纺织学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (10): 48-54.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20230805701

• 纺织工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘婷1, 闫涛1,2, 潘志娟1,2()   

  1. 1.苏州大学 纺织与服装工程学院, 江苏 苏州 215021
    2.苏州大学 现代丝绸国家工程实验室, 江苏 苏州 215123
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-23 修回日期:2024-01-18 出版日期:2024-10-15 发布日期:2024-10-22
  • 通讯作者: 潘志娟(1967—),女,教授,博士。主要研究方向为纤维材料的研究及产品开发。E-mail: zhjpan@suda.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:刘婷(2000—),女,硕士生。主要研究方向为新型纤维面料的研究与开发。

Preparation and properties of banana stem fiber/antibacterial fiber blended yarn

LIU Ting1, YAN Tao1,2, PAN Zhijuan1,2()   

  1. 1. College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215021, China
    2. National Engineering Laboratory for Modern Silk, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215123, China
  • Received:2023-09-23 Revised:2024-01-18 Published:2024-10-15 Online:2024-10-22



关键词: 香蕉茎秆纤维, 抗菌纤维, 混纺纱, 力学性能, 纱线质量指标, 抗菌性能


Objective With the proposal of the "double carbon economy" policy, green environmental protection and sustainable development become the direction of future textile development, and Xitu it is of great significance to develop new natural plant fibers and promote the application of natural banana stem fibers in the field of textile and clothing.

Method The semi-worsted spinning process was adopted with banana stem fiber (BF), EcoCosyR antibacterial fibers (ATB) and rare earth antibacterial regenerated cellulose fiber (XT) as raw materials. Eight types of BF/antibacterial fibers (ATB and XT) blended yarns, with blending ratio of 50/50, 65/35, 70/30 and 85/15, and one BF pure spun yarn were prepared. The yarn density and twist were characterized, and the relationship between the blending ratio and mechanical properties, quality index and antibacterial properties of the yarn was investigated.

Results The measured linear density and twist of the 9 types of yarns were different from the designed values, but the deviation was within the tolerance range. The mechanical properties of BF pure spinning are poor, with the breaking strength being (7.12±1.45) cN/tex, the elongation at break (2.56±0.43)%, and the initial modulus (247.11±81.07) cN/tex. The mechanical properties of yarns were improved with the addition of ATB and XT content. The elongation at break of BF/ATB(50/50) and BF/XT(50/50) yarns was the highest, which was (4.19±0.46)% and (4.74±0.41)%. The breaking strength of BF/ATB(85/15) and BF/XT(70/30) yarns is the highest, and they were (9.33±1.45) cN/tex and (8.97±1.28) cN/tex respectively. With the increase of the content of ATB and XT, the defects such as knots, thick knots and detail of the yarn were greatly reduced, and the evenness of yarn strip and hairiness index were improved. The yarn unevenness was decreased from 21.83% to 13.91% and 14.8% respectively, and the hair index was decreased from 6.72 mm to 5.85 mm and 5.27 mm respectively, decreasing by 13% and 22%. The bacteriostatic rate of BF pure spinning against Escherichia coli was 65.47%, and the bacteriostatic rate of yarn increased with the increase of ATB and XT content. When the ratio of BF/ATB and BF/XT blended yarn was 50/50, the inhibition rate of Escherichia coli reached the maximum, which were 88.79% and 84.76% respectively, while for Staphylococcus aureus, the content of ATB and XT had little effect on the inhibition rate, and the inhibition rate of BF pure spun yarn and blended yarn could reach more than 95%.

Conclusion The addition of ATB and XT improved the mechanical properties and antibacterial properties of BF pure spinning. In addition, it also improves the quality indexes of BF pure spun yarn, such as strip evenness, hairiness index, knots, thick knots and details, making the blended yarn have higher breaking strength, excellent antibacterial property. It is of great significance for its application and development in clothing, and is suitable for the development of leisure woven shirt fabric and knitted fabric.

