纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (04): 50-58.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20221101001

• 纤维材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


袁野1,2, 张安莹1, 魏丽菲3, 高建伟4, 陈咏5, 王锐1()   

  1. 1.北京服装学院 材料设计与工程学院, 北京 100029
    2.中国化学纤维工业协会, 北京 100020
    3.上海德福伦新材料科技有限公司, 上海 201502
    4.烟台泰和新材高分子新材料研究院有限公司, 山东 烟台 264006
    5.东华大学 材料科学与工程学院, 上海 201620
  • 收稿日期:2022-11-04 修回日期:2023-11-13 出版日期:2024-04-15 发布日期:2024-05-13
  • 通讯作者: 王锐(1963—),女,教授,博士。研究方向为高分子材料的高性能化与功能化。E-mail:clywangrui@bift.edu.cn。
  • 作者简介:袁野(1992—),男,工程师,硕士。主要研究方向为化学纤维。
  • 基金资助:

Synthesis kinetics and properties of phosphorus containing flame retardant polyethylene terephthalate

YUAN Ye1,2, ZHANG Anying1, WEI Lifei3, GAO Jianwei4, CHEN Yong5, WANG Rui1()   

  1. 1. School of Materials Design & Engineering, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing 100029, China
    2. China Chemical Fibers Association, Beijing 100020, China
    3. Shanghai Different Advanced Material Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201502, China
    4. Yantai Tayho Advanced Materials Research Institute Co., Ltd., Yantai, Shandong 264006, China
    5. College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2022-11-04 Revised:2023-11-13 Published:2024-04-15 Online:2024-05-13


为探究9,10-二氢-9-氧杂-10-磷杂菲-10-氧化物(DOPO)类阻燃剂对聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)聚合反应过程的影响,以[(6-氧代-6H-二苯并[c,e][1,2]氧磷杂己环-6-基)甲基]丁二酸(DDP)作为反应型阻燃剂,通过聚合反应得到磷含量不同的阻燃PET(PET-DDP),研究其聚合反应动力学并分析DDP添加量、缩聚反应温度对合成反应动力学的影响,并分析了PET-DDP的阻燃性能和力学性能。结果表明:聚合条件不变的情况下,随DDP添加量的增加,酯化反应阶段反应釜内压力升高速度加快,有利于乙二醇中对苯二甲酸的溶解,反应活化能由81.37 kJ/mol降低至59.52 kJ/mol,缩聚反应的反应速率常数K减小,反应活化能由69.67 kJ/mol增加至233.49 kJ/mol,聚合物熔点降低,结晶性能和力学性能下降;当缩聚反应温度为270 ℃,磷质量分数为1.10%时,PET的阻燃性能得到明显提升,极限氧指数为34%,与纯PET相比,热释放速率峰值和总热释放量分别降低了45.2%和27.3%,且炭层的连续性和致密性明显增加。

关键词: 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯, 酯化, 缩聚, 磷系阻燃剂, 反应动力学, 阻燃性能


Objective Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a very widely used polyester fiber material, but PET-based materials have problems of being flammable or combustible, so low toxicity, low smoke and flame retardant lasting [(6-oxygen generation-6H-dibenzo [c, e] [1,2] -6-group) methyl] butanedioic acid (DDP) is selected as a flame retardant to PET. The purpose of studying the synthesis kinetics of PET is to effectively regulate the reaction rate, reaction conditions, product quality and other process parameters, and explore the internal law of polyester synthesis reaction, so as to guide the actual production process of polyester.

Method This study chose copolymeric flame retardant PET as an example of trace modified polyester, prepared different DDP added flame retardant polyester, studied the two phases of esterification and condensation, explored the different condensation temperature, different flame retardant added on the synthetic reaction kinetics, in order to achieve the purpose of process regulation through production amplification. The thermal properties, crystallization properties, flame retardant properties and mechanical properties of flame retardant PET were characterized by testing differential scanning calorimetry, extreme oxygen index, conical calorimeter, scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive spectrometer and microinjection molding instrument.

Results The activation energy (Ea) of the flame retardant PET with different phosphorus contents of the esterification reaction was gradually decreased from 81.37 kJ/mol to 59.52 kJ/mol with increasing amount of DDP addition at the same reaction temperature. For the same polymerization system, the increase in condensation temperature led to greater reaction rate constant and faster reaction speed. At the same condensation temperature, for different polymerization systems, the reaction rate was constantly decreased and Ea was significantly increased from 69.67 kJ/mol to 223.49 kJ/mol. With the increase of DDP addition, the cold crystallization temperature (Tcc) was increased from 121 ℃ to 143 ℃, the melting temperature (Tm) from 249 ℃ to 224 ℃, and the thermal crystallization temperature (Tmc) from 198 ℃ to 169 ℃. At the same condensation temperature, with the increase of DDP addition, LOI was gradually increased. When the phosphorus content was 1.10%, LOI reached 34%, and LOI did not change significantly. At the same condensation reaction temperature, the ignition time (TTI) was gradually increased to 57 s with the increase of DDP addition, and when the condensation reaction temperature was 270, 275, and 280 ℃, the peak heat release rate (pHRR) and the total heat release amount (THR) were significantly reduced. C and O were the residual carbon of PET, while the residual carbon of flame retardant PET was composed of C, O and P elements, and with the increase of DDP addition, the content of O and P were increased to 13.69% and 9.18%, respectively. PET showed more and denser residual carbon holes, while after DDP with phosphorus content of 0.65% was added, the holes of the residual carbon surface were significantly smaller, but the number of holes was not significantly improved. When the phosphorus content was increased to 1.10%, the number of residual carbon holes was greatly reduced, and the surface of the carbon layer became smoother and more compact with certain isolation effect. After the addition of flame retardant DDP, the elastic modulus of the polymer was increased from 947.3 MPa to 1 103.1 MPa, and with the addition of flame retardant DDP, the fracture elongation of the polymer was decreased from 247% to 190%.

