纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (10): 39-47.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230701801

• 纺织工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


魏喜梅1, 张莹洁2, 张宏文1,3(), 王军1,4, 王蒙1,4   

  1. 1.石河子大学 机械电气工程学院, 新疆 石河子 832000
    2.南京师范大学 电气与自动化工程学院,江苏 南京 210023
    3.石河子大学 农业农村部西北农业装备重点实验室, 新疆 石河子 832000
    4.石河子大学 棉花生产技术现代化省部共建协同创新中心, 新疆 石河子 832000
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-15 修回日期:2024-06-06 出版日期:2024-10-15 发布日期:2024-10-22
  • 通讯作者: 张宏文(1969—),男,教授,博士。研究方向为农业机械设计及机械系统仿真。E-mail:zhw_mac@shzu.edu.com
  • 作者简介:魏喜梅(1996—),女,博士生。主要研究方向为机械设计及理论。
  • 基金资助:

Effect of compression parameters on cottonseed crushing rate and cotton fiber quality

WEI Ximei1, ZHANG Yingjie2, ZHANG Hongwen1,3(), WANG Jun1,4, WANG Meng1,4   

  1. 1. College of Mechanical Electrical Engineering, Shihezi University, Shihezi, Xinjiang 832000, China
    2. School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China
    3. Key Laboratory of Northwest Agricultural Equipment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Shihezi, Xinjiang 832000, China
    4. Collaborative Innovation Center of Province-Ministry Co-Construction for Cotton Modernization Production Technology, Shihezi, Xinjiang 832000, China
  • Received:2023-08-15 Revised:2024-06-06 Published:2024-10-15 Online:2024-10-22



关键词: 纤维品质, 棉籽破碎率, 压缩密度, 含水率, 含杂率, 机采籽棉


Objective Machine-harvested seed cotton always undergoes compression and baling procedure to augment fiber packing density and diminish volume, thereby enhancing the efficiency of cotton transportation and storage. However, determining an optimal range for compression parameters, then ensuring minimal damage to the cottonseed and maximal preservation of cotton fiber quality, holds significant importance for cotton production. Therefore, it is imperative to investigate the morphology of the compressed cottonseed and the cotton fiber quality.

Method To determine the primary and secondary relationship and the influence law of the compression parameters on the seed cotton quality, this study took the moisture content, trash content and compression density as the factors, and the cotton seed crushing rate, fiber length, micronaire value, elongation, reflectance (Rd), yellowness (+b), uniformity, and fiber strength as the indexes. Machine-harvested seed cotton was obtained through the cotton picking performance test, the cotton was compressed through the compression equipment, and the compressed cottonseeds and cotton fibers were obtained through ginning. The compressed cottonseed was chemically defluffed and dried to obtain the polished cottonseed, which was observed and screened with a microscope to obtain the cottonseed crushing rate; the compressed cotton fiber was sent to the testing laboratory to obtain the cotton fiber quality test results.

Results The results of variance analysis indicate that the order of the affecting factors of the crushing rate of cottonseed after compression is compression density, moisture content, and trash content. The order for fiber length is trash content, moisture content, and compression density. The order for micronaire value is moisture content, trash content, and compression density. The order for the elongation was moisture content, trash content, and compression density. The order for reflectivity was moisture content, trash content, and compression density. The order for yellowness was trash content, moisture content, and compression density. The order for uniformity was trash content, compression density, and moisture content. The order for fiber strength was compression density, trash content, and moisture content. The effect of moisture content, trash content, and compression density on cotton seed crushing rate was significant (P<0.05). The cotton seed crushing rate increased with increasing compression density, and decreased with in-creasing moisture content at a higher compression density. Trash content had no significant effect (P>0.05) on uniformity, fiber strength, elongation, reflectance. And compression density only had a significant effect (P<0.05) on cottonseed crushing rate and reflectance. Fiber length increased with increasing compression density and increasing moisture content, but decreased with increasing trash content. The micronaire value increased with the increase of trash content, decreased with the increase of compression density, and increased with the increase of moisture content. Elongation increased with increasing trash content, decreased with increasing compression density, and decreased slowly with increasing moisture content. The reflection rate increased with increasing compression density and decreased with increasing moisture content. The cottonseed crushing rate is the smallest when the moisture content is 14%, the trash content is 16%, and the compression density is 200 kg/m3. The maximum fiber length is obtained when the moisture content is 14%, the trash content is 8% and the compression density is 400 kg/m3. The elongation is minimized when the moisture content is 14%, the trash content is 8%, and the compression density is 400 kg/m3. The reflectance is minimized when the moisture content is 14%, the trash content is 8%, and the compression density is 200 kg/m3. The minimum yellowness is obtained when the moisture content is 6%, the trash content is 16%, and the compression density is 200 kg/m3. The micronaire value is between 4.50 and 4.90, which is at the standard level.

