纺织学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (02): 30-36.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20211104507

• 纤维材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


强荣1,2(), 冯帅博1, 马茜1, 陈博文1, 陈熠1   

  1. 1.中原工学院 纺织学院, 河南 郑州 450007
    2.河南省纺织服装产业协同创新中心, 河南 郑州 450007
  • 收稿日期:2021-11-08 修回日期:2021-12-06 出版日期:2022-02-15 发布日期:2022-03-15
  • 作者简介:强荣(1989—),女,讲师,博士。主要研究方向为碳纤维基电磁波吸收材料/织物的开发。E-mail: casey2009@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Preparation and microwave absorption performance of cobalt/carbon fiber composites

QIANG Rong1,2(), FENG Shuaibo1, MA Qian1, CHEN Bowen1, CHEN Yi1   

  1. 1. College of Textiles, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan 450007, China
    2. Henan Collaborative Innovation Center of Textile and Garment Industry, Zhengzhou, Henan 450007, China
  • Received:2021-11-08 Revised:2021-12-06 Published:2022-02-15 Online:2022-03-15


为解决碳纤维基吸波材料制备方法繁杂、能耗高的问题,以棉纤维为原料,Co2+为金属源,2-甲基咪唑为配体,经配位自组装获得棉纤维表面均匀负载的ZIF-67,复合材料经惰性气氛下高温煅烧得到钴/碳纤维复合材料。结果表明:随煅烧温度升高,钴纳米粒子结晶度更高,材料的矫顽力和饱和磁化强度增强,铁磁特性明显;煅烧温度有助于碳组分由无定形碳向微晶石墨转变,碳组分石墨化程度升高;800 ℃时钴/碳纤维复合材料的吸波性能最佳,厚度为2 mm时,有效吸收带宽可达5.44 GHz (9.36~14.80 GHz),复合材料优异的吸波性能归因于适宜的阻抗匹配和介电损耗与磁损耗的协同增强,相互搭载的纤维结构为电磁波构筑了适宜的衰减空间,并在碳纤维导电网络中快速衰减,研究将为新型碳纤维基吸波材料的设计开发提供借鉴。

关键词: 生物质, ZIF-67, 钴/碳纤维, 长径比, 吸波材料


In order to solve the potential preparation problem of carbon fibers, a biomass-derived method was proposed to obtain carbon fiber-based microwave absorbers, where cotton fibers was used as the raw material, Co2+ served as the metal source, and 2-methylimidazole as ligand. The cotton fiber/ZIF-67 were acquired by coordination and self-assembly of Co2+and 2-methylimidazole. Cobalt/carbon fibers were successfully prepared by controlled high-temperature pyrolysis in the inert atmosphere. It is proved that the increased pyrolysis temperature can improve the crystallinity of cobalt nanoparticles and the coercivity and saturation magnetization are enhanced simultaneously, displaying the typical ferromagnetic properties. Raman spectra indicate that the high pyrolysis temperature is conductive to the transformation from amorphous carbon to microcrystalline graphite,which induce the increased degree of graphitization degree of carbon components. The calculated results of reflection loss show that the cobalt/carbon fiber pyrolyzed at 800 ℃ provides the best microwave absorbing performance, where the bandwidth coverage reached 5.44 GHz (9.36-14.80 GHz) with a thickness of 2 mm. The appropriate impedance matching and synergistic enhancement of dielectric loss and magnetic loss are considered to be responsible for the intensified microwave absorption. Additionally, the cross-linked carbon fibers create the suitable attenuation space for electromagnetic waves, which promotes the quick attenuation of electromagnetic energy in the conductive carbon fiber network. It is believed that the research provides reference for the rational design and development of novel carbon fiber-based microwave absorbing materials.

Key words: biomass, ZIF-67, cobalt/carbon fiber, aspect ratio, microwave absorbing material


  • O613.71














钴/碳纤维复合材料的介电常数图 注:ε为介电常数, ε'、ε″分别为介电常数的实部和虚部;μ为磁导率,μ'、μ″分别为磁导率的实部和虚部。"









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