纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (07): 150-158.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230301201

• 服装工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


谢红, 张林蔚, 沈云萍()   

  1. 上海工程技术大学 纺织服装学院, 上海 201600
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-06 修回日期:2023-12-29 出版日期:2024-07-15 发布日期:2024-07-15
  • 通讯作者: 沈云萍(1995—),女,实验师,硕士。主要研究方向为服装舒适性与功能。E-mail:abbyshenyp@163.com
  • 作者简介:谢红(1970—),女,教授,博士。主要研究方向为人体工效与功能服装。
  • 基金资助:

Continuous dynamic clothing pressure prediction model based on human arm and accuracy characterization method

XIE Hong, ZHANG Linwei, SHEN Yunping()   

  1. School of Textile and Fashion, Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2023-03-06 Revised:2023-12-29 Published:2024-07-15 Online:2024-07-15



关键词: 织物基传感器, 连续动态压力, 数值模拟, 服装压力, 人体臂部, 压力臂套


Objective With the development and application of flexible sensing technology, there is an urgent need for accurate evaluation of detected results, because there is no mature evaluation standard at present. For the fabric-type sensors, the output of its detection signal is closely related to the changing curvature of the human surface and the physical parameters of the material itself. Therefore, this study attempts to establish a continuous dynamic pressure finite element model for the interface between the human body and clothing, soas to provide theoretical basis for assessing the output accuracy of the fabric-type sensor. It could be used to characterize the accuracy of flexible sensing technology in practical application, so as to further promote the industrialization of smart wearable products.

Method In this research, the human arm is selected as the research object, and a three-dimensional finite element model of the human arm and the elastic pressure arm sleeve is established, based on the finite element principle. The processes of putting the elastic cuff around the human arm and the buckling of the human elbow joint after wearing the elastic arm sleeve are numerically simulated, and the equivalent stress of the soft tissue external surface of the human arm and the elastic pressure arm sleeve changing with time is calculated. Based on the data, a linear regression model was established, and root-mean-square error (RMSE) was selected as the representation index of the linear regression model to characterize the accuracy of the textile flexible sensor test.

Results In order to simplify the model, the fabric and bone were assumed to be isotropic linear elastomer, and the soft tissue was assumed to be isotropic hyper-elastomer. When the pressure arm sleeve was worn to the human arm, 16 points were determined according to the shape of the pressure arm. The effectiveness of the model was verified, and the relative error between the simulated value and the measured value was analyzed. The results showed that except for the outer part of ulna at the lower end of the arm (height 1-t side) and the muscle of the upper arm (height 4-p side), the finite element prediction results of the remaining 15 test points under three different fabrics were basically consistent with the pressure experiment results (0.2% to 8.9%), which can prove the validity of the model. Two types of textile flexible sensors were selected in the market, and the mechano-electric coupling model of the flexible sensors was established, and the electrical signals collected by the sensors were converted into stress values. The dynamic stress curve of the soft tissue surface on the outside of the elbow joint was extracted with time. Linear fitting was carried out according to the feature points, and the fitted curve was used as a linear regression model to characterize the application performance of the collected test data at the elbow joint. The RMSE was selected as the representative index of the regression model, and the accurate performance of the output signal applied to the elbow joint of the two sensors was characterized. The results showed that the regression effect of sensor A was better than that of sensor B. In other words, sensor A is more suitable for the measurement of elbow joint flexion with higher accuracy, indicating that this model could potentially characterize the performance of test accuracy of fabric-type flexible sensors.

Conclusion This paper proposes a method to characterize the accuracy of test data from textile flexible sensor. A finite element method was established to simulate the dynamic pressure of clothing, and a linear regression model was set up to calculate the dynamic pressure using RMSE to characterize the prediction error. For the future research, it is suggested that the establishment of materials and models can be further refined for different parts of the human body to balance the calculation time and get closer to the physiological characteristics of the human body. In order to simulate more complicated working conditions, it is necessary to further understand the biomechanics of the human body in the state of motion. In addition, it is necessary to explore the dynamic pressure model of clothing under multi-physical field coupling to better characterize the performance of fabric-type flexible sensors in practical applications.

Key words: fabric-based sensor, continuous dynamic pressure, numerical simulation, clothing pressure, human arm, elastic pressure arm sleeve


  • TS941.7









成分含量/% 厚度/
面料1 61%锦纶、39%氨纶 0.303 0.601 0.84
面料2 68%锦纶、32%氨纶 0.410 0.507 0.74
面料3 70%锦纶、30%氨纶 0.577 0.585 0.45





名称 节点数 单元数
尺骨 691 1 885
桡骨 880 2 400
肱骨 347 1 032
软组织 9 449 46 818
弹性压力臂套 1 220 1 200











参数 传感器A
外观尺寸 150 mm×30 mm 50 mm×50 mm
厚度 1 mm 2.3 mm
拉伸范围 0~50% 0~850 N
分辨率 0.05% 27 μm
线性度 99.90% 99.70%
耐久性 >30万次 >30万次
工作温度 <60 ℃ <60 ℃
洗涤 机洗>60次 机洗>60次



产品尺寸 73.5 mm×58 mm×13.5 mm
显示屏尺寸 36.72 mm×48.96 mm
屏分辨率 240 RGB×320
测试通道数 可同时接3路测试对象
主要功能 电容数值显示;曲线显示;数据发送
量程 0~3 500 pF
分辨率 0.01 pF
显示范围 可调节,上限0~3 500 pF,下限0~10 pF
波特率 4种可调(9 600、19 200、38 400、115 200)
发送频率 4种可调(10、20、50、100 Hz)
发送模式 2种可调(HEX(16进制)、DEC(10进制))
电池 3.7 V/600 mA·h,满电可使用5 h









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