纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (10): 191-199.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230803201

• 机械与设备 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘健1,2(), 董守骏1, 王程皓1, 刘泳汝2, 潘山山1, 尹兆松1   

  1. 1.天津工业大学 机械工程学院, 天津 300387
    2.天津工业大学 工程教学实习训练中心, 天津 300387
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-13 修回日期:2024-08-14 出版日期:2024-10-15 发布日期:2024-10-22
  • 作者简介:刘健(1985—),男,高级实验师,博士。主要研究方向为CAD/CAM一体化技术、新型纺织机械设计及自动化研究。E-mail:liujian3286@tiangong.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Electric field simulation and optimization on petal shaped electrospinning nozzle with multiple tips

LIU Jian1,2(), DONG Shoujun1, WANG Chenghao1, LIU Yongru2, PAN Shanshan1, YIN Zhaosong1   

  1. 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
    2. Center of Engineering Practice Training, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
  • Received:2023-08-13 Revised:2024-08-14 Published:2024-10-15 Online:2024-10-22


针对目前多针头静电纺丝易堵塞、针头之间存在边缘效应和无针头静电纺丝供液易挥发、泰勒锥位置不可控等问题,提出一种花瓣状多尖端喷头静电纺丝方法。喷头为半封闭式结构,上半部分为圆柱直管多流道结构,下半部分为花瓣状流道扩张结构,每层的花瓣之间的间距为4 mm,能够在花瓣尖端高电场诱导作用下激发多股射流;利用COMSOL有限元分析软件对下半部分花瓣状流道扩张结构的各个参数电场强度进行模拟,研究喷头下端花瓣数量、花瓣长度和花瓣排布方式对电场均匀性的影响。结果表明:当静电纺丝喷头花瓣数量为4对(8个)、花瓣内层长度为21 mm、外层长度为20 mm、接收距离为200 mm、电压为30 kV时,电场强度平均值为5.441×106 V/m,变异系数(CV)值为5.58%,表明该静电纺丝喷头可激发较高的电场强度且分布均匀;最后采用静电纺丝设备进行纺丝实验,验证了该新型花瓣状多尖端静电纺丝喷头在静电纺丝过程中能够降低边缘效应,减小能耗,射流多且稳定可控,可进行规模化静电纺丝。

关键词: 静电纺丝, 花瓣状喷头, 多尖端, COMSOL软件, 电场模拟


Objective Aiming at the existing problems of multi-needle electrospinning and needleless electrospinning, petal shaped electrospinning nozzle with multiple tips is proposed and used as the emitting electrode. In the electrospinning process, the structure of the emitting electrode has a great influence on the intensity and distribution of the electric field, and has been an important research object. Therefore, it is necessary to design a new electrospinning emitting electrode and optimize the specific parameters of the new emitting electrode.

Method The nozzle was designed as a semi-closed structure. The upper part was divided into a cylindrical straight pipe multi-channel structure, using the method of equal cross-sectional area of each channel, so as to divide the flow evenly while slowing down the flow speed. The lower part was divided into petal shaped flow channel expansion structure. The curve of petal shaped flow channel was designed by Bezier curve, and the end of the petal was the tip to stimulate multiple jets under low energy consumption. COMSOL finite element analysis software was used to simulate the three-dimensional electric field and find the improved methods of increasing the field intensity and reducing end effect. Finally, experiments were carried out validate of the model.

Results The distribution and change of electrospinning electric field of the new type of electrospinning nozzle were simulated. With the increase of the number of petals, the average electric field intensity of the petal tip decreases from 4.446×106 V/m to 3.336×106 V/m due to the fact that the coulomb repulsion interaction between petals became more obvious, suggesting that the number of petals should not be too many. By comparing the electric field intensity and CV value at the tip of different petal lengths, the field was most uniform when there were four pairs of petals. When the length of the outer petal was fixed, the electric field intensity CV value of the petal tip all showed a trend of decreasing first to a certain value and then increasing with the length of the inner petal changing from short to long. Compared with the parameter models with the best electric field CV value in each group, under the condition that the droplet was fully spread and formed normally, the electric field CV value was the best when the inner petal length was 20 mm and the outer petal length was 21 mm, and the value was 6.74%. The capillary effect was used to widen the petals and the distance between each petal was 4 mm, in order to drain the liquid supply and prevent the solution from leaking in the gap between the petals. After the petal dislocation arrangement, the average electric field intensity became 5.441×106 V/m, and the electric field intensity CV value reached 5.58%, indicating that increasing the average distance between petal tips can effectively improve the uniformity of the electric field intensity. Finally, the metal 3D printing nozzle was used for experimental verification, and the fiber film was obtained. Surface morphology and fiber diameter distribution were examined by Hitachi Flex SEM1000 cold field scanning electron microscope, and the average diameter of the fibers was 258.69 nm with CV value being 15.54%.

Conclusion Petal shaped electrospinning nozzle with multiple tips is proposed in this paper. The optimal structural parameters are 4 pairs of petals, 21 mm length of inner petals, and 20 mm length of outer petals, together with the dislocation arrangement of inner and outer petals. The finite element analysis shows that the new nozzle can effectively combine the advantages of needle and needle-free electrospinning, produce high field intensity and uniform distribution of electrostatic field and can effectively avoid solution volatilization and environmental pollution. The experimental results show that each tip of the petal-like multi-tip electrospinning nozzle can produce a stable and continuous jet, and the total spinning area is large, and the generated fibers are fine and uniform.

Key words: electrospinning, petal-shaped nozzle, multi-tip, COMSOL, electric field simulation


  • TS174.8












不同花瓣长度的静电纺丝喷头电场强度云图与CV值(Lout为10、20 mm)"


不同花瓣长度的静电纺丝喷头电场强度云图与CV值(Lout为30 mm)"



Lout=10 mm Lout=20 mm Lout=30 mm
6.0 5.892 16.0 3.244 26.0 2.951
7.0 5.796 17.0 3.382 27.0 3.094
8.0 6.364 18.0 3.535 28.0 3.020
9.0 5.723 19.0 3.589 29.0 3.406
10.6 6.249 20.6 4.198 30.6 3.638
11.0 6.666 21.0 3.763 31.0 3.643
12.0 7.777 22.0 3.540 32.0 3.344
13.0 8.393 23.0 3.474 33.0 3.405
14.0 7.634 24.0 3.765 34.0 3.293













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