纺织学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (05): 191-197.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20220405201

• 服装工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


聂梓萌1, 杜劲松1,2(), 朱建龙3, 岳春明3, 葛旭光4   

  1. 1.东华大学 服装与艺术设计学院, 上海 200051
    2.东华大学 现代服装设计与技术教育部重点实验室, 上海 200051
    3.海澜之家集团股份有限公司, 江苏 江阴 214426
    4.福建省希领服饰有限责任公司, 福建 泉州 362201
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-14 修回日期:2022-12-26 出版日期:2023-05-15 发布日期:2023-06-09
  • 通讯作者: 杜劲松(1970—),男,副教授,博士。主要研究方向为服装智能制造。E-mail:ducccp@dhu.edu.cn。
  • 作者简介:聂梓萌(1998—),女,硕士生。主要研究方向为服装工程数字化。
  • 基金资助:

Garment group customization sizing mechanism based on simulated size data

NIE Zimeng1, DU Jinsong1,2(), ZHU Jianlong3, YUE Chunming3, GE Xuguang4   

  1. 1. College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Clothing Design and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
    3. Hta Group Co., Ltd., Jiangyin, Jiangsu 214426, China
    4. Fujian Xiling Clothing Co., Ltd., Quanzhou, Fujian 362201, China
  • Received:2022-04-14 Revised:2022-12-26 Published:2023-05-15 Online:2023-06-09



关键词: 服装团体定制, 数据仿真, K-means聚类算法, 蒙特卡罗方法, 服装归号


Objective In the context of the rapid development of group customization of garment, this paper aims to solve the current problem of regional size system establishment of group customization, optimize the group customization number sizing process, and improve the style unity of group orders.

Method The Monte Carlo method was adopted to simulate the regional group size measurement data, and the regional group size system (RGS) was established based on the K-means clustering analysis results of the simulation data and the size proportion coefficient of the enterprise initial size system (EIS) and the sizing process of the group order was realized by using RGS. The sizing results were evaluated by comprehensive fit and aggregate loss.

Results The scatter diagram of chest grith/garment length of 10 000 sets of data was simulated by Monte Carlo method. The scatter diagram distribution and frequency distribution statistics of simulation data and real data were consistent (Fig.4), suggesting that the simulated data from the simulation model could be used as the target data of the next experiment. The clustering center of the simulation data clustering analysis results was tested (Tab.2). Based on the clustering center and EIS, the regional group size system RGS was established through the size system establishment process. 19 Types of RGS were involved in the research (Tab.4). Each size contained 4 important primary dimensions, i.e. chest grith, garment length, across shoulder and sleeve length. It was found that 4 sizes determining the style of garment were mid waist, hipline, sleeve bicep, and cuff. The same circumference or width transverse parameter has 3 length index values to match, and there were more size combination. Compared with EIS, RGS established on the basis of simulation data demonstrated a significant effect on the overall coverage of regional population. The comprehensive fit results showed that RGS can cover most target groups (Fig.5). The size data of the orders containing 218 people of the enterprise were matched by EIS and RGS, respectively. The sizing process and the sizing results were suggested 1 person cut individually for special body type. When using EIS for matching sizes, the evaluation result of the fit degree was as follows: 108 people fedback with excellent fitting (48%), 102 people good, 1 person general, and 6 people not ideal. When RGS was adopted to match the size of the order, and the fit degree evaluation results showed that 211 people returned excellent feedback, 4 people good, and 2 people general, with the proportion of excellent of 97.2%. The excellent conversion rate of RGS is 47.4% (Tab.5).

Conclusion The Monte Carlo method was adopted to simulate the regional size data accumulated by enterprise orders, and the enterprise size database was established. The simulation data reached the expected simulation goal, and the regional group size system could be optimized by using the simulation data. RGS establishment is shown to increase the coverage of target population, increase the fit degree of clothing, effectively improve the uniformity and consistency of garment customization, and thus reduce the probability of garment repair. The sizing mechanism considers the multidimensional size proportion of human body, changes the method of relying on a single dimension for the sizing process, and carries on the size matching through the proportion of different dimensions. The sizing process can effectively distinguish and classify the body size, and match the individual size with the size system. The sizing mechanism can provide theoretical basis for enterprise digital sizing process.

