
• 服装工程 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2015-05-15 发布日期:2015-05-15

Analysis on characteristics about hip height of young female

  • Online:2015-05-15 Published:2015-05-15



关键词: 人体测量, 臀位高, 臀胯高差, 腰胯高差


Hip is the important part in the beauty judging of human body, relating to the comfort and beauty of the design. Therefore, in this paper, by using 3-D body measurement technology, the data about hip was firstly obtained and analyzed through Excel and SPSS software. At last normal correlation between breech height, body height and waist height was achieved. The average ratio of breech height and high is 0.499. By analyzing the relationships and ratios between these three measures, it was concluded that the hip can be used as judgment in body beauty and there has a linear relation between them. The mean ratiobetween the D-value of hip and crotch height and D-value of waist and crotch height is 0.285. Therefore, the measuring on breech height is necessarily added in ouder to get the best style. Through correlation analysis, the linear relationship between D-wvlue of hip and crotch height and body height, waist eight is obtained. Through cluster analysis, all dates are divided into five types reference to national standards that the height class is divided into 5 cm, then the height of breech will be divided by 3 cm.

Key words: body measure, breech height, D-value of hip and crotch, D-value of waist and crotch

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