Journal of Textile Research ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (06): 106-110.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20180501105

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Influence of guide-bar swing on instantaneous yarn demand and yarn tension on double needle bar warp knitting machine

XU Yunlong, XIA Fenglin()   

  1. Engineering Research Center for Knitting Technology, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
  • Received:2018-05-02 Revised:2019-02-12 Online:2019-06-15 Published:2019-06-25
  • Contact: XIA Fenglin


In order to study the influence of bar swing on instantaneous yarn demand and yarn tension fluctuation, based on the RDJ4/2 EL warp-knitting machine, the actual instantaneous yarn demand and yarn tension fluctuation at different running angle were measured. It is found from the calculation and analysis of the instantaneous yarn demand in the circle area and the instantaneous yarn demand of the guide bar that the fluctuation of the guide bar causes the fluctuation of instantaneous yarn demand by 231.5% compared with the form of motion with no bar swing. By comparing the fluctuating trend of overall instantaneous yarn demand and yarn tension, it is found that yarn tension and total instantaneous yarn demand have the similar increasing interval and decreasing interval, and have the similar interval of extreme value. Research shows that the swing of the guide bar increases range of fluctuations in the amount of yarn demand, and is the most important factor affecting the yarn tension and severely reduced the stability of the yarn.

Key words: warp knitting machine, knitting motion, yarn tension, yarn consumption

CLC Number: 

  • TS184


Testing platform of instantaneous yarn demand. (a) Test for instantaneous yarn demand of guide bar and knitting needle;(b) Test for instantaneous yarn demand of comb and knitting needle"


Measuring principle of yarn dynamic tension"


Instantaneous fluctuation of instantaneous yarn demand. (a) Instantaneous yarn demand of guide bar-knitting needle; (b) Instantaneous yarn demand of guide bar"


Fluctuation curve of yarn tension"

Tab. 1

Characteristic states and parameters of S1"

特征点 转角/(°) 机器状态 特征值/mm
峰值1 30 前针床上升,梳栉后摆 24.10
谷值1 60 梳栉前移至针床正上方 20.10
峰值2 90 前针床针前垫纱 23.90
谷值2 120 梳栉后移至针床正上方 21.50
峰值3 150 前针床脱圈 32.70
谷值3 180 梳栉位于针床正上方 27.20
峰值4 210 后针床上升,梳栉前摆 29.10
谷值4 240 梳栉后摆至针床正上方 26.50
峰值5 270 后针床针前垫纱 29.90
谷值5 300 梳栉前摆至针床正上方 27.20
峰值6 330 后针床脱圈 33.80


Characteristic states and parameters of S2and F"

特征点 转角/(°) 机器状态 S2/mm F/cN
峰值1 20~30 前针床上升,梳栉后摆 32.20 0.200
谷值1 85~95 前针床针前垫纱 14.00 0.067
峰值2 140~150 前针床脱圈 40.90 0.196
谷值2 210~220 后针床上升,梳栉前摆 20.20 0.075
峰值3 265~275 后针床针前垫纱 38.10 0.071
谷值3 325~335 后针床脱圈 23.90 0.095


State of characteristic value of instantaneous yarn demand"


Difference analysis of fluctuation of S1 and S2"

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