纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (09): 194-203.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230601201

• 机械与设备 • 上一篇    下一篇


胡胜(), 王紫悦, 张守京   

  1. 西安工程大学 机电工程学院, 陕西 西安 710048
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-09 修回日期:2024-01-11 出版日期:2024-09-15 发布日期:2024-09-15
  • 作者简介:胡胜(1988—),男,副教授,博士。主要研究方向为智能制造质量控制、质量管理与质量工程。E-mail: husheng@xpu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Influence of transport channel structure for foreign fiber sorting machine on airflow stability

HU Sheng(), WANG Ziyue, ZHANG Shoujing   

  1. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xi'an Polytechnic University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710048, China
  • Received:2023-06-09 Revised:2024-01-11 Published:2024-09-15 Online:2024-09-15


针对异纤分拣机输棉通道内部出现气流波动导致后续棉花异纤的检测与剔除效果不佳等问题,对异纤分拣机输棉通道结构与气流稳定性之间的关系进行了研究。利用流体仿真软件Fluent分别对原始输棉通道结构、不同弯管角度与通道入口段长度以及在通道入口增设不同类型面扩散器进行模拟分析,探讨输棉通道在不同方案改进下其内部气流速度分布、压力分布及直通道中心线位置的速度衰减曲线的规律。仿真结果表明:原始输棉通道由于弯管处产生流动方向突变和离心力,导致内外壁面存在压力差使得通道内部流速波动较大;减小弯管角度、增大入口段长度有利于减小压力不均衡分布区域,提升内部气流稳定性;在输棉通道入口增设局部阻力系数最小的双圆弧相切流线型面的缩扩型扩散器,不仅可以减小因型面突变产生的局部阻力,同时可将气流集中在管道中间位置,相较于原始输棉通道气流的波动距离缩短0.3 m。

关键词: 异纤分拣机, 输棉通道, 结构优化, 扩散器, 气流稳定性, 棉花, 异纤


Objective The stability of the airflow inside the channel affects the flow of cotton in the pipe, which in turn affects the subse quent detection and rejection of foreign fibers. The purpose of this paper is to reduce the fluctuation of airflow inside the transport channel and minimize the wall attachment phenomenon on the upper and lower walls of the channel by improving the structure of the transport channel, so that the cotton flow can be transported smoothly inside the channel and improve the efficiency and rejection accuracy of foreign fiber detection.

Method ANSYS software Fluent module is adopted to model the CS808 foreign fiber machine channel structure in equal scale, set the simulation parameters according to the actual working conditions of the foreign fiber machine, use computerized fluid dynamics simulation calculation, analyze the flow field characteristics of the original channel structure, and then propose two improvement options such as changing the curvature combined with the length of the inlet section and adding diffusers and simulate them, and draw velocity profiles to compare the effect before and after the improvement.

Results The simulation results show that: 1) due to the original cotton transport channel structure of the elbow, the pressure difference between the upper and lower walls of the place reached 23 Pa, the velocity field is disordered and the air velocity fluctuation is large, which is not conducive to the smooth transportation of the cotton flow. Therefore, it is proposed to improve the internal airflow stability of the channel by improving its own structural parameters and adding an external diffuser, respectively. 2) Reducing the angle of the bend and increasing the length of the inlet section of the cotton transport channel is conducive to reducing the coverage of the high and low pressure imbalance region at the bend of the channel, which can effectively reduce the velocity difference between the upper and lower walls at the bend, so that the airflow can restore smoothness more quickly. And the quantitative analysis of the channel shows that reducing the angle of the bend is better than changing the length of the channel inlet section to improve the stability of the airflow. 3) In the second optimization scheme, first, three different types of nozzles were screened as the diffuser in this paper; and then the design of the structural parameters of the diffuser into the cotton channel entrance section and simulation analysis, it was found that the addition of the diffuser of the cotton channel can effectively reduce the pipeline wall effect, and will control the flow of cotton in the pipe. It is found that the additional diffuser can effectively reduce the wall effect of the pipe, control the cotton flow in the middle of the pipe, and the pressure and velocity imbalance phenomenon at the bends is significantly improved; in order to reduce the diffuser caused by the resistance caused by the wall transition is not smooth, the section optimization is carried out for the shrinking and expanding diffuser surface, and the double arc tangent section with the smallest coefficient of resistance is screened as the optimal diffuser from the three section improvement schemes; finally, it can be seen that the added diffuser can be used as the optimal diffuser through the simulation experiments. Finally, through simulation experiments, it can be seen that the airflow in the cotton transport channel with the addition of the double arc tangent section diffuser can be stabilized 0.3 m earlier than that in the original cotton transport channel.

Conclusion The unreasonable structure of the original cotton transport channel is the main reason for the fluctuation of cotton flow velocity. By changing the angle of the bend combined with the length of the inlet section and adding a taped and expanded diffuser can effectively reduce the degree of velocity fluctuations inside the pipe and significantly shorten the distance to restore smooth airflow, to a certain extent, to ensure the efficiency of the subsequent detection and rejection of cotton foreign fibers. The degree of improvement of the efficiency of foreign fiber detection and rejection in the practical application of the improvement scheme proposed in this paper needs to be further verified in theory and practical application.

Key words: foreign fiber sorting machine, cotton transport channel, structural optimization, diffuser, airflow stability, cotton, foreign fiber


  • TS112.7





















扩散器型面 P1/Pa P2/Pa P3/Pa Δ P 2 - 3/Pa Δ P 1 - 3/Pa V1/(m·s-1) V2/(m·s-1) ξ 1 ξ 2
直线型 12.614 -55.973 -0.051 55.922 12.665 7.428 12.136 0.587 0.355
抛物线型 11.423 -57.204 0.006 57.198 11.417 7.428 12.137 0.601 0.320
双曲线型 16.708 -52.549 -0.097 52.452 16.805 7.428 12.134 0.551 0.471
双圆弧型 12.570 -56.082 -0.019 56.063 12.589 7.762 12.242 0.579 0.323



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