JOURNAL OF TEXTILE RESEARCH ›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (01): 29-34.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20160303006

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Color difference comparison of colored spun yarns by different spinning processes


  • Received:2016-03-17 Revised:2016-09-18 Online:2017-01-15 Published:2017-01-16


After colored spun yarn samples produced by one spinning method are accepted, sometimes it is not sure that the color difference between this sample and batch samples prodrced by another spinning method is accepted. In this paper, colored fiber mixtures with the same proportion were spun into yarns by ring spinning, rotor spinning and fast spinning, respectively. Then the yarns were wound onto a paper board and messured with the color measurement instrument. The color differences were compared and the reasons were discussed. The results showed that the color difference mean value of the colored yarns spun by rotor spinning process and fast spinning process is 0.36 CMC(2:1) , the color difference mean value of the colored yarn spun by ring spinning process and fast spinning process is 0.95 CMC(2:1) , and the color difference mean of the colored yarn spun by ring spinning process and rotor spinning process is 0.77 CMC(2:1) . The main reason is the different structures and surface of the yarns caused by different spinning processes, which leads to different reflectances at various wavelengths.

Key words: colored spun yarn, ring spinning, rotor spinning, fast spinning, color difference

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