Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (01): 67-72.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20180303206

• Textile Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on relationship between capillary characteristics and moisture permeability of wool fabrics

ZHANG Wenjuan1, JI Feng1(), ZHANG Ruiyun1, ZHAO Xiaojie1,2, WANG Ni1, WANG Junli3, ZHANG Jianxiang2   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Textlie Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
    2. Luthai Textile Co., Ltd., Zibo, Shandong 255100, China
    3. Shanghai Challenge Textile Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201504, China
  • Received:2018-03-15 Revised:2018-10-10 Online:2019-01-15 Published:2019-01-18
  • Contact: JI Feng


In order to investigate on the influence mechanism of the capillary structure on moisture permeability of wool fabrics, empirical models describing the relationship between capillary characteristics and moisture permeability of wool fabrics were built. Three indices of volume porosity, surface porosity and the average pore size were adopted to describe capillary characteristics of wool fabrics from different aspects. And the index of wet resistance was used to represent the moisture permeability of fabrics. For twenty-four types of wool fabric samples, the capillary characteristic indices were measured as well as wet resistance. Finally, polynomial regression analysis was conducted between each capillary characteristic index and the wet resistance index. The obtained empirical relationship curves present similar tendencies. The indices of volume porosity, surface porosity and the average pore size present nonlinear correlations with wet resistance to a certain extent respectively. Along with the growth of each capillary index, the wet resistance first shows positive correlation and then negative correlation. That is, the wet resistance reaches a maximum value in certain regions. For the volume porosity-wet resistance relation curve, the wet resistance reaches maximum when the volume porosity is about 60%. The surface porosity-wet resistance relationship gets clear when surface porosity rises beyond 1.5%, and at about 3% of surface porosity, the wet resistance reaches maximum. Similarly, the wet resistance stops increasing as the average pore size arises to about 45 μm.

Key words: wool fabric, moisture permeability, capillary characteristic, wet resistance

CLC Number: 

  • TS101.9234


Structural parameters of fabric samples"

(根·(10 cm)-1)
经密 纬密
1 2  2山形斜纹 0.69 233.21 267 197
2 双层接结 0.44 210.87 455 420
3 2  2右斜 0.31 167.87 383 366
4 5  4纬面缎纹 0.38 202.34 367 367
5 2  2左斜纹 0.35 177.49 363 379
6 平纹 0.43 216.63 467 368
7 1  2右斜纹 0.48 224.74 307 284
8 2  2左斜纹 0.35 181.24 189 200
9 37 tex,2  2右斜 0.41 194.56 281 355
10 29 tex×2纬平针 0.98 278.67 94 116
11 29 tex×2纬平针 0.65 200.70 148 160
12 20 tex×2纬平针 0.91 258.64 120 150
13 1+1罗纹 0.82 182.52 114 148
14 14 tex×2纬平针 0.67 184.58 132 182
15 小提花 0.77 217.07 146 132
16 28 tex纬平针 0.64 187.03 148 158
17 17 tex纬平针 0.54 145.19 184 194
18 17 tex×2纬平针 0.68 207.77 132 131
19 绉组织 0.69 231.67 315 265
20 小提花组织 0.39 186.46 435 410
21 重组织 0.58 233.32 200 195
22 方格组织 0.37 172.38 370 390
23 斜纹 0.30 149.58 465 350
24 27 tex×2纬平针 0.60 232.50 126 111


MatLab image processing."


Test data of fabric samples"

1 0.81 56.42 24.79 4.25
2 0.67 38.54 18.47 2.67
3 0.16 31.37 14.81 2.27
4 0.04 31.59 16.89 2.83
5 0.06 34.97 17.42 3.00
6 0.32 35.24 12.76 3.30
7 0.45 39.83 20.18 3.70
8 0.46 34.51 11.42 2.53
9 0.03 39.14 14.75 2.90
10 6.42 63.57 44.90 4.13
11 6.22 60.40 29.79 4.20
12 2.66 63.38 40.46 4.34
13 2.45 71.37 55.79 4.13
14 7.40 64.57 70.16 4.10
15 3.00 63.74 40.11 4.45
16 4.16 62.64 35.54 4.35
17 5.58 65.32 52.33 4.31
18 4.00 61.00 58.84 4.47
19 2.57 57.21 52.94 4.23
20 0.59 39.34 18.06 2.87
21 1.25 48.72 56.55 3.95
22 0.37 40.25 12.59 3.56
23 0.14 37.00 11.04 2.99
24 3.45 50.31 61.04 3.99


Relationship between fabric volume porosity and wet resistance"


Variance analysis"

项目 平方和 自由度 均方 F 显著性
回归 10.24 2 5.12 82.88 0.00
残差 1.30 21 0.06
总计 11.54 23


Relation between fabric surface porosity and wet resistance"


Relation between average pore size and wet resistance"

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