Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (03): 39-43.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20180303406

• Textile Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Formation mechanism of thick and thin sections of slub yarn and comparison of spinning process

ZHAO Yangyang1, XUE Yuan1(), LIU Yuexing2, ZHANG Guoqing2   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles (Jiangnan University), Ministry of Education, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
    2. Yuyue Home Textile Co., Ltd., Binzhou, Shandong 256623, China
  • Received:2018-03-15 Revised:2018-12-17 Online:2019-03-15 Published:2019-03-15
  • Contact: XUE Yuan


In order to explore the variety adaptability of different slubbed yarn devices and develop new varieties of slub yarn, existing slub yarn devices were classified into device for rovings fed from a back roller in a single channel, device for rovings fed from middle and back rollers respectively in a single channel, device for rovings fed from middle and back rollers respectively in dual channels, device for rovings fed from back rollers in dual channels and device for rovings fed from back rollers in three channels according to the different number of roving yarns, the composition of the drafting mechanism, the roller shifting method, and the drafting ratio control method when spinning slub yarns. The mechanism of the formation of thick and thin sections of different slubbed yarn devices was analyzed systematically, then the formula for variable linear density of slub yarn was constructed. The technical characteristics of the spinning slub yarn were analyzed and compared to control the changes in line density and blending ratio for five devices. Finally, a color slub yarn with varying thickness and blending ratio was spun in the device for rovings fed from back rollers in three channels.

Key words: slub yarn, colorful slub yarn, slub yarn device, spinning process, thick and thin section, fancy yarn

CLC Number: 

  • TS104.1


Slub yarn device for rovings fed from back roller in single channel. (a) Side view;(b) Elevation view"


Slub yarn device for rovings fed from middle and back rollers respectively in single channel. (a) Side view; (b) Elevation view"


Slub yarn device for rovings fed from middle and back rollers respectively in dual channels. (a) Side view; (b) Elevation view"


Slub yarn device for rovings fed from back rollers in dual channels. (a) Side view; (b) Elevation view"


Slub yarn device for rovings fed from back rollers in three channels. (a) Side view; (b)Elevation view"


Slub yarn parameters of different spinning methods"

装置 纺制方式 线密度+长度+混纺比(原料)
细节 粗节
单通道后喂入 罗拉瞬时变速 a+l1(M1) ka+l2(M1)
单通道中后喂入 通道1匀速喂入,通道2间歇喂入 a+l1(M2) ka+l2(M2+M1)
双通道中后喂入 1个通道连续喂入,另1个通道间歇喂入 a+l1(M2),a+l1(M1) ka+l2+Ki(M2+M1)
双通道后喂入 1个通道连续喂入,另1个通道间歇喂入 a+l1(M2),a+l1(M1) ka+l2+Ki(M2+M1)
2个通道连续喂入 a+l1+Ki(M2+M1) ka+l2+Ki(M2+M1)

1个通道连续喂入,另2个通道同步间歇喂入 a+l1(M2) ka+l2+Ki(M2+M1+M3)
1个通道间歇喂入,另2个通道连续喂入 a+l1+Ki(M3+M1) ka+l2+Ki(M2+M1+M3)
3个通道连续喂入 a+l1+Ki(M2+M1+M3) ka+l2+Ki(M2+M1+M3)


Four-color section of slub yarn"

Tab. 2

Four-color slub yarn parameters by three-channel spinning"

分段 竹节
总牵伸倍数 片段长度/
红色 黄色 蓝色
1 基纱 19.43 25.8 18.8
2 彩节1 38.86 25.8 25.8 6.3
3 基纱 19.43 25.8 18.8
4 彩节2 38.86 25.8 25.8 6.3
5 基纱 19.43 25.8 18.8
6 彩节3 38.86 64.3 32.2 32.2 6.3
7 基纱 19.43 25.8 18.8
8 彩节4 38.86 25.8 25.8 6.3


Four-colored slub yarn and fabric. (a) Colored slub yarn; (b) Fabric of colored slub yarn"

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