纺织学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (12): 75-81.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210607107

• 纺织工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


金关秀1(), 祝成炎2   

  1. 1.浙江工业职业技术学院, 浙江 绍兴 312000
    2.浙江理工大学 纺织科学与工程学院(国际丝绸学院), 浙江 杭州 310018
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-24 修回日期:2022-09-04 出版日期:2022-12-15 发布日期:2023-01-06
  • 作者简介:金关秀(1962—),男,教授,博士。主要研究方向为非织造材料的结构与性能。E-mail: ctljgx@163.com

Prediction of pore dimension in composite nonwovens based on image simulation and support vector machine

JIN Guanxiu1(), ZHU Chengyan2   

  1. 1. Zhejiang Industry Polytechnic College, Shaoxing, Zhejiang 312000, China
    2. College of Textile Science and Engineering (International Silk Institute), Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
  • Received:2021-06-24 Revised:2022-09-04 Published:2022-12-15 Online:2023-01-06


为探究非织造布复合前后孔隙尺寸的变化规律,以纤维根数、纤维平均直径、纤维直径变异系数为变量生成数字图像(复合单元)对非织造纤维网进行模拟,并采用将2个复合单元叠加的手法来模拟复合后的非织造纤维网。用2个复合单元的孔径差异百分比(Er)和孔径变异系数的平均值(MV)表征复合前孔隙尺寸;孔径复合指数(IP) 和孔径变异系数复合指数(IV)用于表征复合后孔隙尺寸。结果显示非织造布复合前后的孔隙尺寸呈复杂的非线性关系。将ErMV作为支持向量机模型的输入分别对IPIV进行预测,其绝对百分比误差分别为1.84%和1.92%,误差很小。验证实验的结果进一步印证支持向量机模型具有很高的预测准确度。

关键词: 复合非织造布, 孔径, 孔径变异系数, 数字图像模拟, 支持向量机


In order to study the influence of nonwoven compounding on pore dimension in composite nonwovens between before and after compounded, the nonwoven webs was modeled based on the use of digital images taking into considerations of fiber number, the average fiber diameter and the variation coefficient of fiber diameter served as the model variables. Thus the image model of composite nonwoven was then obtained by superimposing two compound elements. The pore size percentage difference (Er) and the average pore size variation coefficient (Mv) of two compound elements were used to characterize the pore dimension of nonwoven before compounded. Furthermore, the pore size composite index (IP) and pore size variation coefficient composite index (IV) were used to characterize the pore dimension after compounding. The test results show that there is a complex non-linear relationship on pore dimension between before and after compounding. Er and Mv were used as the inputs of support vector machine model to predict IP and IV, respectively. The results indicate that the mean absolute percentage errors of the above two predictions are only 1.84% and 1.92%, respectively. The verification experiment result further confirms the high prediction accuracy of the support vector machine model.

Key words: composite nonwoven, pore size, pore size variation coefficient, digital image simulation, support vector machine


  • TS171



复合单元编号 n d/μm Vd/%
A 24 10 10
B 24 10 30
C 24 20 10
D 24 20 30
E 36 10 10
F 36 10 30
G 36 20 10
H 36 20 30





复合单元编号 孔径/μm 孔径变异系数/%
A 32.9 85.39
B 28.2 45.31
C 34.9 96.53
D 31.7 52.30
E 22.0 74.56
F 24.5 39.75
G 21.6 78.66
H 21.3 49.04



1# A B 15# C E
2# A C 16# C F
3# A D 17# C G
4# A E 18# C H
5# A F 19# D E
6# A G 20# D F
7# A H 21# D G
8# B C 22# D H
9# B D 23# E F
10# B E 24# E G
11# B F 25# E H
12# B G 26# F G
13# B H 27# F H
14# C D 28# G H





1# 12.9 140.65 15# 11.1 144.10
2# 12.7 196.72 16# 12.9 135.21
3# 13.1 163.23 17# 11.2 143.58
4# 10.2 132.76 18# 13.5 112.80
5# 14.2 116.82 19# 13.2 91.02
6# 10.1 131.49 20# 15.8 46.09
7# 13.0 97.57 21# 12.7 100.23
8# 12.5 166.76 22# 14.4 41.56
9# 15.3 67.15 23# 10.9 109.64
10# 12.2 94.80 24# 8.6 158.53
11# 15.5 50.27 25# 9.6 133.69
12# 12.1 101.79 26# 10.4 113.51
13# 13.8 42.75 27# 12.8 55.69
14# 12.8 187.31 28# 9.3 147.38



复合图像编号 Er/% MV/% IP IV 复合图像编号 Er/% MV/% IP IV
1# 16.67 65.35 0.457 4 1.647 1 15# 58.64 85.55 0.504 5 1.492 8
2# 6.08 90.96 0.386 0 2.037 9 16# 42.45 68.14 0.526 5 1.400 7
3# 3.79 68.85 0.413 2 1.911 6 17# 61.57 87.60 0.518 5 1.487 4
4# 49.55 79.98 0.463 6 1.554 7 18# 63.85 72.79 0.633 8 1.168 5
5# 34.29 62.57 0.579 6 1.368 1 19# 44.09 63.43 0.600 0 1.220 8
6# 52.31 82.03 0.467 6 1.539 9 20# 29.39 46.03 0.644 9 0.881 3
7# 54.46 67.22 0.610 3 1.142 6 21# 46.76 65.48 0.588 0 1.274 2
8# 23.76 70.92 0.443 3 1.727 5 22# 48.83 50.67 0.676 1 0.884 6
9# 12.41 48.81 0.542 6 1.283 9 23# 11.36 57.16 0.495 5 1.470 5
10# 28.18 59.94 0.554 5 1.271 5 24# 1.85 76.61 0.398 1 2.015 4
11# 15.10 42.53 0.632 7 1.109 5 25# 3.29 61.80 0.450 7 1.793 1
12# 30.56 61.99 0.560 2 1.294 1 26# 13.43 59.21 0.481 5 1.443 0
13# 32.39 47.18 0.647 9 0.871 7 27# 15.02 44.40 0.600 9 1.135 6
14# 10.09 74.42 0.403 8 1.940 4 28# 1.41 63.85 0.436 6 1.873 6



预测参数 优化后的结构参数 U/%
W FP ε
IP 67 2 600 0.001 1.84
IV 69 2 800 0.002 1.92



试样编号 复(叠)合单元
T1 S1+M1
T2 S1+M2
T3 S2+M1
T4 S2+M2



试样编号 孔径/
复(叠)合前 S1 26.5 105.83
S2 30.9 76.40
M1 19.8 16.32
M2 14.1 25.81
复(叠)合后 T1 10.3 173.84
T2 9.7 160.12
T3 14.2 69.17
T4 12.3 66.10



试样编号 ErT/% MVT/% IPT IVT
T1 12.39 63.60 0.472 5 1.642 6
T2 33.88 67.82 0.530 1 1.513 0
T3 33.49 48.89 0.651 4 0.905 4
T4 59.02 53.11 0.672 1 0.865 2



试样编号 孔径复合指数 孔径变异系数复合指数
T1 3.72 0.39
T2 3.73 1.51
T3 0.85 0.49
T4 1.83 4.67
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