 10.66 0.616













样品名称 羧基含量/(mmol·g-1) 接枝率/%
EG-OCB 0.338 37.06
PEG200-OCB 0.356 33.71
PEG600-OCB 0.358 33.33
PEG800-OCB 0.353 34.26



样品名称 粒径/nm PDI值
EG-OCB 142.3 0.032
PEG200-OCB 133.2 0.096
PEG600-OCB 132.1 0.091
PEG800-OCB 141.2 0.071







样品名称 粒径/nm 沉降速度/(10-10 m·s-1)
OCB 141.3 11.4
EG-OCB 137.3 9.8
PEG200-OCB 138.3 10.3
PEG600-OCB 132.8 9.4
PEG800-OCB 148.6 11.7
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