纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (04): 238-245.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230300202

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王雪微1, 于晓坤1,2()   

  1. 1.东华大学 服装与艺术设计学院, 上海 200051
    2.东华大学 现代服装设计与技术教育部重点实验室, 上海 200051
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-01 修回日期:2024-01-05 出版日期:2024-04-15 发布日期:2024-05-13
  • 通讯作者: 于晓坤(1978—),女,副教授,博士。研究方向为数字服装技术与功能服装设计。E-mail:yuxiaokun@dhu.edu.cn。
  • 作者简介:王雪微(1999—),女,硕士生。主要研究方向为数字服装技术。
  • 基金资助:

Current situation and development in applying metaverse virtual space in field of fashion

WANG Xuewei1, YU Xiaokun1,2()   

  1. 1. College of Fashion and Art Design, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Modern Fashion Design and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
  • Received:2023-03-01 Revised:2024-01-05 Published:2024-04-15 Online:2024-05-13



关键词: 元宇宙, 虚拟空间, 数字时尚, 人工智能, 数字化转型


Significance Under the dual influence of Web3 and AIGC, the content and form of virtual spaces are gradually converging towards the shape of the Metaverse, holding substantial commercial and economic value for the textile and fashion industry. This paper reviews and discusses the strategies and methods for constructing virtual spaces for textile and fashion. It is advantageous for textile and fashion brands, manufacturers, and designers to adapt to the dramatic shifts in economic and creative models brought about by the rapid development of Web3 and artificial intelligence. This adaptation would enable these enterprises to better understand the future direction of the market, respond to market demands, innovate more rapidly, enhance production efficiency, reduce costs, and ultimately improve their competitiveness and market share.

Progress Virtual spaces serve as vital mediums in the Metaverse, enabling fashion brands to engage in activities such as AR try-ons, NFT issuance, digital game development, digital avatar creation, and the establishment of Metaverse communities. Mass-oriented virtual spaces include open-world spaces originating from video games, online 3-D galleries, and digital twins. This paper outlines three methods for establishing fashionable virtual spaces, integration within existing Metaverse projects, the development of standalone fashion virtual spaces, and the creation of pop-up event spaces. It summarizes virtual space applications in the textile and fashion industry, encompassing brand promotion, virtual try-ons, clothing customization systems, digital clothing design tools, and more. By studying and reviewing current operational models of fashion spaces, the paper identifies shortcomings in terms of commercial viability, practicality, and interactivity, such as inadequate technical support, low audience engagement, poor user experiences, and insufficient traffic conversion. The advantages of physical commercial centers over virtual spaces in terms of government support, historical and cultural significance, and interactivity are discussed. Additionally, the rapid development of artificial intelligence is noted for its transformative effect on fashion creative models.

Conclusion and Prospect The next phase of focus in the textile and fashion sector's virtual spaces is the development of fashion integrated business complexes. Fashion virtual spaces should be grounded in successful physical integrated business complexes, creating spaces that mirror physical entities to achieve a profound integration of the physical and digital economies. This paper provides specific implementation pathways and approaches to build a fashion integrated commercial complexes in virtual space. This includes leveraging virtual reality and artificial intelligence to cultivate culturally rich, real-world-connected fashion business centers within the Metaverse. Specific strategies involve drawing inspiration and investment from successful physical businesses, establishing digital twins, creating fashion business centers that amalgamate fashion concepts, artistic creativity, lifestyles, culture, and history, and deploying, expanding, and promoting them through curation. Employing AR and MR technologies to project virtual scenes into the physical world is recommended, as is using physical scanning or encouraging user participation in space co-creation activities to enrich virtual space content. Leveraging artificial intelligence to develop digital roles such as digital fashion designers and digital shopping assistants can bridge the gap between physical and virtual spaces. Making effective use of Web3's advantages in confirming creative ownership, encouraging collaborative user content creation, and employing incentive mechanisms like collection, rewards, and competition can attract user participation in content creation and sharing within virtual spaces, leading to traffic growth and realization. Ultimately, this will facilitate the deep integration of the physical and digital economies.

Key words: metaverse, virtual space, digital fashion, artificial intelligence, digital transformation


  • TS941.2







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