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Preparation and properties of polylactic acid coated phase change material composite fabric


  • Online:2017-01-15 Published:2017-01-15


The PLA/phase change material nanofibers membrane was prepared by electrospinning method. In order to impeove the adhesion between nanofibers membrane and fabric, the nanofibers meinbrant was fitrsitly treated by plasma technology, and then combined with viscose fabric and wool fabric. The differences of the insulation, air permeability, moisture permeability, tensile strength and peel strength among materials after plasma treatment were discussed. The results showed that the air permeability of plasma untreated adn treated viscose viscose fiber/PLA/wool composite fabric mainly depended on wool fabric and both of them were lower than wool fabric, and the water vapor permeability were decreased 76.5% and 62.5%, respectively. The PLA nanofibers membrane played a more important role in tensile strength of plasma untreated and treated viscose fiber/PLA/wool composite fabric, and the tensile strength of which were higher than PLA nanofibers membrane. Compared to the viscose/wool composite fabric, the crow value of plasma untreated and treated viscose fiber/PLA/wool composite fabric increased by 18.07% and 17.78%, respectively. The peel strength properties of viscose/PLA/wool composite fabric subjected to plasma treatment added up to 34.3% in comparison with untreated composites.

Key words: polylactic acid, phase change material, composite fabric, plasma treatment, air permeability, tensile strength, peeling strength

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