纺织学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (02): 208-213.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210603206

• 机械与器材 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘汉邦1,2, 李新荣1,2(), 冯文倩1,2, 吴柳波1,2, 袁汝旺1,2   

  1. 1.天津工业大学 机械工程学院, 天津 300387
    2.天津市现代机电装备技术重点实验室, 天津 300387
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-09 修回日期:2021-11-24 出版日期:2022-02-15 发布日期:2022-03-15
  • 通讯作者: 李新荣
  • 作者简介:刘汉邦(1996—),男,硕士生。主要研究方向为服装设备智能化。
  • 基金资助:

Grabbing performance of non-contact gripper based on Coanda effect for garment fabrics

LIU Hanbang1,2, LI Xinrong1,2(), FENG Wenqian1,2, WU Liubo1,2, YUAN Ruwang1,2   

  1. 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Modern Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Technology, Tianjin 300387, China
  • Received:2021-06-09 Revised:2021-11-24 Published:2022-02-15 Online:2022-03-15
  • Contact: LI Xinrong



关键词: 非接触抓取, 服装面料, 吸附性能, 柯恩达效应


The automatic grabbing and transfer of garment fabrics is the key to the automated production of the garment industry in order to improve the processing efficiency in garment production. Aiming at the problems of surface scratches and insufficient grabbing force with the current garment fabric grabbing methods, the impact of the non-contact gripper based on Coanda effect on grabbing garment fabrics was studied and analyzed. The structure and working principle of the non-contact gripper based on Coanda effect were introduced, and the grabbing performance experiments of fabrics with different parameters were carried out. The grabbing performance of garment fabrics with different fabric parameters was compared and analyzed. The results show that the non-contact gripper based on the Coanda effect can achieve the non-contact gripping of a variety of garment fabrics, which solves the problem of contact scratches and insufficient grabbing force in the production process of garment fabrics. This research can effectively reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses in the grabbing and transfer of garment fabrics, and provide technical support for the realization of the automated production of garment fabrics.

Key words: non-contact gripping, garment fabric, grabbing performance, Coanda effect


  • TS112.7


柯恩达效应式非接触夹持器结构及原理示意图 1—初级气流;2—次级气流;3—储气腔中的气流;4—非接触夹持器。"



参数 符号 单位
面料有效吸附面积 s mm2
气体流速 v m/s
气体的压强 p Pa(abs)
大气压强 pa Pa(abs)
超音速区域的压强 p1 Pa(abs)
亚音速区域的压强 p2 Pa(abs)
气流的半径 r mm
空气动力黏度 μ Pa·s
夹持器与工件之间的间隙 h1 mm
方位角 δ (°)
外界大气的密度 ρa kg/m3
气体的密度 ρ kg/m3
比热容比 γ _
摩擦因数 f _
提升力 F N
超音速区域的提升力 f1 N
亚音速区域的提升力 f2 N







4 20 5 15 50.24 254.34



试样编号 经密/
(根·(10 cm)-1)
(根·(10 cm)-1)
质量/g 透气量/
1 62 57 0.855 5 3 045 0.36
2 78 63 2.497 9 934.3 0.62
3 57 63 2.416 5 29.88 0.46
4 75 65 1.428 4 406.3 0.24
5 120 86 1.387 7 328 0.24
6 64 63 1.788 5 344.6 0.40
7 63 66.5 1.401 7 84.7 0.26
8 76 64.5 1.631 1 246.8 0.23
9 84 49 1.273 3 1 779.7 0.36
10 70 63 2.725 0 50.68 0.48
11 58 80 2.213 5 75.29 0.38
12 87 86 1.325 5 1 237.3 0.36


掉落情况分析流程图 1—面料; 2—测试平台。"


吸附间隙示意图 1—非接触末端执行器;2—面料;3—测试平台。"





25 30 35 40 45 50
1 D D D D D D
2 A A B D D D
3 A A D D D D
4 A D D D D D
5 D D D D D D
6 A D D D D D
7 A D D D D D
8 A D D D D D
9 A D D D D D
10 A A D D D D
11 A D D D D D
12 A D D D D D





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