纺织学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (10): 50-55.

• 纺织工程 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2015-08-20 修回日期:2016-05-10 出版日期:2016-10-15 发布日期:2016-10-31

Mathematical modeling of air friction duag of clothing fabric surface

  • Received:2015-08-20 Revised:2016-05-10 Online:2016-10-15 Published:2016-10-31


为探究织物表面不同肌理对风阻的影响,对服装织物表面的空气摩擦阻力进行研究。根据流体力学的原理分析织物表面的受力情况,提出织物表面空气摩擦阻力初步模型,并提出织物空气摩擦阻力系数这一衡量织物抗风阻性能的指标。该指标为无量纲,如值越小,表示织物抗风阻性能越好;反之,值越大,表示织物抗风阻性能越差。利用风洞实验,选用27块试样进行表面风阻测试。利用Visual Basic(VB)编程,结合统计学相关分析,得出织物表面空气摩擦阻力模型,并得出27个试样的空气摩擦阻力系数在0.183-0.271之间。将风洞实验的实验数据与该模型进行最小二乘法拟合,结果表明该模型与所有面料实验值的拟合优度检验判定系数都在0.976以上,模型可靠。

关键词: 服装织物, 表面空气摩擦阻力, 数学建模, 风洞实验


In order to study the effect of different skin texture of fabric’ssurface affectstheair resistance,this paper studied the air friction resistance on the surface of fabric.Based on the principle of fluid mechanics, this paper analyzedthe force bearing statuson the surface of the fabric, and put forward the “fabric surface air friction drag mode”.The paper also put forward an index to measure the fabric’s air resistance performance. It’s a dimensionlessindex,the smaller the value, the better the fabric’s air resistance performance.The wind speed on the surface of 27 fabrics was testedby wind tunnel experiment. The experimental data was calculatedby Visual Basic (VB) programming combing with statistical correlation analysis. Thenfabric surface air friction drag model was set up.27 fabric’s air friction drag coefficients werebetween 0.183-0.271 .Fit the wind tunnel experiment of experiment data with the model by least square method, the result shows that the goodness of fit tests R ?^2of the experimental data of allfabricswas above 0.976. The fabric surface air friction drag model is highly reliable.

Key words: clothing fabric, surface airfruction drag, mathematical modeling, wind tunnel experiment

[1] 蔡欣 李佩. 宋代绞经花纱织造工艺及其数学建模[J]. 纺织学报, 2016, 37(11): 42-47.
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