Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (04): 135-139.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20180400306

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Analysis on airflow field in extended nozzle of air jet loom

GUANG Shaobo, JIN Yuzhen(), ZHU Xiaochen   

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
  • Received:2018-04-02 Revised:2019-01-09 Online:2019-04-15 Published:2019-04-16
  • Contact: JIN Yuzhen


In order to improve weft insertion performance of air-jet loom, the structure and parameters of extended nozzle were optimized. The influence of different structures and parameters of the extended nozzle on the airflow velocity and stability of the airflow field in the guide tube of the extended nozzle was studied by means of numerical simulation analysis and Fluent software. The results show that the optimum distance between the last auxiliary nozzle outlet and the weft inlet of the extended nozzle is about 60 mm, too large or too small distance will lead to the decrease of the axial airflow velocity in the guide tube, and the optimum distance between the extended nozzle inlet and the weft inlet is about 30 mm, too small distance will cause the airflow field in the guide tube unstable, and too large distance will cause the speed increase in the guide tube not obviously. When the spray angle of the extended nozzle is about 10°, the air flow field in the guide tube is relatively stable.

Key words: air jet loom, auxiliary nozzle, extended nozzle, numerical simulation, airflow field

CLC Number: 

  • TS101.2


3-D (a) and profile (b) schematic diagram of extended nozzle"


Diagram of extended nozzle position in weft insertion system"


Airflow field grid of weft insertion system end"


Cloud chart of airflow field in guide hole of extended nozzle under different L"


Axis velocity attenuation diagram of guide hole under different L"


Maximum speed and average velocity on axis ofguide hole under different Lm/s"

L/mm 最大速度 平均速度
20 68.2 47.2
60 79.8 54.7
100 59.1 40.3


Airflow velocity distribution diagram on axis of guide hole of extended nozzle"


Maximum velocity and average velocity of airflowon axis of guide holem/s"

d/mm 最大速度 平均速度 进气口速度差
5 114.9 87.1 27.7
30 108.6 80.7 18.4
50 98.7 61.8 9.8
75 82.3 43.2 15.3


Transverse sections of extended nozzle"


Velocity field cloud chart of four different transverse sections at different positions at β=10°"


Transverse distribution of airflow velocity of different distance sections"


Standard deviation of transverse distribution of airflow velocity"

β/(°) 5 mm 25 mm 45 mm 65 mm


Principle diagram of measuring axial velocity of guide hole of extended nozzle"


Axial airflow velocity at the end of weft insertion"

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