纺织学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (03): 114-119.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20170402706

• 染整与化学品 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2017-04-10 修回日期:2017-09-20 出版日期:2018-03-15 发布日期:2018-03-09

Influence of softening treatment on properties of polyester/polyamide 6 hollow segmented-pie ultrafine fiber nonwovens

  • Received:2017-04-10 Revised:2017-09-20 Online:2018-03-15 Published:2018-03-09


为获得综合性能优异的中空桔瓣型超细纤维非织造布,采用 4 种不同的柔软处理方法,即物理水洗、烷基季铵盐柔软剂、有机硅柔软剂和化学碱减量法处理涤纶/锦纶 6 非织造布。研究了不同的柔软处理工艺对中空桔瓣型超细纤维非织造布性能的影响,并对其结构与形貌进行表征与分析。结果表明:物理水洗、烷基季铵盐柔软剂、有机硅柔软剂柔软处理使中空桔瓣型超细纤维非织造布折痕回复性、抗弯曲性、悬垂性、柔软性能均得到提高,断裂强力略有下降,撕裂强力提高;经化学碱减量柔软处理的非织造布柔软性能较好,但是力学性能较差。对比经 4 种不同的柔软工艺处理的非织造布性能可知,经有机硅柔软剂处理的中空桔瓣型超细纤维非织造布综合性能

关键词: 涤纶/ 锦纶 6 超细纤维, 柔软处理, 中空桔瓣型, 非织造布


In order to obtain hollow segmented-pie ultrafine fiber nonwovens with excellent comprehensive properties, four different processing methods of softening treatment including physical washing, alkyl quaternary ammonium salt softener, organic silicon softener and chemical alkali softening were used to treat polyester/polyamide 6 nonwovens. Influences of different softening treatment processes on properties of the nonwovens were studied, and the cross-section morphologies were also observed and analyzed. The results show that hollow segmented-pie ultrafine fiber nonwovens treated with mechanical softening, alkyl quaternary ammonium salt softener softening, organic silicon softener softening are increased in crease recovery, bending resistance, draping property and softness. The breaking strength slightly decreases, and the tear strength is improved. The chemical alkali softening treatment effect is the best, but the fibers are damaged and mechanical properties are the poorest. Compared with the other three different treatment processes, the hollow segmented-pie ultrafine fiber nonwovens treated by organic silicone have the most excellent comprehensive performance.

Key words: polyester/polyamide 6 ultrafine fiber, soft treatment, hollow segmented-pie, nonwoven fabric

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