Conclusion Finally, we obtained that under the premise of ensuring higher compression density, increasing moisture content and trash content can ensure a smaller cotton seed crushing rate, while increasing moisture content will lead to a decrease in elongation, and increasing trash content will reduce fiber length and increase reflectivity. The research results have certain theoretical value for the determination of the working conditions of cotton picker and the design and selection of the parameters of compression molding device of cotton picker.

Key words: fiber quality, cottonseed crushing rate, compression density, moisture content, trash content, machine-harvested seed cotton


  • TS101



水平 含水率X1/% 含杂率X2/% 压缩密度X3/(kg·m-3)
-1 6 8 200
0 10 12 300
1 14 16 400







X1 X2 X3 棉籽
长度/mm 整齐度/% 断裂强度/
马克隆值 断裂伸长
反射率/% 黄度
1 -1 -1 -1 2.34 28.72 81.33 26.74 4.61 6.75 65.43 8.63
2 -1 -1 0 4.76 29.57 82.45 27.50 4.33 6.40 66.05 8.38
3 -1 -1 1 12.91 29.03 81.93 27.19 4.51 6.50 65.80 8.70
4 -1 0 -1 1.68 29.36 82.73 27.64 4.68 6.60 64.45 8.43
5 -1 0 0 3.75 29.15 83.30 26.98 4.53 6.50 64.83 8.13
6 -1 0 1 11.46 28.85 82.33 27.48 4.55 6.50 66.88 8.48
7 -1 1 -1 1.04 29.00 82.40 27.21 4.68 6.68 64.20 8.03
8 -1 1 0 3.83 28.60 82.30 27.94 4.55 7.00 65.30 8.18
9 -1 1 1 10.63 28.61 81.50 26.71 4.60 6.78 68.43 8.23
10 0 -1 -1 1.86 29.19 82.13 26.99 4.76 6.68 63.58 8.63
11 0 -1 0 4.56 29.06 82.20 27.53 4.58 6.43 64.83 8.80
12 0 -1 1 10.61 29.93 82.98 26.76 4.56 6.40 66.05 8.58
13 0 0 -1 1.58 29.05 82.35 26.97 4.51 6.70 64.35 8.48
14 0 0 0 4.25 28.95 82.35 27.78 4.65 6.55 65.43 8.65
15 0 0 1 9.99 29.82 83.20 28.19 4.62 6.75 65.03 8.40
16 0 1 -1 1.42 29.18 82.70 27.35 4.77 6.83 62.83 8.33
17 0 1 0 3.28 28.88 82.48 27.00 4.81 6.48 64.85 8.25
18 0 1 1 6.73 28.80 81.50 26.79 4.77 6.48 65.60 8.50
19 1 -1 -1 1.98 29.17 82.30 27.59 4.54 6.58 62.95 9.23
20 1 -1 0 3.88 30.15 82.18 27.44 4.70 6.25 63.78 8.65
21 1 -1 1 9.11 29.84 82.88 27.20 4.64 6.18 64.33 8.95
22 1 0 -1 1.71 29.07 82.73 27.19 4.65 6.43 62.18 9.05
23 1 0 0 3.48 29.57 83.18 27.30 4.75 6.20 64.03 8.68
24 1 0 1 8.50 29.69 83.03 27.73 4.67 6.35 64.23 8.60
25 1 1 -1 0.45 28.62 81.98 27.61 4.77 6.33 64.75 8.00
26 1 1 0 1.45 29.30 81.83 27.06 4.69 6.70 63.98 9.08
27 1 1 1 8.16 29.41 82.73 27.59 4.72 6.53 65.90 8.23



指标 含水率 含杂率 压缩密度
棉籽破碎率 1.539 0.219 1.891 0.156 422.298 0.000**
长度 3.859 0.024* 4.544 0.013* 1.982 0.143
整齐度 0.465 0.630 2.515 0.086 0.214 0.808
断裂强度 0.144 0.866 0.294 0.746 0.207 0.814
马克隆值 4.933 0.009** 3.314 0.040* 0.921 0.401
断裂伸长率 4.143 0.019* 2.849 0.062 0.811 0.447
反射率 3.140 0.047* 0.248 0.781 4.144 0.019*
黄度 5.721 0.004** 7.282 0.001** 0.005 0.995



因素 破碎率 长度 整齐度 断裂强度 马克隆值 断裂伸长率 反射率 黄度
含水率 -0.169 0.428* 0.227 0.159 0.466** -0.504** -0.543** 0.481*
含杂率 -0.185 -0.464** -0.085 0.038 0.483* 0.382* 0.108 -0.545**
压缩密度 0.912** 0.286 0.126 0.042 -0.141 -0.259 0.625** -0.021













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