Key words: banana stem fiber, antibacterial fiber, blended yarn, mechanical property, quality index of yarn, antibacterial property


  • TS106.5



纤维种类 平均长
对大肠杆菌 对金黄色葡萄球菌
香蕉茎秆纤维(BF) 106.00 5.06 7.30 2.63 272.81 64.93 98.13
优可丝安泰贝抗菌纤维(ATB) 38.00 1.33 2.49 19.49 68.26 78.57 99.06
稀土抑菌再生纤维素纤维(XT) 38.00 1.67 2.21 19.67 58.20 82.51 99.00



实验仪器 生产厂家 实验仪器 生产厂家
YK105型开松机 青岛亿祥纺织机械厂 BS224S型Sartorious电子天平 德国赛多利斯公司
BC262型和毛机 青岛中瑞特机械制造有限公司 YG155A型纱线捻度仪 常州天荣仪器设备有限公司
A186G型梳棉机 青岛亿祥纺织机械厂 INSTRON 3365通用材料试验机 美国Instron公司
FA318A型并条机 青岛云龙纺织机械有限公司 ME100型乌斯特条干仪 瑞士USTER公司
FA503型细纱机 江阴江动纺机制造有限公司 HWS-080恒温恒湿箱 上海圣科仪器设备有限公司
USTER®QUANTUM3型络筒机 瑞士乌斯特技术公司 THZ-103B恒温培养摇床 上海叶拓科技有限公司
YG086型缕纱测长试验仪 南通宏大实验仪器有限公司 Nuaire-NU-543-500S生物安全柜 上海天美生化仪器设备工程有限公司
JWF1436C型粗纱机 天津宏大纺织科技有限公司 YXQ-LS-18S I手提式压力蒸汽灭菌器 上海博迅医疗生物仪器股份有限公司





纱线种类 实际线密度/tex 捻度/(捻·m-1) 捻系数
100% BF 27.54±0.04 846 444
BF/ATB(85/15) 28.07±0.08 867 459
BF/ATB(70/30) 27.68±0.07 836 440
BF/ATB(65/35) 27.30±0.04 844 441
BF/ATB(50/50) 28.07±0.01 853 452
BF/XT(85/15) 27.46±0.03 846 443
BF/XT(70/30) 28.79±0.02 855 459
BF/XT(65/35) 26.24±0.02 851 436
BF/XT(50/50) 28.99±0.01 849 457



纱线种类 断裂伸长
100% BF 2.56±0.43 7.12±1.45 247.11±81.07
BF/ATB(85/15) 3.69±0.53 9.33±1.45 99.16±46.56
BF/ATB(70/30) 3.77±0.46 8.67±1.48 110.50±36.99
BF/ATB(65/35) 3.07±0.42 8.03±1.06 184.89±52.78
BF/ATB(50/50) 4.19±0.46 8.74±0.93 100.04±31.83
BF/XT(85/15) 3.39±0.52 8.18±1.66 78.10±36.51
BF/XT(70/30) 4.16±0.41 8.97±1.28 58.78±23.37
BF/XT(65/35) 3.54±0.35 8.46±1.09 112.24±35.06
BF/XT(50/50) 4.74±0.41 8.34±0.83 71.82±12.44



纱线种类 细节/(个·km-1) 粗节/(个·km-1) 棉结/(个·km-1)
-40% -50% +35% +50% +140% +200%
BF(100%) 5 830 2 164 5 350 2 934 6 929 2 666
BF/ATB(85/15) 3 397 758 4 165 1 934 4 680 1 576
BF/ATB(70/30) 2 038 340 3 091 1 217 3 286 972
BF/ATB(65/35) 1 886 290 2 991 1 199 3 158 945
BF/ATB(50/50) 653 48 2 017 640 1 646 430
BF/XT(85/15) 3 643 917 4 301 2 011 4 764 1 636
BF/XT(70/30) 1 945 318 3 176 1 263 3 008 866
BF/XT(65/35) 1 651 264 2 975 1 149 3 030 920
BF/XT(50/50) 1 086 109 2 361 785 2 051 526









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