纺织学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (01): 94-97.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20170201404

• 染整与化学品 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2017-02-13 修回日期:2017-07-27 出版日期:2018-01-15 发布日期:2018-01-16

Preparation and performance of transient cool feeling cotton fabric

  • Received:2017-02-13 Revised:2017-07-27 Online:2018-01-15 Published:2018-01-16


为获得一种具有冰爽舒适性能的针织面料,采用纤维素酶处理棉针织物,然后用冰爽硅油对织物进行整理。通过红外光谱、热重、KES织物风格、毛细效应、透气性、透湿性、热阻、湿阻的测试分析,研究了触感清凉棉织物的性能。结果表明:触感清凉棉织物剪切刚度为0.74 cN/(cm?(°) ),弯曲刚度为0.0073 cN?cm,悬垂系数为30.7%,30 min 毛细效应为12.3 cm, 透气性为352.3 L/(m2?s), 透湿性为4.012 g/ (m2?d), 热阻为0.019 1 m2?°C/W,湿阻为4.687 Pa?m2。经纤维素酶和冰爽硅油处理后,棉织物表面柔软度和滑爽度增加,动摩擦因数为0.206,摩擦因数平均偏差为0.006 2,表面粗糙度为2.250。红外谱图分析结果表明,处理后纤维分子结构中引入了硅油基团。热重分析结果表明,触感清凉棉织物初始分解温度为247.7 °C,热稳定性能保持良好。

关键词: 触感清凉棉织物, 纤维素酶, 冰爽硅油, 织物性能


In order to obtain a cold comfort knitted fabric, cotton fabric was treated with cellulase, followed by iced silicone oil finishing. The properties of tactitity cool cotton fabric were studied by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTRI), thermogravimetric analysis (TG), KES fabric style instrument, capillary effect, air permeability, moisture penetrability, thermal resistance and water-vapour resistance test. The results show that shearing rigidity of the cool cotton fabric is 0.74 cN/ (cm?(°) ), the bending rigidity is 0.007 3 cN?cm and the drape coefficient is 30.7%. The capillary effect of the treated fabric is 12.3 cm(30 min). The air permeability is 352.3 L/(m2?s). The moisture penetrability is 4.012 g/(m2?d). The thermal and water-vapour resistance is 0.019 1 m2?°C/W and  4.687 Pa?m2/W, respectively. The surface softness and smoothness of cotton fabric increase after cellulase and iced silicone oil treatment. The coefficient of kinetic friction of the treated sample is 0.206. The average friction coefficient is 0.006 2. The surface roughness is 2.250. The FT-IR anslysis indicates that silicone oil group is introduced to the treated fabric surface. Teh thermal gravity analysis result shows that the temperature of initial thermal decomposition temperature of transient cool feeling cotton fabric is 247.7°C. The thermal stability of the treated fabric maintains good.

Key words: transient cool feeling cotton fabric, cellulase, iced silicone oil, fabric property

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