纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (05): 102-112.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230402301

• 染整工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


郑康, 龚文丽, 鲍杰, 刘琳()   

  1. 浙江理工大学 材料科学与工程学院, 浙江 杭州 310018
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-18 修回日期:2024-01-12 出版日期:2024-05-15 发布日期:2024-05-31
  • 通讯作者: 刘琳(1981—),女,教授,博士。主要研究方向为生物质功能材料的设计合成与应用研究。E-mail:linliu@zstu.edu.cn。
  • 作者简介:郑康(1998—),男,硕士生。主要研究方向为生物质材料在水处理中的应用。
  • 基金资助:

Preparation and dynamic adsorption properties of amphoteric cellulose porous hydrogel spheres

ZHENG Kang, GONG Wenli, BAO Jie, LIU Lin()   

  1. College of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
  • Received:2023-04-18 Revised:2024-01-12 Published:2024-05-15 Online:2024-05-31


用于废水处理的多孔凝胶球存在制备工艺繁琐,吸附种类单一,吸附效率低等不足;为提高多孔凝胶球的性能,采用滴入相分离、酯化反应引入羧基及希夫碱反应引入氨基的化学改性方法,制备得到兼具高孔隙率、高力学性能和羧基/氨基活性基团的两性纤维素多孔凝胶球(ACM),并构建动态吸附柱装置以探究不同条件下ACM对染料的动态吸附性能。结果表明:通过降低染料初始质量浓度,增加填料高度和减慢进液流速的方式可有效提高吸附柱的动态吸附效率;0.8 g的ACM可处理7.5 L含染料的废水;对ACM的动态吸附过程进行动态模型拟合,其与Thomas和Yoon-Nelson模型的拟合程度高,表明吸附是均匀表面的单分子层吸附,动态吸附过程中存在2个或多个速率控制步骤,内部扩散和外部扩散均不是吸附过程中的限速步骤。基于ACM优异的分级孔结构、丰富的活性位点和低传质阻力等优势,认为ACM展现出良好的动态吸附性能,在印染废水处理方面有较大应用潜力。

关键词: 纤维素, 两性凝胶球, 吸附分离, 阴阳离子染料, 动态吸附性能, 印染废水, 废水处理


Objective Cellulose porous hydrogel spheres are increasingly used as adsorption fillers by virtue of their combined properties, which have become a current research focus. However, the preparation of these spheres is currently cumbersome and they exhibit limited adsorption efficiency and single adsorption species, restricting their applications. Therefore, it is important to develop a simple and efficient biomass adsorbent with both adsorption and separation capacity for ionic dyes.

Method In this paper, amphoteric cellulose porous microsphere (ACM) was developed by a two-step chemical modification method of esterification and Schiff base reaction. The surface morphology, pore structure and mechanical properties of the hydrogel spheres were characterized and analyzed using field emission scanning electron microscopy, specific surface area and pore size distribution instrument and universal testing machine, respectively. The adsorption column device was constructed to investigate the adsorption properties of ACM.

Results The specific surface area, pore size distribution and porosity of ACM with abundant pore structure on the surface and inside were 123.97 m2/g, 0.633 cm3/g and 89.22%, respectively. The compressive strength of ACM was found to be 591.9 kPa at 30% compression deformation, and the mechanical properties were about 63% of the initial value after 40 cycles of compression. ACM showed good compressive strength as well as structural stability because the carboxylation reaction took place at a high temperature, which increased the skeletal density and strength of the hydrogel spheres. Cross-linking occurred during the two-step reaction, producing three-dimensional network structure that enhanced the mechanical properties. It was found that the dynamic adsorption efficiency of the adsorption column wase improved by reducing the initial concentration, increasing the loading height, and slowing down the feed rate. With 0.8 g hydrogel spheres it was possible to treat almost 7.5 L of dye containing wastewater. The hydrogel spheres were chemically modified in two steps to combine high porosity, high mechanical properties, and abundance of carboxyl/amino active groups. 80% separation of mixed dyes was achieved by ACM, which possesses both carboxyl and amino active groups and has different adsorption properties under different acid and base conditions.

Conclusion The influence of different device parameters on the dynamic adsorption of ACM was investigated, and it was found that the dynamic adsorption efficiency of the column could be improved by decreasing the initial concentration, increasing the loading height, and slowing down the feed rate. The final device parameters were determined as 50 mg/L inlet concentration, 12 cm filling height and 4 mL/min inlet speed. 0.8 g of hydrogel spheres could treat about 7.5 L of wastewater containing dye MeB at the optimum device parameters, demonstrating the good adsorption and separation performance of the ACM.

Key words: cellulose, amphoteric hydrogel sphere, adsorption separation, anionic and cationic dye, dynamic adsorption property, printing and dyeing wastewater, wastewater treatment


  • X703.1



















样品 tb/min Rb/% ts/min Rs/% Qe/(mg·g-1) HMTZ/cm
C25 21 0.79 3 308 0.520 215.11 11.923
C50 42 0.81 1 870 0.467 218.71 11.744
C100 10 0.73 870 0.505 219.84 11.862





样品 tb/min Rb/% ts/min Rs/% Qe/(mg·g-1) HMTZ/cm
H12 42.0 0.81 1870 0.467 218.71 11.74
H10 55.0 0.81 1480 0.456 202.56 9.62
H8 6.3 0.69 1091 0.389 159.01 7.95





样品 tb/min Rb/% ts/min Rs/% Qe/(mg·g-1) HMTZ/cm
V4 42 0.81 1 870 0.467 218.71 11.74
V6 63 0.82 1 342 0.421 212.37 11.43
V8 19 0.78 896 0.329 147.75 11.74





样品 实验数据 Thomas模型
C25 215.11 0.031 5 218.242 0.933 9
C50 218.71 0.030 8 218.541 0.953 3
C100 219.84 0.029 1 220.010 0.974 8
H12 218.71 0.030 8 218.541 0.953 3
H10 202.56 0.035 0 197.171 0.820 7
H8 159.01 0.041 0 124.958 0.802 0
V4 218.71 0.030 8 218.541 0.953 3
V6 212.37 0.045 6 212.261 0.920 6
V8 147.75 0.060 2 115.794 0.725 5





样品 实验数据 Yoon-Nelson模型
t0.5/min Q0.5/mg R0.5/% kYN/min-1 τ0.5/min R2
C25 2 008 131.612 0.655 43 0.000 79 1 745.939 0.933 9
C50 721 96.624 0.670 06 0.001 54 874.162 0.953 3
C100 477 119.501 0.626 31 0.002 91 440.021 0.974 8
H12 721 96.624 0.670 06 0.001 54 874.162 0.953 3
H10 397 53.108 0.668 86 0.001 75 657.566 0.820 7
H8 184 22.368 0.607 82 0.002 05 333.639 0.802 0
V4 721 96.624 0.670 06 0.001 54 874.162 0.953 3
V6 451 87.006 0.643 06 0.002 28 566.031 0.920 6
V8 135 35.448 0.653 54 0.003 01 231.588 0.725 5





样品 kAB/(mL·min-1·mg-1) N0/(mg·L-1) R2
C25 0.008 3 72 140.0 0.909 1
C50 0.015 8 38 052.5 0.862 3
C100 0.030 4 18 983.6 0.932 2
H12 0.015 8 38 052.5 0.862 3
H10 0.019 1 29 238.5 0.692 7
H8 0.019 3 22 390.2 0.631 1
V4 0.015 8 38 052.5 0.862 3
V6 0.023 4 25 240.9 0.794 8
V8 0.028 4 16 080.7 0.572 7



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