纺织学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (04): 144-148.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20200706605

• 服装工程 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 辽东学院 服装与纺织学院, 辽宁 丹东 118000
  • 收稿日期:2020-07-27 修回日期:2021-01-05 出版日期:2021-04-15 发布日期:2021-04-20
  • 作者简介:宋莹(1973—),女,副教授,硕士。主要研究方向为服装工程。E-mail: 626846848@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Interactive design of cheongsam personalized customization and display system

SONG Ying()   

  1. School of Clothing & Textile, Eastern Liaoning University, Dandong, Liaoning 118000, China
  • Received:2020-07-27 Revised:2021-01-05 Online:2021-04-15 Published:2021-04-20



关键词: 旗袍, 个性定制, 系统设计, 界面实现, 交互设计, 虚拟展示


In order to solve the problems in complicated operation process, high cost and single type of custom-made clothing, and so on in traditional customization clothing systems, MatLab was used as the development platform to design and develop the personalized customization and virtual display system with cheongsam as example. The style features and elements of cheongsam was extracted, and the system database parameter information was determined. Depending on the functional requirements of the system, 5 functional areas were defined, and interactive computation by database information and genetic algorithm were carried out, and the interface display of parameter area, style evaluation area and virtual display area were facilitated, which assists consumers to complete the cheongsam parameter choice, the style appraisal and the virtual fitting. Practical application shows that compared with the traditional customization process, the system has significant improvement in customization efficiency and customer satisfaction, verifying the feasibility and efficiency of the interactive system.

Key words: cheongsam, personalized customization, system design, interface implementation, interaction design, virtual display


  • TS941.717.87



分类方式 细分要素
旗袍廓型 较合体、修身
穿着季节 夏季、春秋季、冬季
面料材质 纯毛、纯棉、纯麻、蚕丝、其他
面料色系 红色系、黄色系、蓝色系、紫色系、白色系、其他
面料图案 纯色、条纹、格子、波点、花色、其他
配饰配件 蕾丝、刺绣、包边、扣型、其他
门襟设计 单侧、双侧
衣领造型 中式立领、水滴领、凤仙领、其他
袖子造型 绱袖、连袖、插肩袖、其他
袖子长度 无袖、短袖、长袖、其他
旗袍开衩 弧形开衩、方形开衩
旗袍长度 短款、中长款、长款



参数名称 数据类型 参数说明
Type int 廓型
Season int 季节
Fabric texture int 面料材质
Fabric color int 面料色系
Fabric pattern int 面料图案
Placket int 门襟
Collar int 领子
Sleeve int 袖子
Better fit double 较合体
Snug double 修身
Single placket double 单侧门襟
Double placket double 双侧门襟
Chinese collar double 中式立领
Drip collar double 水滴领
Baslam collar double 凤仙领
Sleeveless double 无袖
Linked sleeve double 连袖
Binded sleeve double 绱袖
Raglan sleeve double 插肩袖
Short sleeve double 短袖
Long sleeve double 长袖
Square vent double 方形开衩
Curved vent double 弧形开衩
Pc int 交叉概率
Pm int 变异概率
Data option int 备选及延伸方案
Data score int 评判得分









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