纺织学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (11): 29-38.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210103610

• 纤维材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


张印辉, 杨宏宽, 刘强, 何自芬   

  1. 昆明理工大学 机电工程学院, 云南 昆明 650500
  • 收稿日期:2021-01-15 修回日期:2021-06-14 出版日期:2021-11-15 发布日期:2021-11-29
  • 作者简介:张印辉(1977—),男,教授,博士。主要研究方向为图像处理、机器视觉和机器智能。
  • 基金资助:

Real-time detection of inferior cocoons through model compression and receptive field enhancement

ZHANG Yinhui, YANG Hongkuan, LIU Qiang, HE Zifen   

  1. Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, Yunnan 650500, China
  • Received:2021-01-15 Revised:2021-06-14 Published:2021-11-15 Online:2021-11-29


针对目前选茧时下茧检测主要依赖人工目测,工作效率低的问题,提出一种基于锚点框参数预置、通道剪枝和嵌入感受野模块改进的轻量化下茧实时检测模型。首先,通过K-means聚类分析出适用于下茧检测的锚点框以预置YOLOv3模型参数;然后,根据预设的剪枝率对稀疏化训练后的模型进行基于批量正则化层缩放因子的模型剪枝,以此压缩模型的大小;最后,在剪枝后的模型中嵌入感受野模块,使模型的感受野变大,增强模型的辨别能力和鲁棒性。实验结果表明:提出的下茧实时检测模型大小为46.90 M,平均检测速度达到50.18 帧/s,平均检测精度为96.80%,较原YOLOv3模型参数压缩了79.96%,平均检测速度提高了60.63%,平均检测精度提高了3.20%。

关键词: 蚕茧, 下茧检测, YOLOv3模型, 聚类分析, 模型压缩, 感受野模块


The current inferior cocoons detection mainly depends on manual visual inspection, which leads to low work efficiency. Based on anchor parameter presetting, channel pruning and embedding receptive field block, an improved lightweight real time inferior cocoons detection model was proposed.Firstly, the model parameters of YOLOv3 were preset through K-means clustering analysis of the anchor suitable for inferior cocoons detection. Then, according to a preset pruning rate, the sparsely trained model was pruned based on batch normalization layer scaling factor to compress the size of the model. Finally, the receptive field block was embedded the pruned model to enlarge the receptive field of the model and enhance the discriminability and robustness of the model. The experimental results show that the proposed inferior cocoons real-time detection model is 46.90 M in size, and the mean average detection speed and precision reach 50.18 frames/s and 96.80% respectively. Compared with the original YOLOv3 model, the parameters are compressed by 79.96%, the mean average detection speed is increased by 60.63%, and the mean average detection precision is increased by 3.20%.

Key words: cocoons, inferior cocoons detection, YOLOv3 model, clustering analysis, model compression, receptive field block


  • TP391















参数名称 数值
giou损失的系数(giou) 1.582
分类损失的系数(cls) 27.76
分类损失函数中正样本的权重(cls_pw) 1.446
有无物体损失的系数(obj) 21.35
有无物体损失函数中正样本的权重(obj_pw) 3.941
标签与锚点框的iou阈值(iou_t) 0.263 5
学习率(lr0) 0.002 324
余弦退火超参数(lrf) 0.000 1
学习率动量(momentum) 0.97
权重衰减系数(weight_decay) 0.000 456 9



锚点框数量 锚点框尺寸 模型大小/M 平均检测速度/(帧·s-1) mAP/%
3 (38,28),(31,35),(31,41) 234.00 31.14 96.10
6 (26,32),(33,26),(28,42),
234.00 30.68 96.00
9 (27,29),(24,33),(33,26),
234.00 30.46 95.90
12 (28,27),(34,24),(26,33),(27,39),
235.00 30.38 95.20





剪枝率/% 模型大小/M 平均检测速度/
10.00 205.00 30.96 95.99
20.00 177.00 33.82 95.99
30.00 151.00 37.36 95.99
40.00 127.00 39.93 95.99
50.00 104.00 42.23 95.99
60.00 83.60 44.53 95.98
70.00 65.00 47.39 95.97
80.00 46.90 51.05 95.95



4层后 46.90 47.52 96.70
11层后 46.90 49.87 96.60
36层后 46.90 50.18 96.80
61层后 46.90 50.04 96.20
74层后 46.90 49.57 96.10
86层后 46.90 48.47 96.70
98层后 46.90 48.77 96.10







检测模型 模型大
YOLOv3 234.00 31.24 93.80
YOLOv4 245.00 26.38 96.78
SSD 92.10 41.79 96.64
YOLOv3-MC-RFB 46.90 50.18 96.80



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