Conclusion Compared with PET, the addition of DDP promoted the positive esterification reaction but hindered the polycondensation reaction, and the flame retardancy of PET-DDP was significantly improved, and the change of polycondensation reaction temperature had less influence on the flame retardancy. In conclusion, the study on the kinetics of esterification and polycondensation reactions and the flame-retardant properties of PET-DDP provides data support for the adjustment of process parameters in the later industrial production of flame retardant polyester.

Key words: polyethylene terephthalate, esterification, polycondensation, phosphorus flame retardant, kinetics, flame retardancy


  • TQ342.21





样品编号 回归方程 Ea/(kJ·mol-1)
PET lnK=-9 787.8(1/T)+18.61 81.37
PET-P 0.65% lnK=-9 228.2(1/T)+17.73 76.72
PET-P 0.80% lnK=-8 159.8(1/T)+15.63 67.84
PET-P 0.95% lnK=-7 955.7(1/T)+15.39 66.14
PET-P 1.10% lnK=-7 159.4(1/T)+13.94 59.52





样品编号 缩聚温
回归方程 反应速率常数K/
PET 270 Mt=121.76t+1 155.6 121.76
275 Mt=132.64t+1 350.4 132.64
280 Mt=156.45t+566.0 156.45
PET-P 0.65% 270 Mt=116.41t+1 058.3 116.41
275 Mt=128.05t+687.7 128.05
280 Mt=153.90t+943.0 153.90
PET-P 0.80% 270 Mt=75.01t+2 345.9 75.01
275 Mt=85.67t+2 305.4 85.67
280 Mt=92.76t+2 457.7 92.76
PET-P 0.95% 270 Mt=38.42t+1 407.2 38.42
275 Mt=54.83t+1 238.1 54.83
280 Mt=92.87t+434.1 92.87
PET-P 1.10% 270 Mt=29.85t+1 753.6 29.85
275 Mt=36.00t+2 546.1 36.00
280 Mt=48.78t+2 656.3 48.78



样品编号 回归方程 Ea/(kJ·mol-1)
PET lnK=-8 379.6(1/T)+20.17 69.67
PET-P 0.65% lnK=-19 237.3(1/T)+39.08 159.94
PET-P 0.80% lnK=-22 893.3(1/T)+45.62 190.33
PET-P 0.95% lnK=-26 561.2(1/T)+52.21 220.83
PET-P 1.10% lnK=-28 084.3(1/T)+54.84 233.49


275 ℃缩聚温度下不同磷添加量的PET的DSC数据"

样品编号 Tg/℃ Tm/℃ Tcc/℃ Tmc/℃
PET 67 249 121 198
PET-P 0.65% 67 237 129 187
PET-P 0.80% 68 228 130 180
PET-P 0.95% 69 225 133 172
PET-P 1.10% 68 224 143 169





样品编号 缩聚温度/℃ LOI值/%
PET 270 21
275 22
280 22
PET-P 0.65% 270 28
275 27
280 27
PET-P 0.80% 270 28
275 28
280 28
PET-P 0.95% 270 31
275 31
280 31
PET-P 1.10% 270 34
275 33
280 33



样品编号 缩聚温
PET 270 49 1 115.11 272.01 60.22
275 50 1 213.17 251.70 61.67
280 50 1 117.09 249.46 64.51
PET-P 0.65% 270 51 991.58 153.83 52.05
275 52 865.26 176.29 51.04
280 52 834.23 160.51 44.84
PET-P 0.80% 270 52 776.87 140.53 46.66
275 53 818.86 151.46 46.08
280 53 839.58 141.90 45.84
PET-P 0.95% 270 54 715.49 139.03 46.30
275 54 673.27 143.21 45.55
280 54 657.56 141.30 45.64
PET-P 1.10% 270 57 611.12 141.13 43.81
275 56 681.44 139.51 39.10
280 57 667.19 142.11 45.48


275 ℃缩聚温度下不同磷质量分数的PET残炭的元素含量"

样品名称 C O P
PET残炭 95.65 4.35 0.00
PET-P 0.65%残炭 87.69 7.62 4.69
PET-P 0.80%残炭 86.91 8.08 5.01
PET-P 0.95%残炭 84.20 9.94 5.86
PET-P 1.10%残炭 77.13 13.69 9.18




275 ℃缩聚温度下不同磷质量分数的PET的力学性能"

样品编号 拉伸强度/MPa 弹性模量/MPa 断裂伸长率/%
PET 57.8 947.3 247
PET-P 0.65% 53.7 1 077.0 233
PET-P 0.80% 62.9 1 070.1 219
PET-P 0.95% 56.0 1 051.0 178
PET-P 1.10% 60.1 1 103.1 190
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