Key words: garment group customization, data simulation, K-means clustering algorithm, Monte Carlo method, garment sizing process


  • TS941



定制模式 应用模式 尺寸测量方案 号型标准制定 纸样生成方式 号型标准应用 版型变体方法 裁剪方案
C2M 控制尺寸、特征尺寸 国家标准、企业标准 企业版型、独立生成 服装通用号型标准 单独生成、批量修正 单件剪裁、粗裁+精裁
个性化定制 高级定制、C2M 控制尺寸、特征尺寸、其他尺寸 无标准、企业标准 独立生成 单独生成 单件剪裁
团体定制 制服、校服、团订 控制尺寸、特征尺寸 国家标准、企业标准、区域标准 企业版型,批量生成 区域性号型标准 批量修正 单件剪裁、粗裁+精裁











聚类中心序号 胸围 C p 1 衣长 C p 2 肩宽 C p 3 袖长 C p 4
1 95.51 69.79 42.77 57.86
2 97.97 73.37 43.81 61.04
3 100.08 70.27 44.10 57.92
4 101.44 73.13 44.72 60.19
5 102.59 75.83 45.27 62.58
6 104.03 71.19 45.19 58.23
7 104.44 73.64 45.57 60.50
8 106.42 77.88 46.45 63.82
9 106.49 75.25 46.24 61.43
10 107.18 72.53 46.17 58.95
11 109.28 76.34 47.13 62.33
12 109.81 74.26 47.04 60.06
13 110.85 78.95 47.81 64.24
14 112.65 76.14 48.02 61.40
15 115.22 78.74 48.94 63.52



号型 胸围
E p 1
E p 2
E p 3
E p 4
E s 1
E s 2
E s 3
E s 4
90/71 90 71 40.8 56.5 79 90 17.4 12.5
92/71 92 71 41.4 56.5 81 92 17.7 12.7
94/71 94 71 42.0 56.5 83 94 18.0 12.9
96/71 96 71 42.6 56.5 85 96 18.3 13.1
98/71 98 71 43.2 56.5 87 98 18.6 13.3
100/73 100 73 43.8 58.0 89 100 18.9 13.5
102/73 102 73 44.4 58.0 91 102 19.2 13.7
104/73 104 73 45.0 58.0 93 104 19.5 13.9
106/75 106 75 45.6 59.5 95 106 19.8 14.1
108/75 108 75 46.2 59.5 97 108 20.1 14.3
110/75 110 75 46.8 59.5 99 110 20.4 14.5
112/75 112 75 47.4 59.5 101 112 20.7 14.7
114/77 114 77 48.0 61.0 103 114 21.0 14.9
116/77 116 77 48.6 61.0 105 116 21.3 15.1
118/77 118 77 49.2 61.0 107 118 21.6 15.3



RGS号型序号 胸围 R p 1 衣长 R p 2 肩宽 R p 3 袖长 R p 4 中腰围 R s 1 臀围 R s 2 袖肥 R s 3 袖口 R s 4 归号结果
1 91.0 69/71/73 40.9 57/58/59 80.0 91.0 17.6 12.6 1
2 92.5 69/71/73 41.4 57/58/59 81.5 92.5 17.8 12.8 0
3 94.0 69/71/73 41.8 57/58/59 83.0 94.0 18.0 12.9 0
4 95.5 71/73/75 42.3 58/59/60 84.5 95.5 18.2 13.1 0
5 97.0 71/73/75 427 58/59/60 86.0 97.0 18.5 13.2 3
6 98.5 71/73/75 43.2 58/59/60 87.5 98.5 18.7 13.4 9
7 100.0 71/73/75 43.6 58/59/60 89.0 100.0 18.9 13.5 10
8 101.5 71/73/75 44.1 58/59/60 90.5 101.5 19.1 13.7 0
9 103.0 71/73/75/77 44.5 58/59/60/61 92.0 103.0 19.4 13.8 33
10 104.5 71/73/75/77 45.0 58/59/60/61 93.5 104.5 19.6 14.0 31
11 106.0 7173/75/77 45.4 58/59/60/61 95.0 106.0 19.8 14.1 31
12 107.5 71/73/75/77 45.9 58/59/60/61 96.5 107.5 20.0 14.3 0
13 109.0 71/73/75/77 46.3 58/59/60/61 98.0 109.0 20.3 14.4 40
14 110.5 75/77/79 46.8 60/61/62 99.5 110.5 20.5 14.6 19
15 112.0 75/77/79 47.2 60/61/62 101.0 112.0 20.7 14.7 20
16 113.5 75/77/79 47.7 60/61/62 102.5 113.5 20.9 14.9 0
17 115.0 75/77/79 48.1 60/61/62 104.0 115.0 21.2 15.0 10
18 116.5 75/77/79 48.6 60/61/62 105.5 116.5 21.4 15.2 7
19 118.0 75/77/79 49.0 60/61/62 107.0 118.0 21.6 15.3 3



评价等级 统一性 EIS
0~1 一级 优秀 108 211
1~2 二级 良好 102 4
2~3 三级 一般 1 2
3~4 四级 不理想 6 0



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